One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 184: King's battle against the king

Such a huge super stone is in the sky, Rao G naturally will not be invisible, he immediately stopped the attack on Luo and began to escape. But how could Luo let him do it? There are many stones under the super-large stones in the sky. With a finger movement, all the stones under the huge stone immediately stopped the road to Rao G.

Then once again made out: "ROOM· slaughterhouse." Exchange the position of the super huge stone in the air, this combination move is simply no solution, which is equivalent to the ability of super huge stone to move instantly.

Although Luo has used many stones to block the way out of Rao G, but Rao G's break is strong, these stones are quickly kicked by them, and he is not slow to rush out.

However, he was moving faster and faster, and Rao G did not even have the opportunity to hide. He was pressed under the super huge stone in an instant. At the same time, the super huge stone instantly appeared and had a huge collision with the ground.

"Booming! Rubbing! Rubbing!" First, the sound of a huge impact, followed by the ground, can not withstand the force of impact, a wide range of cracking sound. It was also the formation of a powerful and incomparable shock wave, which brought a more intense wind to the whole kingdom. Then there was a burst of earth and shaking, hesitant to the tenth earthquake, all the nearby buildings fell down.

Luo actually used this trick from the beginning, but he had to wait until everyone else left the attack range of this move, or it would affect them.

Bartol Romeo, they have stopped to look at this side in the distance, they swallowed and swallowed, Bartol Romeo is now looking at the face of pity, Rao G under the huge stone, Ok! Although it is already completely invisible to him.

Then he said: "This old man is really unlucky enough to actually encounter Luo this big metamorphosis!"

On the one side, Nokiga and Chennai heard that Bartol Romeo said this, and he couldn’t help but glance at him. The secret, the talent who died in your hands is miserable! That is what you stabbed into a horse's nest. After that, she turned her head and glanced at it. The super-great stone that Luo made was very helpless. He said that these two people are all like a big change. One puts a man into a honeycomb, and one directly becomes a meat.

In the high-altitude Tianlei, it is very speechless to support one's forehead and say: "Hey! Hey! Hey! We are here to save the people here, not to destroy it!"

At this time, Luo has fallen from the sky, standing on the super-great stone, a faint smile, and then facing the heavenly thunder: "Boss, I am too good for the terrain here, for a while did not hold back, It’s a bit big to play.”

But when everyone was shocked by this move, when everyone thought that Rao G had been crushed into meat. The super-large stone on the ground moved a bit, then moved again, and then moved faster and faster, and even began to tremble, and then made a "scratch! Rub!" broken sound.

At the same time, there was a crack on the super-large stone. After that, more and more, and then the whole "嘣!" was broken. Luo, who is standing on the super-large stone, can't quickly use the "ROOM·slaughterhouse." He moved himself out instantly.

"G!" screamed under a pile of gravel, and then a powerful figure burst out. "Touch!" The man who came out of the blast came to the ground, but after seeing this person, everyone was stunned. This person is all who thinks that Luo has been smashed into a meat mud Rao G. At this time, he is not the old-fashioned dragon. Although he was not hurt by the light, but now he has no pain in his waist, his legs are not sour, and the people are standing straight, and the body is also exuding. Some are powerful and general.

Now everyone’s brain has a big doubt. This guy is actually not killed by the super huge stone.

There are even more excellent people, with more excellent ideas, such as Bartol Romeo, just listen to him exclaimed: "I ~ ~ ~ fuck, this guy was stunned by Rona's super-large stone, actually fart Didn't it happen? Actually, he~Mom~ became younger? Luo's move also has the ability to make people younger? Isn't this the ability to reverse the girl?"

Ai Yin heard Bartol Romeo not far away, calling her a retreating sister, and immediately took a retro shot and shot at the ground in front of Bartol Romeo. Bartol Romeo is still feeling emotions! Suddenly a flame came over. At first glance, Ai Yin shot and was scared out of the cold sweat and immediately hid behind Noki.

Noki Gao Bai took over with Bartol Romeo: "Whoever makes you always nicknamed? Still retired? Don't say Ai Yin's sister, I think anyone would like to learn from you." paused. After watching Bartol Romeo, who has already turned pale, Noki Gao continued: "And As a woman, remind you that women are very vengeful! You This nickname is to offend the sister of Noki Gao! I will apologize after thinking about it! I have to know that there is nothing good to be watched by a woman."

Bartol Romeo nodded immediately after listening to it, and he also knew that this backward girl was not easy to provoke! If you are not careful, you will be made into a small fart child. By then, your little JJ will definitely be inhuman and swollen. That’s not to be played badly, then my future sexual blessing is not finished? The more you think about his face, the whiter it is.

This is the result of Bartol Romeo's thought of such a good product. It is possible for Ain to retreat him into a small fart child, but to play his little JJ, Ai Yin has not had such a heavy taste, it is completely He thought more.

Suddenly Bartol Romeo seemed to think of something. He looked at Noki Gao and asked, "Sister, have I got rid of you?"

"What do you think!" Noki Gao smiled and gave Bartol Romeo an uncertain answer.

When Bartol Romeo heard it, the expression on his face could not be forced any more. He imagined that two people like the tiger were fierce, and they kept playing a small JJ. . Bartol Romeo immediately chilled, and now his attention has not been above the battle of Luo He, he is thinking about how to please the two grandmothers, so that their account is saved. Otherwise, his little JJ, you can't keep it!

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