“You’re the most arrogant newcomer I’ve ever met!”

An elderly voice sounded, Jing Ke covered the sword mark on his chest, slowly stood up, when the mysterious man spoke, captured his breath, waved with one hand, the shadow gun has stabbed over, but the shadow gun was actually slashed by a knife, suddenly retracted to Jing Ke’s body, and Jing Ke’s body appeared a sword mark, the whole person knelt on one knee in embarrassment, looking coldly at the figure that gradually appeared…

A white Taoist robe showing majesty, a smooth head wearing a pair of rimless glasses, a face full of serious breath, holding a long sword in his hand, looking at Jing Ke with disdain, sneered: “You actually know the identity of Doflamingo, and still dare to kill, you are too blind!” ”

Jing Ke looked at his majestic appearance, and seemed to have guessed his identity in his heart, and smiled contemptuously: “Gee, I didn’t expect that Doflamingo’s death could lead to a big man like you, an old guy of the five old stars!” ”

The bald old man frowned, and then the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he chuckled: “What a smart guy!” But smart is mistaken by cleverness, and a newcomer like you must not let you live! ”

Jing Ke felt the murderous aura of the bald old man, and immediately made the first move, suddenly rushed towards the bald old man, the dagger in his hand went directly to his neck, and said coldly: “I may have died in the hands of the white-bearded old man among the five old stars, but he actually let me go three times and twice, so wait for the tiger’s counterattack!” ”

“Tiger? You’re overestimating yourself, aren’t you! There are people outside the people, and there is a sky outside the sky! ”

The bald old man seemed to be standing in place, but he seemed to have carried out a set of attacks, cutting off the dagger in Jing Ke’s hand, and then reversed a knife, and slashed Jing Ke’s body, Jing Ke flew out in mid-air, blood burst out from the body, and then rolled on the clouds a few times before stopping, the bald old man looked at Jing Ke, who fell to the ground, and sneered: “It’s because of you, this waste, the balance of the new world has been completely broken, this era has begun to change, but then, You are not allowed to live in this world! ”

The bald old man was still standing in place, but a sword qi had been released, slashing towards Jing Ke, who fell to the ground, and at this time, although Jing Ke was seriously injured, he didn’t want to die here, suddenly dodged, and tried his best to fight back, but the bald old man never left the place, but Jing Ke’s whole body appeared one scar after another, in less than a minute, Jing Ke’s body was already completely incomplete, his body was full of deep sword marks, and he fell to the ground in embarrassment.


Jing Ke’s physical skills and marksmanship have reached the pinnacle. Feng, but his swordsmanship is his Achilles heel, and it is difficult to confront a master who makes swords, not to mention a perverted level figure like Wu Laoxing, Jing Ke, who is already exhausted, to fight against this kind of standing at the top. The guy of the peak figure, the odds of winning are really too low!

At this time, even if Jing Ke’s desire to escape, it is completely impossible, it seems that death is the next thing, is he really going to die Huangquan?! It’s so unwilling!

“The kung fu of the three-legged cat, dare to sacrifice ugly in front of me? It’s ridiculous! Letting you live in this world for so long is definitely a mistake of the five old stars, who didn’t pay much attention to your existence, but I didn’t expect you to make such a big wave, but everything ended today! ”

The bald old man was still standing in place, but Jing Ke completely felt a strong sword qi coming straight to him, his body could no longer move, even if he was unwilling in his heart, he could not change the implementation, but he didn’t want to die in front of an old guy like the five old stars, and he wanted to directly illusory the clouds under the illusion and let himself be buried in this sea…


Suddenly, a tall figure appeared in front of Jing Ke, the domineering long sword in his hand blocked this imposing sword qi, Jing Kelang froze, looked at the particularly dazzling red hair under the sunlight, and said in amazement: “Shanks?!” ”

Shanks’ appearance, the entire cloud was domineering and shattered into pieces, his aura is too powerful, not ordinary people can bear, Jing Ke looked at him, his heart was also deeply shocked, this is the aura of the four emperors, but his appearance really surprised him, I really didn’t expect him to pull out a knife to help!

The bald old man was also surprised, and looked at Shanks and said coldly: “Redhead, are you trying to protect the shadow demon killer?” When did you become so fraternal? Straw Hat Luffy also stepped into the sea because of you, Straw Hat is also a newcomer who cannot survive on this sea, but the threat of the Shadow Demon Killer is even greater, and he must be allowed to die here! If you don’t get out of the way, even if you are the Four Emperors, you will die! ”

Shanks shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: “Hey hahaha, old immortal guys, they are all so old, and their tempers are still so hot?” Whitebeard died not long ago, and he wanted to destroy the man who inherited Whitebeard’s will! I don’t allow that! ”

“Redhead, I respect you for three points, but since you are determined to go your own way, then you can’t let you live!”

The bald old man seems to be standing in place, the surging sword qi has approached Shanks, and Shanks has also made a move, fighting swordsmanship with the bald old man, dazzling swordsmanship, in the eyes of normal people, thinking that the two of them are standing in place, and they didn’t move at all, but Jing Ke saw it clearly, both of them have passed a hundred moves of swordsmanship, this is exactly the fight between sword masters!

Jing Ke clenched his fists, carefully watching the battle between the two of them, and still had doubts in his heart, the redhead was the person Luffy respected the most, it was reasonable to say that if he took action to protect Luffy, it would be too normal, but now he actually took action to protect himself? This is also so weird! In the process of his own development in the past two years, he has always been with the four emperors red-haired well water does not violate the river water, but he has no intersection with him at all, why did he come to save himself?!

Jing Ke can feel this sword art, both sides feel quite pressure, one side is the bald old man with the strongest sword art among the five old stars, the other side is the red hair of the four emperors, must fight each other wholeheartedly, as long as the slightest carelessness, will be hacked to death by the other party’s sword, but Jing Ke found the pirate ship slowly approaching not far away, saw the familiar pirate flag, his face showed a surprised look, but immediately showed joy…

PS: The plots behind are all original, I hope you can continue to support! If you have any questions, you can +QQ group:**! Also, please set up “automatic subscription”…

Jing Ke: Don’t set “automatic subscription”, be careful to kill you!

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