One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 513:

"Scratch, rub, rub ~~~!" In the shocked and frightened eyes of Dr. Jack, the Schotter knife in the hands of Dr. Jack began to crack.

Then the card broke open, and in the desperate look of Dr. Jack, the Tian Congyun sword in the hands of Tianlei, slammed his head.

You must know that the Tian Congyun sword in the hands of Tianlei can also attach the shock capacity! If this is hit again, plus the power of the sky

Dr. Jack's subconscious gimmicks, dangerously and dangerously escaped the head, but was still slammed on the shoulder.

"Brush ~~!" Tian Congyun sword gave the entire arm of Dr. Jack down.

"Ah~~~!" Dr. Jack gave a scream of heartbreaking, and the broken arm was definitely a heavy blow for anyone.

However, Tian Lei did not want to let him go so easily, the sky in the hands of a sword, a sword turn, once again rushed to the drought Jack.

Dr. Jack stayed there and did not move, because he knew that the sword of Tianlei was his death.

However, he has no hope of avoiding, what is the most amazing? That is, knowing that he is going to die soon, but there is no way to look at it, he can only watch it as he is close to death, and finally he will fall down unwillingly.

Now, Dr. Jack is like this, but he is also a good one, and has experienced countless times of life and death.

In Tianleitian Congyunjian, getting closer and closer to him, when he was about to hit him, he also changed from despair to indifference.

As the saying goes, people who come out to mix and return, who are out of the world as pirates, are ready to accept the arrival of death at any time.

However, just in the sky, the cloud sword, when you want to smash the neck of the drought, Jack, the wrist of a scorpion, the sky clumps the clouds and the direction of the cloud.

Dangerously and dangerously avoided the neck of Dr. Jack and smashed the clouds into his chest.

"Paint ~~!"

Dr. Jack’s chest appeared, almost smashing the drought into two long narrow scars.

When it is this scar for the drought-ridden Jack of the body, although it is not fatal, it is definitely a heavy blow.

The continuous heavy blow is that the drought of Jack's body has become abnormal, and he has been unable to stop it. He slowly fell down. His huge body squatted on the ground and raised a dust.

But he couldn’t hide it, and the shock and incomprehension in his eyes.

Dr. Jack is ready to accept death, and Thunder spared his life at the most critical time, which made him somewhat unresponsive.

I saw him struggling to stand up, regardless of the blood flowing out of the huge and narrow wound in front of his chest, gasping, and asked to Tianlei intermittently: "Why? Why not kill me?"

"Why don't you kill you? Hehe~~~!" Tianlei sneered, and finally said: "That is natural because you are far more useful than you are dead, otherwise I am just a sword. It’s so easy, and effortless?” Dr. Jack listened, and he was not stupid. He thought that Tianlei was going to take him back to the Navy.

You know, it’s not possible to kill them at the level of them, because he wants to go, there are not many people who can stop, let alone oysters, it is almost impossible.

However, this is the case. Once Tian Lei, he brought the drought to Jack, and he will bring him even greater prestige.

"Oh ~~~! Hahahahaha~~!" Dr. Jack first laughed low, but in the end it was a crazy laugh.


Because the drought Jack laughed, it was too much to affect the injury, the blood flow on the wound was more urgent, and a blood spurted from the mouth.

However, Dr. Jack did not seem to be aware of it. He continued to laugh. Finally, his look darkened, and some decadent roads: "I really didn't think of it. I thought of Dr. Jack, the three major disasters of the four emperors, and the sea. For decades, at the end of the day, it’s just a chip that raises the reputation of others. It’s really sad and desolate!”

"Hmmm? Oh, hahahaha~~!" After listening to Dr. Jack’s self-talk, Tianlei could not help laughing.

"Is the chip that boosts the reputation of others? Hahahahaha, which one of us is not? In addition to the world's strongest, who is not the chip that boosts the reputation of others?"

"Just say that you have a drought, Jack. Since you went out to sea, have you not climbed up step by step with the prestige of others? Or else, where do you come from such a high reward and prestige? Otherwise, the guy in Kaido knows that you are Who! I will not look at you, let you be one of his three major disasters!"

Dr. Jack listened, and stunned, and smiled: "Oh~~~~!"

"Oh ~~!" In the sneer, Tian Lei a "shaved!" instantly disappeared into the original, when he appeared again, already behind the drought Jack.

At this time, Dr. Jack naturally felt the thunder, but at this time, his body was barely supported.

Where is the physical strength to escape the attack of the thunder! Besides, he did not mean to hide, because he understood that everything was in vain.

In the current situation of his body, even if he avoided the attack, he could not escape the second strike of Tianlei, so he did not mean to use it.

He stood there so eagerly, waiting for Tian Lei, a hand knife to hit his stamina.

Dr. Jack, a very dry fainting.

Thunder, to the majors who have been stunned in the distance, and those naval scorpions have waved.

The major immediately returned to the gods, and quickly brought the navy little singer to the front of the thunder.

Thunder pointed out that he had fainted on the ground and completely lost the resistance of the drought. Jack said: "Tow this guy down and put it in the cell in the warship."

After that, I rushed again: "And, look at me, he still uses it! Don't die for me."

"Yes, the new naval marshal! I will lock him with a lock made of sea stone, and when he will become weak, he can't do it if he wants to commit suicide."

At this time, the major, looking at the eyes of Tianlei, is different from before. In the past, he also had awe of Tianlei. Some of them only watched the battle between Tianlei and Dr. Jack. It was not only awe, but more worship.

"The lock made of sea stone can lock him. This is probably not enough. He is no longer a capable person, because his ability has been forcibly captured by me."

"So it is not very useful for him to lock him with a lock made of sea stone. He can still exert his own strength. Although he is now hit hard by me, my ability has won me, but that is This is not something you can deal with."

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