One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 17: courage

Today, Bepok is trying to steal the rum with a few good crew members, but he has been caught by the gramby. They hated, and when the captain was sleeping, he found Krabi and secretly gathered the crew to teach him.

The crew brought Krabi into the cabin, but he was afraid that he would inform the captain when he was drinking a few people. Although Yalita doesn't like Kebi very much, she is very strict about the crew who steal things.

Everyone kicked Krubs while walking, and Kebi’s clothes immediately became gray as they kicked. At this moment, Krabi’s legs were smashed again, and his feet were soft and fell down the stairs.

With the laughter of everyone, Krabi even fell on the stairs. Finally, with a "beep", he fell into the last room in the cabin - the wine cellar.

As soon as he entered the wine cellar, he only smelled a thick wine, and the dark road was not good. He quickly looked up. When I saw everything, Krabi’s chin almost didn’t fall.

The original neat wine cellar has become a mess, large and small wine barrels are placed in a row, and the wooden covers have been opened. And inside, there is no drop left ~~~~ Kebi's heart suddenly fell to the bottom of the valley, the dark road: "Well, finished!" Tears almost came out. At this moment, he looked around the wine cellar, but saw two figures in the middle of the house.

Krabi’s body trembled and listened to the footsteps coming from the stairs. He gritted his teeth and walked toward the two figures. Step by step, before he got close, he heard a low voice saying, "Who is this?" There is no drunkenness in this voice.

It’s true that these two figures are, Tian Lei and Yu Xi are more. Tianlei’s past life is a person who loves adventure, excitement and challenge. How can such people not like to drink alcohol! In the past, thousands of cups were not drunk, but now it is even more difficult. The ten empty barrels on the ground are the best proof.

At this time, Krabi also saw the two people. He screamed and quickly covered his mouth. His voice shook and said: "You, you, you are the navy?!" At this time, Tianlei also looked at Krabi. The expression was a little excited and asked: "Are you a Krabi?" This is a qualified person. He participated in the Navy and learned the Sixth style. After the war on the top, he was awakened to see the domineering. Tianlei believes that as long as the training is good, Kebi must be a member of the war.

Kebi nodded, not waiting to ask him how he knows, Tianlei has been like a friend, came to Kebi, put the big hand on his shoulder, haha ​​laughed: "Treading the iron shoes I don’t have to work hard! Kebi knows that you have always wanted to be a navy. I am a lieutenant of the Navy’s headquarters, and now I am stationed in Rogge Town. How about going to the Navy to participate in this? Before he finished, he heard a few cold voices coming from the door.

Tianlei is quite unhappy. He is most annoyed by others to interrupt his own words. He looks at Kubi’s shoulder and looks back. He sees a large number of physically strong men standing at the door, and he is cold and scorned twice. He smiled and said: "I can't escape when I see you? Looking for death?"

The crew did not expect the people in front of them to be so arrogant, and stealing the rum was no problem, and it was still on the pirate ship of others! Not only did not have the slightest fear, but instead actively provocative.

Babok said coldly: "Although I don't know how your two navies came to our ship, but here is our world, and I dare to openly challenge us! See that I don't call you to find the teeth. You don't know that the sky is thick!" Saying, a group of pirates around immediately rushed up.

Kebi saw this scene, scared, shaken even more powerful, and his eyes were full of horror. Tianlei looked down at him like this, could not help but shake his head, now Kebi is really a bear! I took a shot of Kebi’s shoulder: “Men’s husband! Deal with these slags? Are you afraid? If you want to be a man, if you want to be a navy, give me a chest.”

Just a long distance away, Kebi has never had time to look at the eyes of Tianlei. At this time, I saw Tianlei’s eyes full of righteousness, and the handsome naval justice cloak behind him. It seems to have courage, and the waist plate is quite up. . However, his legs are still shaking, seeing that the thunder is somewhat speechless, it seems that he will exercise more in the future.

On the one hand, Yuxiduo is a solution to her face. She really doesn't understand. Lieutenant Colonel Tianlei is here to see this coward? I valued him so much, and encouraged him!

While talking between the two men, there was a boxing wind on both sides. Tian Lei was quite disdainful, and his feet slammed into the air and came up with a big whip leg. The cockroach was pumping, rushing to the front of the pirates, the pirates flew out like a cannonball, and the pirates behind them flew out. It was a bowling effect, and everyone who rushed up gave it a After the landing of the Tianlei, after looking at the Kby that has been scared by all the eyes, he slowly walked over to Bepok.

Babok was frightened. He had barely seen any strong people in the East China Sea, but at this time he saw Li Yu as a **** of war. Suddenly like a timid gram than the possession, the leg immediately softened, and finally it was smashed down.

Tianlei looked at him like this. They all had a match with the fighters in the bag. Kebi had a comparison. He smiled contemptuously and looked down at Bebek coldly. "Go and tell the fat woman." Said that she has been arrested! Have the ability to come here to fight with me, no ability, simply throw yourself into the river! Save her fat-like, lively and dirty!"

Bebok was swayed by the cold eyes of Thunder, only to think that it was a ray of light, stabbing his heart. Seeing that Tianlei did not kill himself, Becker immediately nodded and thanked Li Yu for a thousand thanksgivings.

After seeing Bebok away, Tianlei came to Kby’s side and asked: "Hey! Are you jealous? Forgot to introduce you, this is my voyager."

Kebi is already bursting into tears: "Thank you for saving me!"

"How, agree to come to the Navy to join me?"

Kebi: "Of course! I just think that happiness is coming too fast, a bit unreal!"

Tianlei once again took a shot of Kebi’s shoulder: "The man is going to get up, tears are women's things, you look at my nautical sergeant, a woman is not afraid, you a man crying, like what It looks like it! But it will be looked down!"

Kebi glanced at Yu Xiduo on the side, still a light and faint look, as if the terrible fight had not happened before.

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