One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 132: Top battle

Fortunately, this black hole, just for a moment, was automatically repaired by the space power of the world, but at this moment, Marin van Gogh could not see a good house, all were destroyed by the strong suction of this black hole. It is.

Although the black hole has been repaired, a large amount of space debris is present, and Tian Lei has taken a black hole in the space and sucked these space fragments. After that, the black holes in the space, and the countless pieces of space, were turned to the white beard.

After the white beard saw the thunder of this trick, his face was not dignified. He was also a person who could shatter the space. He knew how powerful the space debris was, and naturally he did not care.

Above the square, whether it is the Hawkeye, Hancock, the seven Wuhai, or the captain of the White Beard Pirates, or even the Admiral General! From the countless pieces of space on the top of the head, I felt the horrible pressure of the mountain like the top of the mountain. After that, the eye holes shrank, and they stopped the attack and ran to the distance, avoiding the powerful trick of the thunder. .

It is the Tianlei who was shocked by this trick. To know the power of Tianlei, but not so much space debris, Tianlei can also play this one percent.

White beard immediately shouted: "Don't go into my attack."

At the same time as the big drink, the white beard's face was very dignified and step forward, holding the knives with both hands, and the words just fell. On the blade of the Moon Knife, a dazzling pale white halo bursts out. When the halo quickly expands to the limit, the white beard lifts the moon knife and then slams into the air filled with space debris. The smashed the past.

"Scratch!" The void above the white beard was shattered, and a huge space crack immediately followed, as if the whole sky was split. The impact of this huge eye is too great, and everyone is scared by the white beard.

At the same time, the strong = suction in the huge space cracks formed a huge vortex, sucking in the space black holes and space debris of the thunder.

Seeing that the thunder is a glimpse, the white beard is a white beard! This is really strong, and I can make such a big space crack by myself. Tianlei could not help but swear: "Is it really metamorphosis to the extreme, is this still human?"

All the people in the world who are in front of the phone bugs are also "Is this the strength of the white beard? It's too strong! Strong people can't even produce a little confrontation."

"This navy is dangerous, white beard is so strong, who is his opponent!"

At the time of the thunder, the white beard screamed coldly: "Kid, you also pick me up and try!" The white moon beard’s slashing knife once again waved, the huge space crack collapsed, and then huge The vortex also collapsed, and the space debris that was sucked into the vortex flew away from the thunder.

The eyes of Tianlei are falling out, and they whispered: "I fuck! White beard is good, I also saved Ace! Do you need to do this to death? You have blocked such a strong move, I Can not stop, bye bye!" Tianlei a space move once again disappeared without a trace.

With the disappearance of the thunder, everyone began to look around for the thunder, because the key to this incident is still in his hands! But one minute passed, two minutes passed, and everyone was waiting for the thunder to appear again. It was not until a quarter of an hour later that the thunder had not yet appeared. All of them understood that Tianlei had already left. So all the people are staying, stunned, stupid, and forced.

Now everyone in the world is also forced to follow, they are thinking about a problem, no one is the key person, is this war still playing?

The navy and the pirates on the battlefield looked at each other for a while. They were all dizzy. Is this a fight? Still not playing?

The Warring States on the high platform was the first person in the navy. The first one responded: "I don't care about Ace and Xiao Huangqi, now give me the white beard." Actually, the Warring States now want to marry her because he knows Ace is the son of One Piece Roger! Now that there is no way, the target Ace has already escaped, and the target that can be drawn can no longer run. Otherwise, this Marin van Gogh will be ruined.

White Beard also figured out at this time, and Ace fell into the hands of the inexplicable person, always stronger than the Navy! Immediately shouted: "Ace is no longer here, the whole staff retreat!" White beard is not stupid, he does not want to fight in a meaningless war.

Unfortunately, his idea is good, but the Navy headquarters does not want to come, just want to go and leave. Under the command of the Warring States, all the navies rushed out to the White Beard Pirates and blocked them one by one.

It was at this time that Tian Lei once again appeared in the space of a warring country. When the Warring States saw the appearance of the thunder, roared: "Lieutenant Tianlei, the war has already happened, where are you going? You must give me a statement!"

With a wave of thunder, Drake and Luo, Baby-5, Kebi, Bartol Romeo, Noki, and Chennai appeared behind Tianlei. Of course, there are black beards and poisonous Q bodies. After that, I said faintly: "Is this not to learn about the chaos in the city? I just looked at it and found that this guy actually wants to sneak into the city and want to put the six layers of recidivism. Come out and accept him as a crew member, so that he can help him become a four emperor or even a one-piece thief! If you say that Marshal of the Warring States, you have earned him seven seas, it is really a mistake!"

When the Warring States heard the words of Tian Lei, his face changed. He did not expect that some people would marry this time and play the idea of ​​advancing the real crime. Immediately asked: "How about pushing the city now?"

Tianlei said faintly: "Now everyone is organizing escape from prison. It seems to be the grandson of Karp's grandson, with the head! But I think that with the strength of Magellan, they can't get into the climate, so I will come back here first. The war is, after all, this is the key."

Warring States: "Crop hat? Is he not being arrested?"

"Marshal of the Warring States, now is not the time to care about this little guy!" Other Thunder is also wondering! No, how did Hancock advance into the city! Is it really the protagonist's aura?

Sometimes people are so ignorant, Tianlei just finished, and a ship fell in the sky. "Boom!" The bow of the ship was on the square. A few people fell from the boat, and these people are quite familiar.

Luffy, Krokdal, the king of the demon king Ivankov, lightning, the sea man is very flat, Baki and a bunch of pirates. No black beard distracts Magellan's attention, these people still come out, and Thunder has to admit that this protagonist aura exists.

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