One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 186: The death of Chora

Chapter 186 The Death of Chora

After Chora’s attack ended, the scene became strange and everything outside the barrier became a variety of artistic paintings with beautiful colors. But this style! Ok! ~~~~~~ Can't help but feel a little speechless!

At this time, Luo moved to a space above Chora and shouted: "Gamma (gamma) knife."

Luo Lima releases quantitative gamma rays from the hands and causes the gamma rays to gather in the hands to form a gamma short knife with a partial hollow near the grip. After that, the thorns of the thorns to Qola.

Chora looked at Luo's attack, and smiled coldly: "Boy, when the old lady is fighting, you are still in your mother's stomach!" After that, a large amount of colored clouds are released from both hands, and then everything becomes art. She, herself, is also part of the art. This is a trick that can absorb the attack and artistically reflect it to the opponent.

So this time the tragedy, this time the gamma (gamma) knife is a close attack. He watched his gamma (gamma) knife and was slammed back by the art of Chora.

"Hey!" Luo Yan's spit out a blood, and he couldn't help but smile. I really didn't think I would taste the power of the Gamma (gamma) knife. It’s really his ~ mom~ pain!

This gamma (gamma) knife is his own trick, what kind of ability, Luo is the clearest. This trick is very penetrating and carries high energy, strong enough to kill the cells, it will destroy the opponent's internal organs and cells, so that the opponent is seriously injured.

Now Luo feels his belly being hit, and all the internal organs are broken. Fortunately, this is caused by his own ability. He can still recover, otherwise it will be terrible!

The trick is that it will only cause damage to the opponent's body in an instant, and will not cause trauma. So Luo now looks like he hasn't been hurt a bit.

Therefore, it seems quite uncomfortable to outsiders. Bartol Romeo asked: "Is this old woman's move not to turn people into works of art? Isn't it going to hurt? How does Luo vomit blood? Blood Too much? Nothing to spit out?"

On the side of Bartol Romeo, Nokigo, he slammed on his head and said, "I see you have too much blood, you have to spit it out."

Bartol Romeo just wanted to return, and the five women of Ai Yin, Chennai, Dezaa, Gunsei Kelly and Shadow Swordsman were all over.

Looking at these five eyes with a murderous woman, Bartol Romeo was seen the hairs are erected. Bartol Romeo slid, and looked up at the sky: "The weather today is really good!"

Obviously, these people are not worried because of Luo’s injury, because they are full of confidence in Luo and believe that he will not be defeated in this way.

At this time, Chora's attack was launched again. I saw her looking at Luo very contemptuously, and sneered aloud: "Ro, you are a devil! You are still tender!" It is said that it will launch an attack again.

But she was also looking down on Luo. Luo was just a breathing time, gave himself a simple treatment, and then sipped a low voice: "ROOM · baton." Luo Xian made a huge dome space Then I stretched my finger and swung up, and all the things on it instantly floated.

Luo and Chora are all surrounded by gravel, and each of these gravel is a position where Luo moves instantly.

At this time, Chora's attack has also been launched, only to listen to: "Life Art." A 7-color light shot from Chora.

This move is her strongest trick. Once she is shot by this 7-color light, she will turn the opponent into a part of the mural. After ten minutes, the person will completely lose consciousness and become a part of the art. It is a trick. A powerful move that kills people without seeing blood.

However, Luo at this time was ready, and a space move came behind her, and then recruited: "Scalpel." The scalpel, not the real scalpel, but a transparent light.

At this time, Qola is going to the original place and attacking all the way. Although she has already reacted, she has sent out the move, but she can't get it back. Not to mention, avoiding the attack of Luo.

The light of the scalpel that was recorded by Luo was shot.

The scalpel, which is a long way to dig out the enemy's heart in the space, the excavated heart will be taken out along with the muscle tissue near the heart, so it seems that the heart is like being placed in a cube.

And Luo now holds the heart of a cube in his hand, which is the moment when the scalpel digs out the heart of Chora. Luo uses space to move to the hand, to know that Luo's space movement is actually a position exchange, not only his body and other objects exchange, between objects and objects.

At the same time, Chora was shot, and the chest was opened with a diamond-shaped hole. Although her heart was taken out, but the person did not die, but after the heart was taken away, the physical strength of the person would fall to the ground.

The earth-shaking Tianlei and Dolfranming brothers who have already fought are naturally seeing this Tianlei laughed, and the blue-core explosion on the forehead of Dolfranming’s forehead was even more beneficial.

At this moment, holding the heart of Qola's heart, looking at the flamenco, the eyes burst into a cold light, the cold makes people feel chilling, because he will never forget, Don Quixote Rodriguez is How to be killed by Dolfranming for himself.

He slammed his hand and smashed the whole heart. In the distance, Qola, who is sitting on the ground, "hey! Hey~~~" even spit a few mouthfuls of blood, and then he stopped crying.

"God! All the senior cadres of Dolfranming's men are dead, and they are all dead. It's incredible."

"Yes! It seems that the name of the seven Wuhai killers, this big blue will be fixed!"

"It seems that not only the pirates have supernovas, but these naval majors under the blue dragon general are also the navy superstars!"

"The old man who was just like Franmingo was so strong that he was emptied by such a huge super boulder. He didn't think that he was still in the hands of Luo."

At this time, the multi-Franming brother, has been completely mad, seeing a guy who is like a guy in front of him, one by one to die, but he can not save one, completely powerless. Since he personally killed his father and mother, he never felt so powerless.

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