One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 142: Shangri-La Islands

"Well! Yeah, I was planning to leave today. After all, I have not returned to my daughter's island for a long time. Remember to come to me when I have time!" Hancock is very charming to Tianlei. Tao, but everyone in the eyes can see it.

Tian Lei listened, and did not expect Hancock to come now, but in a blink of an eye, right, Hancock is the head of a country after all, she has been long enough to leave her country. Understand: "Okay, you go back, I will go to you, anyway, I go to the daughter island, it will be a while, then I will go to the conference room first."

"Well! I am leaving." Hankook took a deep look at the thunder, then turned and walked to the place where he parked his pirate ship.

Tianlei has always seen Hancock’s pirate ship out of the navy’s headquarters, then turned his head and smiled at the commander: “Okay, let’s go!”

Tianlei just went to the door of the conference room and heard the noise inside. Push the door open and go straight in.

"Hey! How did you come to the Blue Dragon? So slow! The Marshal must wait until we are all together." Huang Yi saw the Tianlei coming, and screamed lazily. When Tian Lei saw the generals of Huang Qi, and the cranes, they were the same.

"Well? What is so urgent?" Tian Lei asked faintly.

"Well, since people have come together, then I will start to talk." Red dog said that he also glanced at them, Tian Lei and Huang Wei, a few of them. Huang Wei is still sitting there leisurely, drinking tea. The crane is holding the chin, and the thunder is a lazy look.

"Well, the news from the Tianlong people said that some people have provoked their world aristocrats, and the strength is still very strong. The current naval officers and soldiers of the Tianlong people have no way to take him." The red dog has some headaches to tell us.

"Is it a person?" Huang Wei asked, out loud.

"Yes, there is only one person, and there is still a little girl around." The red dog answered Huang Wei’s words.

"In this case, does the Tianlong people ask the Navy headquarters to send a general?" Tian Lei asked the red dog.

"This is the case. The Tianlong people asked our naval headquarters to send a general to catch the provocative guy." The red dog replied.

"Since someone has provoked the world aristocrats for so long, the old man will go out." Huang Hao suddenly said.

The red dog nodded and then Huang Qi stood up and was ready to go.

"Wait." Thunder suddenly said. He is interested in this guy who dares to provoke the world's nobility.

"What's wrong? Blue Dragon!" Huang Hao turned and looked at Tianlei.

"Huang Wei, let me go! After all, I have just become a naval general, just to take advantage of this, so I will give it to me." Tianlei said to Huang Wei. "Can you?" Tian Lei said and turned his head and said to Huang Wei.

"No problem." The red dog thought that Tianlei said that it was really true. Tian Lei was a general, and he really needed to be a horse, so he immediately answered Tian Lei.

"Then give it to you! The old man will continue to drink my tea in this department!" Huang Wei also said to Tianlei.

"Then decided the meeting." The red dog glanced at the person, and then said.

"I hope you can come back." Tianlei walked out to the outside and suddenly heard someone talking to him. Tian Lei turned and looked at it. It turned out to be Karp.

Tianlei smiled and didn't care about Karp. Isn't the provocative person stronger than him?

After Thunder walked out of the headquarters building and Karp sneaked a few, and then quickly went to the place where the warships were parked.

"The whole ship pays attention to their respective positions and is ready to sail." Tianlei took the warship and made a loud voice, with Drake and Luo, Baby-5, Kebi, Bartol Romeo, and Noki. Gao, Chennai set off.

After a few minutes, all the people went to their posts.

"The whole ship pays attention to the full speed of the target shampoo islands. Depart!" Thunder saw that they were all ready, and again loudly ordered.

The warship quickly drove out of the naval headquarters. Tianlei stood on the deck of the bow and looked back. He couldn’t help but think that the next time he came back, things would probably be different.

The warships of Tianlei, sailing for more than an hour at sea, finally saw the Chokiang Islands.

"The whole ship pays attention to the Xiangbo enemy islands and is ready to land." Tianlei shouted at everyone on the warship.

"Boss, what are our missions to the Champagne Islands?" Bartol Romeo, who had been standing next to Tianlei, asked Tian Lei.

"Nothing, some people provoke the world's nobility Tianlong people, the Ministry wants me to catch him." Tianlei glanced at the side, Bartol Romeo, and then said indifferently.

And the neighboring Bartol Romeo is amazed, although Tianlei has already killed the Tianlong people, but he still does not know! Knowing is Luo and Drake.

Bartol Romeo’s face was scared: “There were people who provoked the Tianlong people, and the Tianlong people had already called for help from the headquarters. They demanded that the generals could show the strength of the provocative people. After all, the people of the Champagne Islands, but there are many strong people. I have no way to take this person."

"Well, I have arrived at the All the seamen are left behind. Others and I are all landing. Let's go and see. With this little child, you can take this shampoo island. It was turned upside down." Tianlei saw that it had arrived, and the Champagne Islands then ordered it to everyone.

At this time the first area of ​​the Champagne Islands.

"Awful this guy, how could it be so powerful, has the support of the Liaison Headquarters not come yet?" Dachuan looked at a young man in front of him and waved his fist in the encirclement of the Navy. As long as he was hit, no one could stand up. Then turned and asked the liaison to the station. The big heart is complaining that the Tianlong people have actually provoked such a powerful guy.

"Reporting Dachuan Dazuo headquarters sent a message saying that the general Blue Dragon is on the way." The liaison answered Dachuan.

Dachuan turned to look at the field, and saw that another group of navies had fallen under the fist of the man, and the young man was behind him and a little girl of about 7 years old was coming toward them.

Dachuan looked at the man getting closer and closer to himself. I regretted in my heart that "I still didn't support the big blue dragon needle. Looking back, it seems that this time only fight."

When Okawa was about to rush to fight with the young man, he suddenly heard a cry. I saw a group of naval soldiers rushing to the young man, and I was happy. When I looked back, I saw that the Blue Dragon general was coming to him.

"What is this about Dachuan?" Tianlei went to Dachuan and asked him.

"The Blue Dragon general, this young man is a provocative Tianlong person, and then we are dispatched. Who knows that this guy is too powerful, and we have no counterattack force to fight. Most of the resident navies have been laid down by him." Dachuan reported to Tianleihui.

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