One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 124: ([Destiny] the first deacon!! Plus 1 more) on top...

After seeing the ship doctor's poison Q injury, the black beard yelled: "Poison Q is careful!" At the same time, struggling to push Chennai out.

At this time, Tian Lei Yin smiled and said: "Sure enough, the group is cool! Take me a light speed kick to try." Thunder lifted a leg, light ability quickly gathered in the legs. Then the leg kicked into the volley of the black beard, and only a flash of light passed, and the black beard was shot.

The speed of light kick is not so good to hide, not to mention the black beard that was sucked by the dark fruit, and it was kicked. You must know that the speed of light kicked out will explode, so the black beard is tragedy: "Booming!"

"Ah!" The black beard screamed and was blown out.

The black beard climbed up from the ground, only to see that the black beard was violently violent, and his foot slammed on the ground and jumped into the air, bursting into the thunder.

Looking at the black beard that came from the blast, Tianlei was also full of strength, and the domineering iron block ability was used. I saw Tianlei’s left foot standing on the ground and his right foot facing the sky, once again making the speed of light kick.

Tianlei resisted the black beard's strenuous blow and started again. He mocked the black beard: "Hey, if it is the attack of the first eagle eye of the Seven Wuhai, I really can't take it anymore, but change it for you. The black beard is different." A right foot touched the black beard's fist, and the thunder's face was covered with disdainful expression.

"Oh, you give me to die! Powerful." Seeing the sky and the thunder do not put yourself in the eyes, the black beard will be indifferent, and after struggling to retreat the thunder, the black beard once again launched an attack.

Looking at the right arm into a sword, attached to domineering, the right arm actually doubled.

I can't help but see the darkness: "This guy seems to be moving."

The change of the black beard allowed Tian Lei to put away some of the original playfulness and became serious. Although Tianlei’s mouth said that he was disdainful of fighting with the black beard, it was only a tactic, and the black beard did not. The dark fruit, the strength is greatly reduced, but the future four emperors, after all, is the four emperors, after the strength of the great drop, but also the peak of the generals, and the peak of the strong Tian Lei will certainly not look down on him.

And let this move, let the black beard's ability to change the fruit, you know, absolutely not easy.



Suddenly, two broken sounds sounded. I saw two figures attacking the black beard from behind the thunder. The strong beard of the black beard was resisted by the two.

It is Drake and Luo.

"As a crew member, we don't look at the captain and others desperately! Also, the boss said that there is nothing wrong with it! The group is really cool!" Although it has already started, Luo is a smile at this time. Since Luo joined the Tianlei group, the chance of revenge has become bigger and bigger, his heart has been released, and then he was brought a bit by the hooligan of Bartol Romeo, so he started to speak. ! Also a little naughty!

"Oh." Drake did not speak, but the smile on his face was very conspicuous after being in front of Tianlei.

"Bastard, just because you want to block me?" At this moment, the black beard's eyes are not only resentful. Since Drake and Luo ran up to block his power, the eyes turned directly from resentment to redness. Binocular congestion, this is the performance of hate.

His own attack was blocked again and again, and the black spot was already exploding.

"You are right, just rely on us, this is not your attack, are we not already blocked?" Still smiling, Drake said to the black beard, but this smile is in the black beard, It is a great irony. He has been despised by these juniors again and again.

"Bastard, since you dare to stand in front of me, you are ready, ready to die!" No more nonsense, there have been some irrational black beards, and the two swords formed by the two arms are full of strength. past.

With hate shots, this black beard hateful blow can be described as a full-scale blow in the true sense. If either of them is to be picked up alone, it may not be able to follow.


It’s a black beard. Under the slap in the face, Drake and Luo are the first to have the ultimate strength of the top power, but in the face of the black beard, there is still a bit of resentment. The three men’s swords were suppressed when they contacted Drake and Luo.

At this time, just on the edge of the thunder, the yin smiled. "Hey! Buddy! I am still here! Do you have a black beard, have you forgotten my existence?" After a thunder, a handsome kick, I kicked the black beard's neck and was fighting with Drake and Luo! In the face of this quick blow of Tianlei, there is no opportunity to avoid it. Was kicked one by one Tian Lei's attack kicked the black beard's neck.

The black beard immediately screamed and flew out. The black beard stood up and touched the place where he was kicked because he could not feel the presence there. But when he touched the place where he was kicked, the cold sweat immediately flowed down because he touched his neck as if he had touched a stone.

That's right, this thunder of Tian Lei is not an ordinary flying kick, but a handsome kick. There is also a name called Aromatic Foot. However, Tian Lei is a man. It is no problem to use this trick, but it is also a bit awkward! So I changed the name of this move to a handsome kick.

Although it was only a few simple strokes, but the eye-catching people have already seen it, Drake and Luo He fight black beard, although they can resist, but still worse!

At this time, the ship doctor poison Q did not calm down, because the Baby-5 double gun did not stop at all. At this time, the ship doctor's poison Q has been panting, but it is still not far from death, but he is still the same sickness and fast avoidance, no guns at all.

At this time, the ship doctor poisoned Q eyes coldly watching Baby-5, suddenly took a different apple bomb from his body and threw it to Baby-5. Baby-5 didn't want to, and a scan of the past, the Apple bomb of the ship doctor poison Q was blown up.

"Hey!" After the Apple bomb of the ship doctor's poison Q was blown up by Baby-5, a large piece of green powder was blown up, and I didn't know what it was. Again, the name of the ship doctor and the poisonous Q is that the fool knows that this green powder is poisonous.

Baby-5 had a glimpse of this sudden change, but the Kby on the side did not worry, and a flying pounce took Baby-5 away, the range of green powder.

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