One Piece: Billion Times Experience Increase

Chapter 294 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Wearing a suit, the tall red tiger stands lazily with his hands in his pants pockets.

When Xiaming arrived, Chihu seemed to realize this and turned to look at Xiaming.

Xiaming slowed down, walked to the front of the Red Tiger Gate, looked around, found those who did not escort the straw hat team slightly frowned, and asked: "Uncle Red Tiger, did the straw hat team escape?"

Chihu's index finger hooked his eyes and said softly, "I was rescued by the bear."

Xiaming's eyes changed slightly, and Shen Sheng asked, "Is this one of the seven real bears in Wuhai?"

Qihu nodded: "Yes, although it's not clear why the bears used to hit the straw hat, but this mission is considered a failure."

Xiaming nodded, recalling the turmoil facing the general headquarters, and asked: "Why is the general headquarters recalling generals everywhere in such an emergency?"

Qihu said calmly, "Because the opponent facing the general is the strongest man in the legend, Whitebeard."


Xiaming's eyes are small, no wonder Camp would say that this turmoil will turn into war.

Although I don't know why the general headquarters will definitely give up launching an offensive, it is not a bad thing.

Compared with entering the New World, the general headquarters with the battlefield will gain a huge advantage.

In New World, the reason why the four 44 emperors are so good is because the generals are very weak in New World.

"Fortunately, no serious injuries were caused."

At this point, the boxer who had checked three 3 pacifists was relieved

Just say casually, "Then go back."

The Boxer nodded and only noticed Xiaming's Chihu standing next to him, remembering the pacifist who was split in half by Xiaming's sword, the Boxer was furious.

"Asshole, don't you know how expensive pacifists are"

Xiaming silently looked at the... drooling man, and wanted to remind you that a long time ago, he just ignored that man and jumped on the warship.

To prevent people from seeing Xiaming ignoring themselves, it is much better than the heart, stepping in the air and jumping off the boat, Xiaming stopped in the back and complained, this is what Xiaming is so tired in helplessness.

With a painful smile, he turned into, and immediately appeared on the deck of the warship.

Seeing that they were almost ready, he ordered to set sail.(Read more @

The large warships slowly intruded faster and faster, heading towards the general headquarters, Malinvado.

Only five days from the beginning of Aberon’s sentence in these days,

The atmosphere in the general's headquarters is getting heavier and heavier.The residents of Marin Vatican Town and more people have completed the initial evacuation work and are gradually migrating to shampoos to the islands.

The town where the general's family lived was large in population, but at this time the whole town was trapped in a deadly atmosphere because people avoided the Chambord Islands.

In the past few days, the deployment meeting that Li Yuan has held is working hard to make the battle establishment more complete and foolproof.

With the help, until today, he finally completed the deployment of the battlefield and was welcomed at the general headquarters.

Yes, it will be.

An elite iron barrel battle involving countless cannons and warships.

Because once Xiaming returned to the mouth, he felt a touch of dignity in the air.

The Red Tiger team will hand over the results of the mission, so it left first, and the Boxer hurriedly led the pacifists into the research base.

Injured pacifists must be repaired before execution.

In the end, the only Xiaming who didn't know where the Water Tower and Da Siqi were the first to go to the training camp office at this moment.

When Xiaming set foot on Marinevado, when Xiaming saw the crowded warships in the harbor and the generals running back and forth, Xiaming clearly realized that the upcoming war might kill many people, including himself.

May be killed in this war.

Xiaming walked on a familiar road and came to Camp's office, but did not see Camp.

On the contrary, on the way he came, he saw many rare major generals.

I don't know that the training camp there has been fooled.

The Xiaming took out the fried dough sticks from the cabinet, ate bit by bit, and sat on the sofa waiting for the arrival of the training camp.

Just before eating the donuts, the disciples in the office made loud noises and opened them vigorously.

"I smell a donut."

With a grin, Xiaming, staying on the donut, frowning slightly, a little tired when I heard Camp's voice.

Camp opened the door and saw Xiaming had the last bite of donuts.

He couldn't help but hurriedly looked at the cupboard, screaming when he found that there were no doughnuts in the opened cupboard.

"Damn boy, you stole my donut again!"

Camp stared at Xiaming angrily, as if swallowing Xiaming in one breath.

Xiaming raised his brows slightly, touched the sweetness of his fingertips, and then said softly: "I'm eating dinner."

Camp stared at the empty plate on the table, his face full of pain, and said, "That's the refreshment I prepared."

The more he wanted to get angry, Camp blinked and greeted Xiaming with a big fist.

Xiaming gave a fist, and said in pain and anger: "The dead old man, didn't he just eat some of your donuts"

236, the power of the law! ?

"How many"

Camp yelled with a beard, and then yelled, "Dozens!"

With smiling Xiaming eyes, he was relieved to see that the camp was still in the same spirit.

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