One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 190: 4 emperor's reaction

If the news shocked everyone, then Franmingo was once a Tianlong person. When the news came out, it was all the people who were scared. A Tianlong person has actually become a big seven Wuhai-class sea thief?

But then, they are even more thunderous, knowing the identity of Dolfranming, but they are not scrupulous. Everyone here smells an unusual taste.

It’s the ordinary people who feel it. The atmosphere of the whole world seems to be different. The fresh air is becoming heavy. At the same time, a strange and tense atmosphere was created little by little inside the navy.

The interior of the Navy, whether it is the pillar of the Lieutenant General, or the middle and lower generals and the seamen at the grassroots level, are waiting. They are waiting, the attitude and decision of the navy headquarters on this matter are waiting for the real decision, and it is waiting for the justice in their hearts, whether it is still so just.

In the past few days, the reputation of Thunder in the Navy has increased to a terrible position. All young colleges and grassroots navies regard him as an idol, a true navy that does not differentiate for each other and still insists on justice.

In the new world, there has also been a big event that does not have a battle with Tianlei and Dolfranming. That is the fire fist Ace that disappeared from the battle of the top, appeared, and as soon as it appeared, it shocked people with amazing records and strategies.

At the same time as Tian Lei’s plan, the remaining powerful captains of White Beard have successfully merged with Firefighter Ace. And in order to deal with the menacing Kaiduo and the aunt, a move came to show the enemy weak, and then came a raid, a move Yandi continued to kill one of the three major disasters of Kaidu, Jack, mammoth, and Charlotte Specially, Ling Ling’s men’s baron was killed one by one.

In the end, he ushered in the revenge of Kaiduo. In everyone, I believe that this new fire, Ais, who will inherit the position of the Whitebeard and the Four Emperors, will definitely die in the hands of the world’s strongest creature, and he is actually incumbent. The deputy head of the White Beard Pirates Group, with the support of the Martín, was blocked by hard and hard students.

His powerful pirate captain also forced the other two major disasters under Kaidu, the flood QUEEN and the catastrophe KING, and the new white-bearded pirates once again stood in the new world as the emperor.

The new head of the White Beard Pirates, Ace, is also known as the Emperor, and officially took the position of the Four Emperors.

When Tian Lei heard the news, he was also shocked. Although he put Ace out, he had already expected it. However, he did not think that the general's Ace and the same level of the undead bird Marko, actually lost the beast Keduo.

It seems that the top of the battle, the team leader of the White Beard Pirates has grown a lot! It seems that I can't do it myself. The strength is growing fast, and I am content, because others are also growing.

At the same time that Tianlei was shocked by this news, Ace and his group also looked at it at this time. The video that had been spread throughout the world was silent. On the side of the undead bird, Marco, they are the same as the captains at the captain level.

After a while, the dead bird Marko said: "Ace, it seems that the new general of the navy, the strength is also leaps and bounds! The last move to get more than one blow of Flamenco, definitely no less than you The Emperor Yan. But fortunately, he is not a heart with the Navy. It seems that this time, not only has our pirates changed greatly, but the Navy will not take much longer, it will be the same, maybe it will change. It’s even more earth-shaking! But no matter what, it’s good for us.”

Although Ace has over the blood of Luffy, and lacks a rib to fly too much, but he is also a **** guy, for those who are too fast to understand the brain, He said that understanding is very difficult, not as easy as asking directly.

Ace: "Marko, what do you mean by this, Tianlei just killed a sea thief! Isn't this the responsibility of their navy? Even if Dolanminger used to be a dragon, it is also In the past, it was also the navy's general, and the nephew of the current naval marshal. The status in the navy is extraordinary. Can it be what the navy and the world government can do to him?"

Marko smiled and didn't speak, but he was psychologically saying that even if Tian Lei was in the navy's position, he would be extraordinary, and the Tianlong people would be a slag. We must know that the Navy is only a department of the world government.

On the side of Charlotte Lingling, she was still a baron. I died in Ace's hands and thundered, but then I heard that Ace had blocked a group of Kaido. She calmed down. Although she was extremely powerful and confident, she also knew that Although she is not afraid of Kaiduo, she also knows that she is absolutely impossible to win over Kaiduo.

Since Ace can block then she went in vain. Since this is the case, it is better to eat your own snacks! But it disappeared again and again. The new general of the Navy actually killed Dove Fleming, the special existence in this underground world. As for the identity of the dragon in the Fleming, she did not care.

What she cares is that she has a good show, not only between the naval headquarters, the world government, and the daring new navy blue dragon general. There is also a big drama between Kaiduo and the Blue Dragon general. Others don't know, she is the same as the Four Emperors, but she knows the relationship between Dolfranming and Kedo.

"Oh!~" Now, Kaido wants to come and jump like a thunder! First, the powerful beast was destroyed by the new four emperor Ace, and the next trading partner, Dolfranming, was also destroyed. Such a double blow, I want to come from him to become the four emperors, never experienced it!

He said that there is nothing wrong with it. Now Kato has been burning with anger, but it is better to be stopped by his deputy captain: "Captain, why not let their navy fight first, we will play at the crucial moment, put the two sides Kill it all!"

The deputy captain of Kaido is a group of Kaiduo, a few who can let Kaido listen to the opinions. When Kaido listened to him, he couldn't help but smile, but the smile was full of naked killings: "Oh! It seems that killing some navies is also good. Then you pay close attention to them. When they fight, I give them. A big surprise, hahaha!"

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