One Piece: Billion Times Experience Increase

Chapter 380 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Of course, everyone with this kind of domineering has the strongest position on the top of the world! Therefore, the domineering color and domineering are also called "the qualifications of the king."

, You also have domineering! But you haven't awakened yet.

"I have the color of an overlord!"

Luffy looked at Xiaming suspiciously.

Qualifications are superior to human overlord color domineering! This kid Robin's eyes showed shock and disbelief, but they knew that Xiaming would not lie to them, so they all became complicated! Only the unchanging face showed a strange smile "Powerful" Bloodline inheritance, Wang Cai domineering! Your grandfather, Fei Yun has citric acid! Father Ge Fei dual-core Rah is there, so yours also has this ability! This is the same qualification as the person you stand on."

"Then please take me to Xiaming and let us train me!"

There was still some excitement in Luffy's eyes, but that... more determined! "No matter what kind of pain I can bear."

If time passes, Luffy can definitely fly into the sky and stand.

The pinnacle of people! Xiaming looked at Luffy in front of her, and she had this idea in her heart! At this moment, Xiaming Luffy's'knowledge', before he gave up, this instinct came to be called instantaneous belief completely because of Luffy The hardworking heart's.

After walking a few steps into the jade, Xiaming smiled and said: "Just ask you Yuri, I want to try your abilities"

The Xiaming became and said Robin and others, "You transferred Luffy to a small fishing village!"

White light flickered in Yuri's palm, and Xiaming's figure disappeared with the glory of freedom! "He went to a small fishing village! Luffy gave it to you.


He said, bending down deeply, and then Yuri's flash disappeared in the eyes of several people! Robin and the others were left on the other side: "Let's go, pick up brother in the small fishing village!"

Xiaona became a "little adult"

, Gave the order! "Let's go! Haha"

Everyone smiled and left, Li Huihui was gone! "Bang!"

There was a dull sound, and a few drops of water splashed! Xiaming looked around quietly, and now he found himself in the swimming pool.

Coincidentally, someone took a shower in front of me, and she was a woman! A woman with a perfect body.

"Damn Yuri! When I see you, I will see you again. If I don't capitalize you, I am sorry for my conscience."

The Xiaming whispered, then turned around and tried to leave "who is there"

There was a cold corner in Xiaming's ears: wine! This sounds a bit familiar! Who is Xiaming took a step towards the door and is considered the master of the voice.(Read more @

Klang! "A door opening sound, Xiaming from behind.

"Goddess, what happened!"

The two people entering the door unanimously asked the people inside! Then the room was illuminated.

The sun! It's them Xiaming finally knows who is "voyeur"

, So he turned around and patted his head, and said, "Hello! Miss Canal.

The water is a bit cold and it looks like hot water is needed."

313, once brilliant! ?

"It's you!"


Canal and his two sisters stared at Xiaming and exclaimed at the same time, and then passed the highest and Tina Grude to look again, and swept his gaze over and down, at this time Canal! They both moved backward at the same time, laughing Said: "Sister, we didn't see anything! You, you continue to take a bath, um! Take a bath!"

! Faced with this situation, are you still running! Xiaming said in the game: "Then Kanal, I want to go out! You can wash!"

Did he see how he got here? Regarding thinking that Kenner's head was lowered by another centimeter and staring at Xiaming who wanted to leave, Kenner said that he didn't think about it:'You can get me a dress, Xiaming!' After Ke Gang talked about Canal, he discovered his "mouth mistake"

He said, "My sister is out, so, so,"

"Oh, wash your clothes!"

The way Xiaming responded, trot towards the door! "Are you in a bad shape" Canal saw Xiaming"

Desperately "moving away from myself, frowning, I couldn't help but wonder how I felt there! How could I promise her to help her buy clothes!, why not escape now? Anyway, her two sisters have gone out! An old man , He held a triangular black little man on his feet, hovering over Xiaming's head like Xiaming stretched his feet, wanting to turn to another corridor, a living creature with wings, giving the little man a warm feeling.

The black villain kicked off and said, because he promised to wear clothes, close his eyes and go in even if you open it and go in! This is the previous "permission"

The thing? The black villain is still Xiaming endlessly.

When the two villains quarreled fiercely, the voice of investigation came over, "Xiaming, you come out! What kind of goddess?"

Xiaming was surreptitiously startled by the sound beside him, he twitched! Goddess, you don’t want to see it by yourself, don’t you see me? I don’t want to be seen by you! "I turned around, Xiaming saw more One, Tina Grod smiled with both mouths, Nama, I couldn't help but understand! They did it on purpose! I cursed in my heart, then swallowed, and said, "Miss Canal, she, she is there! By the way She buys a dress!"

We Bida looked at each other, smiling from the corners of our eyes.

"by the way,"

Xiaming glanced at it and said, ``We can't take action without the goddess' permission.

Very troublesome for you! This is what the goddess deliberately explained to you."

Bite "intentionally"

One word! Seeing their expressions, Xiaming knows that it is an extravagant wish to do it.

He sighed, Xiaming was about to turn and walk away when the ratio reached the upper limit, Tina Grod laughed

: "You must do better in this matter, don't forget the goddess husband! The goddess can wait for you inside"

"Oh, I get it!"

The Xiaming nodded in despair, his uncle's waist suddenly straightened sharply! "Goddess what!" Turning around, only Bida's trembling shoulders reflected in Xiaming's eyes. What is this called! Xiaming's low statement, in his There is a strong hatred in his eyes! Yuri, don't tell me to see you again, or I will beat you alive! When using his fist, Xiaming Feifei sighed, why am I so unlucky when I leave here! Why even I despise myself so much! Why do you say that! Lying on top of Xiaming in Xiaoyu Village on the rock, watching the clouds floating in the sky constantly cover his face and sigh! Ten minutes ago, the thought also surfaced "How about this!"

After returning to the shower, Xiaming trembling, handed the clothes to Kai Na in front.

Xiaming felt the water vapor squirting out of his body, and suddenly felt a loud voice! After coughing a few times, in order to cover up the embarrassment of just moving, Xiaming continued: "Try it, I don't know which one you want! I Just flip one."

Of Xiaming, when he looks for a fragrant "view" of clothes

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