One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 521: Festival

Looking at the huge lightning bolts attached to the thunder of the thunder, it is getting closer and closer to him. For the first time in his life, he felt a sense of helplessness and powerlessness.


When Kaido was there, he was shot and flew out.

And this is not over yet. After that, the "Warring States", "Kapp", "White Beard", "Kado" and "Charlotte-Ling Ling" around Kaiduo have already dispersed and came to the position behind him. Just waiting for the moment he was shot.

The "Warring States" big Buddha hand pushed, and when it came to a powerful shock wave, it shot at Kaidu.

"Kapp" ​​is, a shave, came to the top of Kaido, an iron fist banged.

"White Beard" jumped up, and the big knife in his hand waved, and the shocking ability was instantly launched, and he smashed to Kato.

"Kaido" directly, like a bull, rushed out and ran into the real Kaiduo.

And the final "Charlotte - Lingling" trick "Albuff's gun · Weiguo"

This move is a move of the Giants. With a big knife, the giant sword is cut forward, and the power is very strong.

In the face of the "Warring States", "Kapp", "White Beard", "Kado", "Charlotte - Lingling" combination of five attacks, is a good Kaidu, it will be very headache, and even hurt.

Not to mention, Kaidu, who has broken his arm and been repeatedly hit by Tianlei, where is it! A strong attack by the Warring States, "Kapp", "White Beard", "Kado", "Charlotte-Ling Ling" was hit one by one.

"Boom, bang, bang, rumbling ~~~!"

After several huge explosions, Kaido was once again beaten and flew out, but this time he flew in the direction of the thunder.

Looking at the already panting, it is obviously the end of the strong Kay, when Tian Lei waved his hand and took the "Charlotte - Lingling" instantly.

Then a mirror of the body is attached to the body, "Charlotte - Lingling" instantly dissolved into the body of the thunder, "Charlotte - Lingling" all the skills of the thunder can also be used immediately.

"Ghost sound - sound wave shock!"

"Ghost" is the move of B Charlotte-Ling Ling. She can make a strange sound from her mouth. The sound of the sound can break the eardrum of the person and affect the ability of people to move. And it can cause substantial damage to the object, which is a very strong sound wave move.

"Sound wave shock" is a thunder, developed from the sound wave ability, is also a very strong sound wave moves.

Now Tianlei combines the "quirk" of Charlotte-Lingling with his own sonic ability "sound wave" and becomes the power of "weird-sound wave!", which can be imagined.

I saw, the boss of Tian Lei’s mouth Zhang, and then directed the Kaidu who flew over. Hurriedly screamed: "吼~~~!"

A powerful sound wave came out of the thunder's mouth and went to Kaido. Where the sound wave passes, the ground cracks, the grass powder, the stone breaks into slag, and safety is a scene of the end of the world.

In the rapid flight to the Thunder of the Kay, it hit a "quiet sound - sound wave shock!"

The quick-paced Kayto slowed down and finally stopped. Then I was hit by this "quirk-sound wave!"

At the same time as being hit again, Tian Lei even saw Kaido, and two blood flowed out of his ear. Obviously and easily seen, this wave of attacks by Kadodo was once again hit hard.

However, the "quirk-sound-wave shock!" has not dissipated, and continues to follow him until the end of the island before dissipating.

During this time, Kaido has been suffering from continuous damage. Maybe his body is strong, but his eardrum can't be abnormal like his body. In this powerful and continuous sonic attack, it bursts directly.

The wounds of Kaiduo were also blown apart by the "quirk-sound wave!"

Blood, like a river without money, flows out of the body.

In addition to the blood that flowed before, the blood in the body of Kaiduo has already flowed out of the body by a third of the total amount of blood, if it is not the abnormal body and abnormal will of Kaiduo.

At this time, I am afraid that I have already lost consciousness because of excessive blood loss, and even died. Not to mention, but also barely in the "quirk-sound shock!" when dissipated, turned over in the air, and steadily fell on the ground.

This scene, but the Tianlei is stunned!

The dark channel: "Sister's, all of them are like this, the **** is still not dead, actually standing still? It is still the people of this world, enough metamorphosis! This is your mother, if in the past life, this **** I don't know how many times I have to die."

"Cough, cough, cough~~~!"

Kato is constantly coughing there. Every time he coughs, he will have bright red blood coming out, and even some broken internal organs will be coughed out together.

"How, how, how is it possible, I think that I have been in the sea for decades, and I have been hurt by someone."

While speaking, Kaido has recovered from the unicorn form to the human form. Obviously his physical strength has not allowed him to maintain the unicorn form again, he has reached the limit.

Looking at the cruel reality, Kai Duo, who has not yet recognized the facts, Tian Lei could not help but sneer and ridiculed: "Cut, don't you like to commit suicide? Isn't it going to die? Today, I have rounded up your dreams?"

Said, Tian Lei a space moved to the front of Kaiduo, the shock ability to launch instantly, with a white light fist, a blast to Kaido.

If it is the Kay of the heyday, in the face of the thunder of the thunder, it will throw a punch in a face that directly meets the attack of Tianlei.

It is just like Kaido after the broken arm, it can handle it. But now it is already scarred, only a sigh of Kaidu, where can hide!

At this time, Kaido could only watch the thunder of Tian Lei's fist, and constantly zoomed in front of his eyes.


Kay was once again shot and flew But these are already on the edge of the birdcage, and they slammed into the cage.

"Touch ~~~!"

The collision of Kaido, but the whole bird cage crashed. The trembling of the entire bird cage shook with the entire town.


Has been dragging the drought - Jack came to the warship, opened the far-sighted less-corrected glasses, watching the battle between Tianlei and Kaido.

When he saw that Kaido broke his arm, his eyes fell quickly. After all, Kato was caught a few times by the Navy, as long as it is a bit of qualification in the Navy.

Of course, I know that after Kato was arrested, he was tortured thousands of times. What fire, ice, electric shock, flooding, the Navy tried everything, but he could not kill him.

However, now, Tianlei actually broke his arm in the heads-up with Kayto, and the impact on the major can be imagined.

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