One Piece: Billion Times Experience Increase

Chapter 277 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

222, amazing high temperature! ?

Xiaming turned his head and looked at the donuts covered with chocolate sauce, sprinkled with sesame seeds, he couldn't help feeling happy.


Xiaming nodded.


Camp smiled, halved the donut, gave half to Xiaming, and then threw the other half into his mouth.

"From tomorrow, you must be ready to die at any time, because this is the risk you take to become stronger."

Under the moonlight, Camp's faint voice echoed in the silent night sky.

Xiaming lifted his lips and took a bite of the doughnut.

It's delicious. Li Yuan's office Camp is sitting on the sofa, tilting her head, there are bubbles in her nostrils, and no one is asleep.

Li Yuan looked at Camp helplessly and kept sighing.

"Are you a general?"

On the table, there is still Xiaming information.

Li Yuan tilted her head slightly, supported her cheek on the back of her hand, looked at the photo in the upper left corner of the message, and thought.

Dozens of handwritten simple lines recorded all the footprints of Xiaming in Rogge.

For the cold blood of the pirates.

The sturdy fighting style wiped out countless pirates.

In addition to encountering pirates, they also killed as many pirates as possible.

The battle between Alabastan and Krocdal.

Judging from the expressionless and immature faces, it is impossible to imagine the weight of these materials being so heavy.

Li Yuan frowned slightly.

The original intention was to train Xiaming to become the strongest individual power outside of the free state, but the goal of Xiaming's joining generals is general.(Read more @

From the data, it is clear that Xiaming is not a person who loves the right.

At the same time, the aversion of pirates is also worth noting.

Becoming a general, this is another hall that is the final result that Li Yuan doesn't want to see.


Li Yuan slammed the office desk and shook the air bubbles in Camp's nostrils.

Camp slapped his eyes drowsy, rubbed his head, woke up, and said, "Should I eat?"

A green tendon suddenly exploded on her forehead, and Li Yuan shouted: "Are you really here to discuss Xiaming with me?"

"Yes it is."

Camp breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing this, Li Yuan couldn't help sighing, uh, just listening to his tone: "So, do you want him to be yours?"

"That's right."

"Do you really want to train him as a general"

Li Yuan asked gently.

Camp didn't turn his head and said, "I'm just his master.

All he has to do is make him stronger."

"Well, generals don't just depend on power."

Li Yuan sighed in a low voice.

Camp scratched his head and grinned, "Otherwise you only need to raise his level to the general level."

"are you kidding me"

Li Yuan couldn't help exclaiming.

"In short, the water tower is by your side."

Camp stood up and patted his department, looking like a shopkeeper.

"Do you really think Xiaming's character can tolerate sand"

Li Yuan looked at his former comrades sadly and said: "I don't want you to develop an opponent who will be scared by the general in the future."

Camp heard the silence, and Camp's solemn voice sounded in the office for a long time.

"Li Yuan, don't worry about that."

An unknown island on a great waterway.

The trees are shaded by trees, and the sun is hot, dazzling and hot.

Under the canopy of trees that couldn't bask in the sun, there was a white-haired man with two cigars in his mouth.


Under the tree, the head of the water tower tilted slightly, a cloud of white smoke, constantly changing its shape, with a faint expression, wondering what was thinking.

Around him, expressionless generals stayed quietly under the tree.

In this high temperature environment, although these generals were sweating everywhere, there was no sign of excitement at all, as if they were fused with a big tree.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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