One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 172: 3 to 3 (two)

"Boom!" Mahabes slammed on the ground, and the ground was pulled out of a large hole. At this time, Mahabuse stood up from the pit and found that he seemed to be younger. He knew that he was 45 years old now, but now he feels that he has returned to the way he is just in his early thirties. He feels that there is nothing wrong with it because When he pressed down, Ain touched him.

Yes, I just touched it, because Ai Yin is a regressing person who has eaten the fruit of retreat. Although I just touched Mahabes, it is also his ability to move backwards and touch.

Anything that is touched by her will fall back to the age of 12, and if it is touched many times, the enemy can be wiped out. This is a powerful ability that no one dares to take a nap! After the 45-year-old Mahabes’s move, the 12-year retrogression is naturally just thirty.

At this time, Delinger on the other side also launched an attack. He was a very proud and crazy person. He said loudly: "Take me a trick, high heels." I saw that Delinger pulled his right leg back. , kicked to Dezaia's head at a speed like a pistol.

Delinger's move is very powerful, and once hit, it causes heavy damage to the target. Unfortunately, once this trick is implemented, it is difficult to recover again, and the gap behind the use of this trick is the biggest drawback.

Dezaa’s strength in recent years has also been leaps and bounds, and the combat experience is not bad. At a glance, it is clear where the shortcomings of Delinger’s move are. I saw that when DeLinker was about to attack her, she immediately got a trick to shave Delinje, and came to DeLingjie as a sword.

There was not enough change in this attack by Delinger. After the fight, he couldn’t respond at all, but he moved a little and avoided the key. Can still be pierced by the Dezaa sword.

Delinger is a half-fishing fisherman who will go crazy when he sees blood. His eyes turn into a reddish color, which is completely different from the human eye. Ai Yin, who is used to seeing big winds and waves, is also a scalp tingling.

The gun **** Kelly VS Seignor Pique this time, in turn, the gun **** Kelly took the lead in launching the attack, the hands of the two guns shot dozens of shots, with unmatched domineering shot to the game Niort Pique. To know the bullets on the gun **** Kelly, but even the thunder can also hurt, Se Niol Pique can not resist.

Immediately leaped high and plunged into the ground, but the bullet on the gun **** Kelly was not vegetarian, directly penetrated the ground and hit the underground Se Niol Pique. Señol Pique, who was not stopping under the ground, couldn't help but snoring. It was a **** **** mold. This girl is really ruining herself! There is such a strong armed color domineering, it is not bad, even the smell of domineering is not bad, and his every move in the underground, can not shake her sense.

Señol Pique has only escaped from his life, but the other two sides are now fiercely fighting.

I saw DeLingjie, who was already red-eyed, screaming, and then it was a move "high-speed movement." The speed was extremely fast, leaving behind his own afterimage to confuse the enemy. It is a pity that Dezaa did not go to him, but he was still calm and unusual. The long sword in his hand was slanted and ready to launch a hit. But Delinger's speed is too fast, she can't keep up, she also knows that Delinger is waiting for her to show the flaws to attack her.

De Zaya looked at the acceleration around him and couldn't help but think that since he couldn't keep up, he wanted to reveal his flaws. Why didn't he give him a flaw? So Dezaa, deliberately revealed a flaw, and the sword in his hand clenched, waiting for Delinger to come to the door.

Sure enough, at this time, Delinger saw Dezaa's moment of revealing the gap, and gave a low voice: "The horn hit." Immediately rushed to Dezaia's abdomen, trying to run through Dezaia's body with the corner of his head.

Dezaa immediately turned over, with a foot-up and a head-down posture, just hiding from the Dreje corner attack and creating an excellent attack opportunity for himself. When I saw a spur of Dezaa, I pierced Delinger. To some of the senior cadres of Flamenco, one of them died. After Dezay got Drinker, he looked at Ain and the gun **** Kelly who were still fighting. It was back to the partner behind Tian Lei.

Dezaa’s battle was over, but another place was still hot. At this time, Mahabes and Señol Pique saw that the whole pierced Derlinger shouted at the same time: "Derlinger!" The shouts were full of anger, but they could see them in their eyes. They were more fearful in their hearts, because they knew that this kind of strength of Delinger was definitely not under them, no! It was above them, but he was killed.

Sainiol Pique faced the gun **** Kelly, who had the strength of the Navy lieutenant. He didn't have a way. He didn't even dare to come out of the ground. The bullets of the gun **** Kelly were not only powerful. It’s even more amazing. Because he knows that as soon as he comes out of the ground, he will be headshot by the gun **** Kelly.

And the gun **** Kelly unilaterally suppresses Seignor Pique Ain and Mahabes are you coming and going, I saw Mahabes shouting: "咚咚·The destruction of thousands of tons of Bais!" Mahabes let his huge body float once again in the air, after the body is aiming at Ai Yin, the weight will be turned into a thousand tons, and the force generated by this weight will be used again. I pressed Ai Yin over.

This move shows that Ai Yin is silent for a while. Is this different from the previous one? Ten tons of Bais?

Tianlei is also very speechless, but Tianlei also knows that this guy can be said to be the weakest presence of Dolfranming, only three strokes, and the three moves are almost the same, just to make the weight of the body more The weight is heavy.

Ai Yin also used the same moves to make this Mahabes younger to be twelve years old and become a 21-year-old. Although Ai Yin’s attack did not have a bit of attack power, he did not hurt him half a point, but Mahapuse is now very scared because he knows that as long as he is attacked again by Ai Yin, he will return to 9 At that time, he would have no resistance at that time.

One of the cadres of the Pirates Group, a member of the box "Diamanti", with long curly hair, a black hat, a tight-fitting threaded tights with exposed chest, and a right arm piercing the pirate group tattoo, keeping The muscular man with chest hair was thus erased from the world by Ai Yin.

Ai Yin is not a person who only beats and does not fight back. He immediately launched an attack and gave a low voice: "Take me a trick to shoot backwards!"

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