One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 140: Honorary Assembly II

When they heard the red dog, Tian Lei and Hancock both couldn't help but laugh, and then walked out of the room and walked toward the venue.

The Tianlei trio walked for a long time and finally came to a huge open space, and the decoration around the venue was very solemn, with a long table in the middle.

Tian Lei thought, "Is this the venue? Or is it open-air? But it is full of solemnity. It is estimated that many people will participate."

Tianlei is thinking about suddenly hearing the sound from the surrounding speakers: "Everyone! The honours conference will begin in half an hour, please prepare for it in half an hour."

After Tianlei came to the venue, he saw Yuxidu, Bartol Romeo and Noki Gao in a blink of an eye. Going over, and the red dog is busy with his business.

"How are you doing in the morning?" Tian Lei asked them with a smile.

"Morning! OK, not bored, I went to meet a few former colleagues." Yu Xiduo answered with a smile.

The time passed quickly, half an hour, and it passed in their chat. At this time, it was heard from the surrounding speakers. "The conference is about to start, please queue up according to the queue."

At this time, they also stood in their own positions.

After everyone was lined up, the navy’s military songs were heard on the field, followed by the Marshal Warring States, followed by Karp and Crane. Then followed by the Navy general, there are two lieutenants.

The queues on the field are also arranged according to the position. The front station is the Lieutenant General of the Department, the number of people is also 66, and Tianlei will stand in this group. After that, it was the Major General, and then the Brigadier General and then the Colonel Dazu and the lower ranks of the primary level. Everyone is standing neatly.

"Not long ago, we were here and the world's strongest white beard, and left the white beard. Although Marin van Gogh was also ruined, but in the end we won the victory." The Warring States lyrically told everyone .

"Justice and justice!" And the people who are inferior say that they are screaming as soon as they hear the Warring States.

After a pause, the Warring States said again: "Today is an important day for our navy. In recent years, there have been several outstanding talents in our navy, and they have made great contributions to our navy. Today our assembly is For them, for the future of our navy, for justice! It is also for a powerful young general who emerged in the battle of the top, and also appointed the next naval marshal."

"The following meeting begins!" The host said after watching the warring states.

"There is a request for the aunt of the Navy Headquarters to come to power." Huang Wei sat on the table and said.

I saw a middle-aged man in a small school uniform excited to go on stage. They respected the Warring States and then looked at them with great excitement.

"Now I officially announced that because of the outstanding performance of Major Auntie this year, he was officially promoted to the rank of colonel of the Navy." Huang Wei said and then stood up and personally replaced the aunt with a new colonel.

"The following is the request of the Brigadier General Smog, the Navy Headquarters." Auntie went down and said Huang Hao sat there.

Smog quickly went to the stage and then bowed to the Warring States and other people. Then Huang Qi got up and walked over to Smoog.

"Smog's old man is very optimistic about your efforts." Huang Wei said as he changed his rank for Smog.

The host introduced Smog at the side. "Smolge has been in the town of Rogge, the entrance to the great route for several years, and the number of pirates entering the great route has been greatly reduced. The Ministry of Justice has announced that Colonel Smog has been promoted to Major General."

After Smoog stepped down, the crane sat in a chair and said to the microphone, "There is a request for the Navy Head Colonel Dina to come on stage."

Dina heard her name and then took it seriously.

"Legenda Colonel has been defending countless pirates in the waters near the country of Alabaster in the sand country this year. It has established a high prestige for the Navy, and the headquarters announced that Colonel Dina was promoted to the rank of Major General of the Navy."

"There are some below. . . . . . .." So many people passed quickly.

"The following are the last two promotion officers of this conference. I believe everyone knows them very well. The first one is Lieutenant General Tian Lei. He built one legend after another in our navy, and won seven. Wuhai Krokdal, compared with the moonlight Moglia, who is also the Qiwuhai, then swept a large number of naval regiments, and finally confronted the white beard in the battle of the top, and finally killed the white-bearded navy star. This person is Lieutenant General Tian Lei." The host said excitedly.

Tianlei stood in the same place and listened to him. After smiling, he walked onto the stage and walked to the high platform. They respected the Warring States and then the Warring States personally changed the rank of Tianlei.

"You are our navy, hope for the future, come on, and you are already a general." The Warring States took a picture of Tian Lei’s shoulder.

"Yes Marshal I know." Tianlei said with a smile to the Warring States. I thought in my heart, I am sorry that Marshal of the Warring States, my heart is not here, I can only pray at that time, you do not mind heart disease.

"Tianlei will establish an immortal prestige for our navy. At the same time, it will let people all over the world know about our navy and know the major general. The general will have the strength of the generals. Therefore, the headquarters officially announced that Lieutenant General Tianlei will be promoted to the general of the navy. From today, and General Huang Yi represents the highest combat power of our navy." The host introduced Tian Lei to everyone.

After the military ranks of Tian Lei were put on, they saluted the people of the Warring States and other people, and then they gave a courtesy to all the navies in the audience. All the people in the audience shouted loudly: "Justice! Justice!"

At this time, Hancock, who is in the audience, is proud of having such a man. Tianlei’s companions are proud to have such a boss. The other navies are even more admired by the thunder.

Everyone in the audience looked at the thunder on the stage with respectful eyes, and they all envied the thunder in their hearts, but no one would be embarrassed. why? Because they all know the strength of Tianlei, even if a few of them have not seen it, they have heard of it.

"Now is the last and most important moment of the conference." After the Tianlei honours, the Warring States once again said.

"The former Navy general, the Red Dog, has joined the Navy for the Navy. For the sake of justice, there have been countless battles and countless battles. It is also one of the highest forces of the Navy headquarters. Now I officially appoint the General of the Red Dog as the Marshal!"

Once the Warring States was announced, the following navies once again shouted excitedly: "For justice! For justice!"

This time the honour is over, and the host once again came on stage: "Everyone, now the party is over! Everyone is cheering!"

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