One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 153: Luo VS Vergo II

"Oh! I haven't seen it for so many years, the strength has increased very quickly! But I want to win over me, it's still a lot worse!" After reading it, I took a deep look at Luo, then sighed and slammed on the ground. Luo blasted over.

Luo, too, has already prepared the attack, and shouted: "Injection and shooting." I saw that the "middle-section" gripping method in Luo’s kendo was aimed at the body of the violent fire. The ability to use to create a similar target of the quasi-heart, and then aim at the key points of Vigo, when the Vigo is only less than ten meters away from himself, a powerful shock wave shot out.

When Vergo saw Luo's attack, the speed was too fast. He had no time to escape. He immediately slammed again, and saw that Vigo's domineering power broke out and the whole body became black.

Seeing Luo and other people's eyes bursting out, this is still what they saw, in addition to the thunder of the boss, there are such strong armed domineers.

Luo's powerful shock wave and Vergo's fist slammed into each other, "Booming!" After a burst of explosion, Wilgo was blown out.

After Wilgo's bombing, after a steady body, "finger gun." On Vergo's finger, he immediately sent out a powerful white light like bullets.

Luo looked at the attack of Vigo, and gave a low voice: "ROOM· Slaughterhouse." This is a move that can transform objects in a hemispherical, global space made by Luo himself.

It is also possible to cut an object or a creature into several pieces and recombine it within the range of his control. The separated creature will not die, hurt, or bleed. In addition, Luo can use this skill to help specific wounds remove harmful substances from the body and achieve the effect of treating injuries.

It is also possible to move instantly and enter a building that cannot be accessed under common sense. It can be said that Luo's signature moves are also a powerful move.

I saw a stone behind Robert and Vergo exchanged positions, and escaped a shot from Wilgo. At the same time, it also launched an attack on Virgo. I saw that the high-frequency electric shock produced by Luo’s fruit was wrapped around the wild knife “Ghost Cry” carried by Luo, and then stabbed to Vergo.

When the high-frequency high-voltage current wound by the tip of the blade touches the body of the opponent, the body tissue of the virgo is heated to cut the weigo into several pieces. However, Vergo's reaction was not slow, and he hurriedly avoided it, but he still rubbed the arc on the knife.

Although Vergo was only wiped a little, but Vergo felt that his arm did not seem to exist. The application of this trick is similar to the high-frequency electric knife in reality, and the arm of Vergo is just like being charged, it is paralyzed! Vergo immediately quits and strengthens the domineering on the arm, trying to use domineering to reduce the feeling of paralysis.

Tianlei looked at Luo’s high-frequency scalpel, and he couldn’t help but admire it. It is worthy of being the main match between the original and the road to the alliance! This move is very powerful.

Luo’s combat experience is also not bad. When he saw a blow, he immediately launched a powerful attack and shouted: “Gamma (γ) knife.” Luo

In the hands of the hands, quantitative gamma rays are emitted, and the gamma rays are gathered in the hands to form a gamma short knife that is partially hollowed out near the grip, and then quickly chased the past to Vergo.

At this time, Vergo, feeling that his paralysis spread from the arm, the whole half of the body was paralyzed. The speed of body hiding was significantly reduced, and Luo's gamma (γ) knife hit the belly of Vigo.

"Hey!" Vergo immediately spit out a blood, and Vergo was shot and flew out, squatting on the boulder of the transportation. Vergo only felt that the internal organs in his abdomen had been broken into pieces. Vergo stood up a few times before standing up. After a difficult time to stand up, Vilgo said: "Luo! It seems that you are really grown up!" This strength is not generally fast, but I will not be so easily defeated."

After the talk, Vergo endured a painful cry, and Vergo’s armed color domineering broke out again, and then made a monthly step and rushed to Luo again.

Luo once again used the "ROOM·slaughterhouse." He changed the stone around Vergo and changed himself to a position. After that, Luo held the ghost in his hand and cried to Vergo.

At this time, the face of Vilgo showed a cold, a roundabout kick, and blocked the cry of Luo.

"You also pick me up!" Vergo quickly kicked Luo once again, one foot, two feet and three feet ~~~~ More than 20 feet of Weiergo stopped, this is still his abdominal pain Stopped.

Such a close distance makes Luo ROOM· slaughterhouse time can only be blocked with ghosts crying one by one. However, at this time, Luo knew how strong Vergo was. Every time Luo blocked the foot of Vigo, Luo’s hands could not be shaken. After more than twenty feet, Luo’s hands were almost unable to lift, and some looked at Vergo with horror.

After seeing that Luo was suppressed by Vergo, there was danger. Luo's partners are anxious, and immediately want to go to help, especially the Noki high-level has emerged ice flames. However, Tianlei stopped them and said to them: "Don't worry! Luo's ability can be more than that."

It seems that the words of the thunder are confirmed, and Vergo rushed to Luo once again. Luo is holding on to the discomfort in his hand, and the tough hand lifted it up and screamed: "Spiritual shock!" After Luo's thumb extended his hands to the side, the rest of the fingers were put up and made something like " The action of "Like" greeted.

The two attacks attacked each other's body almost simultaneously. At this time, Luo's hand released a high-frequency electric shock similar to that of an automatic electric shocker. At the same time, this move had an impact effect, and Vergo was shocked.

However, Luo is also not good enough to be beaten out, a fateful outcome. After a while, the two talents climbed hard, but in comparison, Vergo was much worse.

It is necessary to know that Luo’s heart is shocked, but he can make his opponent’s body burn, cause damage to organs or coma, and even cut a weak opponent into two halves. The application of this trick is similar to an automatic electric shock in reality. Now the whole body of Wilgo is powered by a strong current, and now the station is standing still.

Both of them started to launch the final blow, and the domineering of the whole body of Vigo broke out again. He did not expect that he broke through before he died, and the domineering became purple.

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