One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 195: Naval collective defect

Zefa’s influence was immediately manifested. The Navy was a mess. In addition to the Tianlei incident, the Navy’s dissatisfaction with the Navy’s headquarters, the world government, and the Tianlong people broke out immediately. There is a person who leads them.

At this time, Ai Yin ran to the office of Tianlei g-5, facing Tianlei Road: "Boss, teacher's phone." And Tianlei's companions mixed up for a long time, also followed them called the sky Ray is the boss.

After Tian Lei took over the telephone worm, he said to the phone: "Mr. Zefa, your movements are really fast!" The phone worm immediately spoke out the voice of Zefa: "That is natural, it is faster. I am in a hurry to let the Warring States have no time to respond. Otherwise, the name of the wise will be not white, the time is a little stronger, and there will be a corresponding way in his mind."

"It seems that the hero is exactly the same! I think so too." Tian Lei said with a smile.

"Ha ha ha!" Zefa laughed, and then immediately said: "I have three big gifts for this new naval marshal!"

"Big gift? Three copies? Is Mr. Zefa too polite!" Tianlei said so, but his heart was very curious about Zefa's three gifts.

"The first one is Ai Yin. Although she is my disciple, I have always used her as a daughter. Now how do I marry her to be your wife?"

"Well?" When Tian Lei heard it, Zefa’s first gift was stupid, and this happiness came too fast! When he saw Ain, he was coveted to her, but there are too many things now, and they are all big things, one after another, before they can start!

Ai Yin also did not think that Zefa would say such a thing, shameful face flushed, although she does not hate Tianlei, but at most it is a good feeling, and marry him as a wife, it is still far away. !

But after a while, Tianlei immediately realized that he had a wife. That is the female emperor Hancock. She can do it herself, but Ain is here. Immediately said: "Mr. Zefa, I don't want you to say that Ain is really beautiful, I like it very much, but I already have a wife!"

"I have known this for a long time. As a strong man, there are a few wife who have something. You didn't look at the aunt who is the four emperors. There are a lot of children. Where do you think you are coming, there are a lot of male pets. Is it not that you are not as good as a woman?"

When Tian Lei heard that Zefa had said this, Tian Lei did not temper and immediately agreed: "Oh, wait for this pass, we will be married."

After I finished speaking, I looked at it, and Ai Yin in front of me, but I saw Ai Yin’s face flushed red, and it was red to the neck. After that, I flew quickly and ran out.

Looking at the escaped Ai Yin, Tian Lei could not help but smile. Then he asked: "Mr. Zefa, don't know the other two gifts?"

Once again, Zefa laughed and laughed again. Again: "You will know right away, absolutely big surprise! I think you will love it! Hahaha!"

After hanging up the phone with Zefa, Tianlei always thought about what the two gifts of Zefa were, but Tianlei wanted to come and think, but he couldn’t think of it. In the end, he couldn’t help but shook his head: “This Zefa is really appetizing. !"

However, Tian Lei knew it immediately, because another big news came at this time. Lieutenant General Dal Messi, commander of the Navy g-9 branch, and Commander of the Navy g-2 branch, led by Lieutenant General Gumir, led their respective 20,000 rebellious The Navy, the emerging navy that joined Tianlei, has now been driven away from the emerging naval headquarters g-5.

This is the naval branch, not the base navy of the four seas, not a level. They are all sent by the Navy headquarters, but the elite of the Navy headquarters, and all the commanders of the branch are also lieutenant generals of the Navy.

Thunder got such news, but it was really amazing and happy! What is shocking is the influence and appeal of this old guy in Zefa. Of course, Tianlei also knows that there is also a large part of this, which is a major event that he has done, and the Navy’s headquarters has lost its hearts. Zefa can win success.

Hi is a plain-minded two middle-ranking generals, and there are 40,000 naval elites, really making a big profit. But this is not over yet, and then another one has passed over.

The Navy's headquarters, the ghost spider, and the Navy's lieutenant, the Mole, led their warships and navy to defect, and joined the new navy of Tianlei.

These four people are not ordinary navies! They are the lieutenant of the naval headquarters! Every one of them has a great reputation in the Navy. This navy, which was originally floating in the heart, suddenly came to the brink of collapse.

The people who stayed in the naval headquarters of Tianlei also started to act and achieved very good results. In a few days, the hard-boiled 20,000-strong elite was pulled out from the navy headquarters, but they were also found in the warring states in time to suppress this defect.

This is the case. First, let Gal Dinola leave the 30,000 elites, and now it is 20,000. The total number of naval headquarters is 100,000, which makes Tianlei draw a whole place!

Let the red dogs and the warring states vomit their **** heart! But they only know 20,000 now. Smog, Dina, their things, they have no time to think about it!

However, Tianlei would not give them the opportunity to think about it. Lier was given power to Gal Dino: "Gal Dino, where are you now?"

Gal Dino: "Boss, we still have 7 days to reach our own headquarters."

Tian Lei listened: "That means that they have already come out of the sphere of influence of the world government."

Gal Dino: "Yes!"

After confirming, Tianlei immediately ordered: "Now announce you join the new navy. Add a firewood to the fire to make this fire more prosperous."

Gal Dino Lima said: "Understood the boss!"

Then Smog, Dina, T. Benn, Xien, Katakong, Kadaru, Yukimura and others jointly released, they led 30,000 naval to defect to the world government, joined the new navy of the thunder .

The world has already exploded about this matter! I haven't thought that this is another big news. All the people are stunned, and they are thinking, this day, the ability of the generals is really not big!

The top three in the navy, Zefa, the middle-class Mole, and the ghost spider, are now the generals of the Smog and Dana, and the colonel. It’s really killing the old and the young! Especially in the generation of Smog and Dina, almost all the outstanding schools in the Navy have been taken away. This is simply to be replaced!

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