One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 163: The beginning of the mission

The hunter Capone saw a sniper attacked by himself. He couldn’t hurt the Thunder, and the hunter Capone couldn’t help but scream out.

"Hey, I am not the second white beard, Laozi is the marshal of the emerging navy!" Tian Lei snorted, the shock of the hunter Capone is very disdainful, for this kind of shock to others, not to think about themselves Weak people, Tianlei has always been disdainful.

"You pirates, I still heard, killing more goods, no evil, I will kill you first, and then send others to double you."

After the thundering of the thunder in the eyes of the thunder, for those who want to kill themselves, and the hands are covered with blood, the thunder will never be soft-hearted, and when the hunter Capone is shocked, the thunder waved the iron fist to the thunder. Going to the head of the hunter Capone.


At this moment, the hunter Kapen was only awake, and the hunter Capone, who knew where his weakness was, could not escape the attack of the thunderous thunder. He could only raise his arms to block the attack of Tianlei.


The roar of the cannon sounded, and Francis punched the hunter Capone all over the place, all of which became a vacuum. Everything around him was destroyed by the aftermath of this thunder, and it was overwhelming. .


Under the overwhelming punch of Thunder, the figure of the hunter Capone formed a parabola that fell not far away.

"Give me all the time, I must kill him today." Seeing the situation is wrong, Parkin immediately shouted.

Under the reminder of Parkin, the wine tycoon who was shocked by the powerful strength of Tianlei, and the people who were beaten by Tianlei, and who were seriously injured, responded. Later, other people also understood the meaning of Parkin. At this moment, the thunder is already strong, and even if they are joined together, they cannot beat them.

If Tianlei lived away from here, they would not find the opportunity to jointly attack Tianlei in the future. At that time, they would not have to go to participate in this hegemony, and they would be directly killed by Tianlei.


Pas, who shouted in his muscles, took the lead, and with the yelling of Parkin, newcomers arrived.

The wine lord Xiaode, the hunter Kapen, etc., was beaten by the thunder, and the seriously injured person, once again surrounded the Tianlei at this time, seeing their captains hands, they did not stop, they also moved toward the thunder Start attacking.

The wine hobby is the superhuman angel fruit ability, with a pair of sharp wings like a knife, such as steel, the use of this pair of wings can be used to display the attack of the peak.

Hunter Capone and others also have their own abilities, and the power of the attack is stronger than one.

"Together, you can't let this guy leave here, otherwise we won't have to go to the throne to compete." Seeing the partners of the Devil's Pirates team together, Parkin shouted and launched an attack.

At this moment, the six peak powers worked together and all attacked Tianlei. In the face of this level of attack, even the former Naval General Marshal Warring States turned into a big Buddha and did not dare to pick up. Tianlei naturally may also pick up. Come down.

After the movement of the footsteps, without the restraint of Parkin, the thunder has been able to move freely. In an instant, the thunder is a few quick moves, avoiding the joint strike of six people. To know that Tianlei in addition to space movement, its speed can not be slow, after all, he is not white.

Parkin and others are a little dumbfounded.

When Tian Lei appeared again, he had already come to Parkin’s side and looked at his face with viciousness. He had already made a decision to kill Parkin first. As long as you kill Parkin, the hearts of these people will be scattered. When you start to face the six strong people, Tianlei feels a bit stupid. Even the thief’s reason is that he has forgotten. .

"Bastard, Laozi is Parkin, murderer Parkin!"

Seeing that Tianlei had to kill himself first, Parkin immediately realized that it was not good. After shouting, he immediately started the fruit ability.

"Well? There are two hands."

Suction reappearance, so close suction, even the old white beard can not avoid being caught by the double fist, so the thunder immediately opened the shave after the black beard suction appeared, and in order to stop Parkin to continue The suction was applied, and the thunder's feet crossed the two arcs. I saw two rounds of semi-circular air smashing the air and hitting Parkin's body.

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts."

After Parkin was injured by the thunder of the thunder, Parkin immediately began to use the ability to absorb the injury, but his ability and dark fruit have similarities, the side effects are the same, the pain of the body is strengthened again, Tianlei Lying directly on the ground, it rolled over.

"Angel wings."

"The giant hammer is mad."

"Burst three-style final, violent."

"Endless sniper."

"Boundless force punch."

"Tianli bow."

At the time when Tianlei attacked Parkin, the people of the Devil's Pirates did not stay in the same place. The six had already stopped in the way of the retreat of Tianlei, and only saw the six people each exert their own strongest attack. To the back of the thunder is the key.

"Just because you guys want to stop don't turn around and see the color of domineering, you will feel the situation around you, then there is a disdainful smile at the corner of Tianlei.

With a punch, Tian Lei’s overbearing punches reappear.


Just listening to a loud bang, the overwhelming punch, and the attack of the devil pirates strong attack.

Under the powerful strength of Tianlei's general level, the Devil's Pirates team combined forces, but it was only able to withstand this overwhelming punch.

"Oh, I think you can block a few punches."

Seeing that the six people joined forces to block their own punches, Tian Lei snorted and then did not stop again.


Half a second, only half a second of effort, Thunder hit a full 36 pounds, each punch is as full as before, can be described as a boxing hegemony.

Under the thirty-six fists of Tianlei, the six strong men of the Devil's Pirates, each of them was powerfully punched by Tianlei, and it was shocked and bloody, and the injury was not light. If you are attacked by Tianlei, then the three of the Devil's Pirates will die.

"Sucking storm."

Seeing that the devil pirate group is about to be destroyed by Tianlei, Parkin also moved at this time.

Under the sizzling sound of Parkin, a tornado formed by huge suction appeared huge.

The huge tornado, which is more than a dozen meters wide, rolled up all the things around the world with the breath of the end of the world.

"Oh, but that's it."

When the eyes were stunned, Tian Lei turned around in an instant, but for a moment, Tian Congyun appeared in the hands of Tianlei, and with the wave of the sky, he could almost smash the powerful sniper of the heavens and the earth.

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