One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 495: Festival

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The five people said for a while, Xiaogang’s hand took Sasuke to the outside with an excuse to visit the water shadow.


In the hospital, the stunned beauty of the United States woke up and saw a weak voice in the small hand and Zuo help.

"How could it be you... I... How is the fog-bearing village now?"

Sasuke did not want to let the beauty of the United States worry, said: "The Huo Ying adults have sent the Ninja troops to support, I believe there will be news soon."

"Really? The fog village will not have an accident..."

"Well, there should be no problem." Xiaogang said: "You can feel sick and raise the disease, and the things in Wujiu Village are put aside."

"But I can't worry about it... As a water shadow, how can I escape in the most dangerous situation in Wujiu Village... I am not willing..."

Sasuke and Shinmei have been in the past for a while, knowing that she sees the village as more important than anything else. If she has been worried about her bed, this is undoubtedly a huge burden on her spirit.

Immediately, Sasuke used the immortality to restore the injury to Shinmei.

Xiaogang’s sensation for Sasuke’s sorcerer has long been eccentric, but it’s amazed that he can recover instantly.

Say something to Xiaogang, and Sasuke and Shimei went to Wuyong Village.

With the help of Sasuke, the long journey was narrowed down to five minutes. When the scene of the misty village was destroyed, it was fainted.

The incident caused by Wu Niu Village is too big for the fight against Mei Ming. The most concerned about her life is the village. Now that Wu Rong Village is destroyed, how can you make her better?

Sasuke took the photo to return to Muye, and then went to Yuren Village to contact him to make spy gold. After learning about the movement of Xiao's organization in the near future, Sasuke and Xiaogang discussed how to deal with Xiaoxiao.

With the soil, the light he saw was getting clearer and clearer.


With force to shake the world, with strong power to make people succumb to the ‘hegemonic rule’ that the land believes in (this is the idea that Uchiha wave instills in him). During the Warring States period, did Devil Oda Nobunaga do that? Then he succeeded. Although the times have changed, the basic norms still follow the past. Similar to the previous jing, similar polities, for various reasons, the soil thinks that they will succeed.

A few days ago, the action against the fog was successfully completed, but it was frustrated when it came to Shamin Village. With the soil did not put this matter in mind, after all, now there is no confrontation with the entire endurance world, the failure caused by the uneven distribution of power is inevitable. If you really have a war with the five major countries, you will have the confidence to defeat all the people who block it. If you are a Naruto, you can still hang.

Inside the cave, he found the soil and showed him the pressure card.

The black eucalyptus slowly opened, and when the soil saw the person in the coffin, the look changed. "I didn't expect it to be him!"

"In order to get this baby, I spent a lot of thoughts on it." Said the bag, stepped forward to hold the coffin, looked at the internal body, and the eyes flashed a compliment. "It is the founder of Muye, who led the Uchiha family to the peak. I really hope to see him sweeping everything on the battlefield."

"It really is him..."

The memories are coming, and the breathing with the soil has stagnated. "Yu Zhibo, you still have to be resurrected, exactly the same as you expected."

With the soil, I remembered the scene when I was taken to the ground. He finally saw the legendary Uchiha.

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"It was that man who saved my life, let me linger, and then complete his ideals."

With the soil awakened from the shackles, the white-haired old man's image was replaced by a dead face in the coffin.

"In order to resurrect, I have planned a series of plans. What he wants is still a young body. This body does not know how powerful it is."

I know that since 20 years ago, the man in front of him can’t guess for a lifetime.

I took a look at the soil, because the mask did not see any expression on the latter's face. "You should show your true identity now." Said: "Are you really Uchiha? I Very curious, what secrets are hidden under the mask."

"It seems that I can't continue to cover up, since you want to know..."

When the words fell, the soil took the vortex mask, and an unrecognizable face appeared in front of the pocket.

I saw the surprise on my face and smiled with a smile. I extended my right hand and said, "I think I should introduce you to my identity again. Uchiha brings the soil. Please take care of it for the first time."

"Physician pocket, please take care of it." Pocket slightly stunned, but also reached out and shook hands with earth.

I put on the mask with the soil and walked to the spot to look at it carefully. I said, "This body has changed."

"Of course. I don't allow any flaws in my work. I have made a small change in the body of the spot." The face of the face in front of the chest is said: "I will implant the cells between the hands. In his body, and all aspects of the body have been strengthened, it can be said that the spot is the most perfect work in my life."

"Yes..." There is a boastful ingredient in the words of the soil, but he nodded and said: "It is not a doctor, but now you are completely over the big snake."

"The prize has not been so exaggerated." Said: "The big snake pill is the most respected person in my life. On the basis of my ability, I can't compare it with the big snake pill. And, I am only doing research on the big snake pill. Expanded."

"Oh." If you have a pocket, you can’t take it.

Then, with the soil let the pocket awaken the consciousness of the spot, saying that it is necessary to test the strength of the earth.

“Is it really just a simple test?” The eyes of the snake’s eyes flashed in thought, and then they agreed to the requirements of the soil.

The spell is injected, and the psychic-like imprint attracts the spotted soul into the body. It is like a boiling water, and the surrounding Chakra gathers around the body of the spot.

Suddenly, the eyes of the spots open!

"You are the one who wakes up the old man?"

The sound of the spot came The pockets and the soil in the field were all shocked.

The spot took a step forward, and the chakras that circling under the feet spread to the surroundings.

"I am asking you, who will wake up the old man!"

"I am using the technique of reincarnation to bring you back to life."


The gaze of the spot fell on the body of the pocket, and the micro-microwave moving eye made the latter feel like a man on the back.

"The young man is good, please tell the old man your name."

"Hold, pharmacist pocket." He said busy, the approval of the spot made him feel the urge to be inspired.

"So who are you?" The spotted look at the soil and said: "You are wearing a seems familiar."

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