One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 182: Destroy the card

When Dolfranming and the dolls kept attacking the thunder, the three groups of Nochga, Bartol Romeo and Chennai made Guradius, Buffalo, Diamanti. , leisurely up, while watching the play on the side.

The other side of Dezaa, Drake, Ai Yin and Rao G and Chora played lively. The battle is also very fierce.

The battle of Kebi, the gun **** Kelly, the shadow swordsman Weishuang and Leica is almost over. If it is a single-on-one, Leica may be able to hold on for a long time in the hands of the squad that has both the shock and the darkness. However, with the addition of the Asian gun **** Kelly, the shadow swordsman Weishuang, obviously faster.

At this time, Kebi had already used the dark water to **** Leica out of the huge stone body. At this time, the gun **** Kelly and the shadow swordsman Weishuang around Kby had some action.

I saw the shadow swordsman Weishuang directly lost his figure at the side of Kebi, and even did not even send out a little movement, really worthy of the name of the swordsman.

It was only in a flash that the swordsman Weishuang had already appeared behind Leica, and he quickly stabbed a sword to Leica. Leica's attention is all on Kebi, because he is fully resisting the secret ability of Kebi. The movement of Shadow Swordsman Weishuang was too strange, and the appearance was too sudden. Leica simply couldn’t respond and was stabbed.

However, Leica is also a very experienced person with combat experience. At the crucial time, the armed color of the body has exploded. Although Leica has full confidence in his armed color domineering, he is still fast. A small amount of shaking the body, avoiding the vital parts of the body.

The facts prove that he is so wise to do so. When the sword of the swordsman Weishuang stabbed him, the sword body entered the body directly, and there was no blocking force at all. Obviously, the armed color of the swordsman Weishuang is more powerful, and this avoidance of Leica makes him live a life, but unfortunately his life is not long.

After the swordsman Weishuang hit a hand, he immediately retired. She knew that there was no need to make another blow. Because this time the gun **** Kelly also launched an attack, the two of them did not know how many years, tacit understanding. Shadow Swordsman Weishuang first attacked, and the attack of the gun **** Kelly followed closely, so it was really hard to prevent.

"Touch! Touch! Touch!~~~~~~." A dozen or so sounds of guns rang, which means that there are more than a dozen bullets full of domineering, to Leica.

At this time, Leica "hey!" spit out a blood. But he is not at all concerned about this. Because he is more concerned about, a dozen of them are full of armed color domineering bullets.

"Hey!" Leica was not hurt by the shadow swordsman, and once again he spit out a blood. However, this is not important now. Immediately, the whole body’s armed color is overwhelming. In the face of life and death, he broke through. The armed color domineering broke through to the advanced level, and the whole body black brought a little purple.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!~~~~~" The dozens of bullets full of armed color domineering of the gun **** Kelly all hit Leica. However, under the high-level domineering of Leica, all were prevented.

At this time, Kebi had stopped the dark water, and a shaving came to the front of Leica. The right hand waved high and a dazzling pale white aperture above his right hand, along with his right hand. The fight has been made, just to use the Leica.

At this time, Leica is running out of new power. When the stamina is not born, how to block the attack of Kebi! Once again, I was directly hit.

This shot of Kebi is also exhausted with all his strength, how strong is the shock capacity? Look at the past life is old, mixed with a white beard, but the highest combat power of the Navy is only a blow, the General Red Dog is seriously injured. The same is still only a blow, the white beard, which is already half dead, once again seriously injured the black beard.

Although Kebi is far less than a white beard, Leica is also far away! How can I withstand this blow, the mouth that was directly hit is wide, and the eyes are prominent, and then straight down, it is obvious that more than one of the younger brothers of Francand.

So Kebi, the gun **** Kelly, the shadow swordsman Weishuang and the three people like Noki, Bartol Romeo, and Chennai, looked at the play.

Only Dezaa, Drake, Ai Yin and Rao G and Chora are still fighting, and Tianlei and Dofranco are still fighting.

The combination of Rao G and Chora is too strong. One of them is super strong and the other is super capable. For a time, Dezaia, Drake, and Ai Yin had no way to take them.

At this time, Luo blocked the Rao G. Now that the four battlefields, the two have already been settled, he has not helped a little, but it is already the scene. As for the Tianlei side, there are still some Beware, but when you see that Thunder is completely pressed against Fleming, you are completely relieved.

He knows more about He doesn't have anything to do with him now. So now he has only one idea, and he can’t be alone! I have to find an opponent to play. He said to Drake three people: "This old man gave me the bag."

At this time, Bartol Romeo shouted: "We have all done it, and the four of you havetened to get the old man, and the old and ugly old woman."

When Chora heard Bartol Romeo's words, he immediately slammed and shouted: "You little bastard, you want to kill you." But she said that she did not attack Bartol Romeo at all. Because she knows that the three people in front of her, she will not be able to cope with it, and at the same time, there is a sense of desperation in the heart.

At this time, the people watching the Tianlei group and the multi-Franming brothers in front of the screen were shocked. Although they have full confidence in the highest combat power of the Navy, but the multi-Franming brothers, this seven Wuhai, is also the existence they look up to!

They never thought that the flamenco would be beaten by the thunder, and those long-standing, multi-Franmingo senior cadres were actually easily killed by the naval generals.

Be aware that among these navies, Luo and Decre are supernova names when they are pirates. Others can be anonymous, but they are one stronger than one, although they are only the major generals and the colonel, but they are one by one, no worse than the future of the navy headquarters!

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