One Piece: Billion Times Experience Increase

Chapter 442 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

"Well, I will forget that you have learned the open whip, but Boya.

Well, she is sleeping, and then you open sex whip, I travel in that direction."

I racked my brain Xiaming, as if thinking of something similar, then stretched out his hands and said.


Ayu replied, smiling at Xiaming.

Xiaming also looked at her with a smile.

It looks like Ayu is a normal angel loli.

Quickly use the name of the Xiaming Ghost Knife to get a two-handed bully, thereby quickly driving Xiaming.

The demon knife that naturally guides the passing direction is in Xiaming's hand.

Above the sea of ​​clouds, the scenery is pleasant.

The sun shines every inch of the sea of ​​clouds, like a massive island cloud like Qinghai reef, emitting a faint white mist.

Xiaming sat lazily on the chair, staring forward.

Suddenly there was a feeling that made him stand up.

Xiaming looked at a small island in the distance and asked, "Do you know what island it is?"

"It should be Atlanta, I haven't been to other empty islands."

Ayu whispered.

Xiaming nodded and said, "That's the island, let's go."

Approach slowly.

The island of Kojima is made up of island clouds, so there is a beach on the edge, and any place can be on the shore.

As the island grew bigger, Xiaming's eyes looked surprised.

This island is even three points bigger than Angel Island, and it seems to be even bigger than Angel Island.

Entering the town, shake the Demon Sword's hand in Xiaming more quickly, pointing in a clear direction.(Read more @

Xiaming took Ayu in that direction.

This island seems to have an empty island with many contacts.Even if you see Xiaming, no one is surprised.

Xiaming and Ayou gradually left Atlanta and came to the jungle.

Xiaming did not stop until he came to a towering tree.

You can't see the top at all.

This tree has a diameter of at least five meters and is a special tree species with a huge empty island.

He whispered, "Is this the destination? No one seems to live in the wild."

Xiaming did not answer her words, but looked at the tree in front of him, and said with some confusion: "There is no reason."

After going around the tree a few times, the monster knife in Xiaming almost flew out.

Finally, he found the middle of the big tree.

A place with a circular crack.

Really Xiaming shook his head, whatever

He, anyway, the demon sword he can get.

He turned his head and said seriously, beside him, "One step back, I will cut down the tree."


Although I don't know what Xiaming is dissatisfied with this tree, Ayu ran away a little bit obediently.

Xiaming drew the knife hard, a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

I saw a knife flickering, Xiaming slowly retracted the knife, slowly falling down with the background of huge trees.

Because the earth is a cloud on the island, not mud, the fallen tree made it shake several times, causing the residents of the island to be slightly shocked.

But on an empty island, this kind of vibration is normal and nobody cares.

Xiaming jumped up and came to the strange tree where he was before.

Make a big cut there.

The next moment, I saw a black knife flew out immediately and stuck to the demon knife in Xiaming's hand.

"Unfortunately, it is still a third-generation magic knife."

After Xiaming shook his head slightly, he let go of his hand slightly to make the double knives start to merge.

At the same time, he lowered his head and stared with interest at a few golden jewels in the big hole.

I saw a hole about cubic meter in the middle of the big tree, and there was an old-looking wooden box on it.

At this time, the wooden box had broken into countless pieces, revealing countless gold, silver and jade objects inside.

The value of these things is at least billion Baileys.

It seems to be an ancient treasure house.

Walking forward and shaking it a few times, Xiaming suddenly appeared! I saw a small box in the pile of gold, silver and jade, the size of two fists.

The box is very delicate, with various gems inlaid on it.

Gently opening the box, the object in front of him suddenly made Xiaming breathe.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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