Ace listened: "Now is not the time to fight against Tianlei. Today we will come here to watch a big show! It is quite rare to know that this level of the strong is a battle."

The foil was on one side, and asked inexplicably: "But the old man’s hatred is not reported?"

Marko smiled bitterly: "Who is the person here who doesn't want to avenge the old man? The question is, who can stop the sky-ray with space ability?"

"Yes! Before he finds a way to restrain his space ability, he can't be anxious. With his strength and ability, he is anxious, and it is easy for him to be broken one by one!" Ace is also A look of bitter smile.

The foil and several other captains couldn't help but nod their heads and agreed with them. They all showed a smile on their faces.

Thunder said to Edward Weibul and his mother, Miss Bajin: "Our battle is only now! Don't worry if they can't get in."

Edward Weibull is stupid. He can't understand the situation now, but Miss. Ba Jin is different. He can see at a glance that if they can't solve the thunder, their mother and son can't run.

Immediately facing Edward Weibula: "My son let this person, know that as a son of white beard, you in Wuwuhai, how strong is the real strength, or else you are really underestimated."

Edward Weibull stupidly replied: "Knowing Mom." While answering, Edward Weibuli also started his attack. Edward Weibull attacked him, like a white beard, never had a trick. Pure power, so straightforward.

Tian Lei smiled, the secret road is stronger than the power, and he is not the opponent of this Edward Weibull. However, the thunder is not muddy, the power is not as good, and with the ability to move, it is not believed.

However, Tianlei did not dare to care about it. He immediately attacked the iron--the domineering qi and the Zhengquan rushed up. "Touch!" After a loud noise, Tianlei was once again shot and flew out.

But the next moment, Tianlei knows that it will be suffered. Although the figure of the seaman is still flat, the thunder of the thunder is in the air, and there is nothing in the front. It is an afterimage! Then the whistling wind rang behind the head.

Thunder immediately reacted, and immediately an iron-dominated two thousand watts kicked back and hit back.

The next moment, I heard a loud bang, Tian Lei and Edward Weibull’s full blow, and they slammed together. The two were each shaken back two steps, and the land under their feet was also because they were stable. Lived in the body, and cracked too hard. This time, the two were equally divided, and they shook back.

However, Edward Weibull stabilized his body shape and disappeared into the original place. He appeared behind Tianlei and launched an attack again.

Just hit hard and attacked the thunder, and felt the wind again. Don't even think about it, this is the attack of Edward Weibul. Tianlei immediately moved in a space, and the danger escaped the impetuous blow.

At the same time, Tianlei appeared on the top of the knight, and immediately shot a gun, and shot to Edward Weibul.

Although Edward Weibull is stupid, but the consciousness of fighting is very strong, when he sees his attack falling, he feels wrong, and instantly accelerates, once again turns into a residual image, quickly avoiding the thunderbolt of the thunder. .

Tianlei Zou had an eyebrow, and the strength of Edward Weibull was extraordinary!

Then Thunder once again launched an attack, and a month step appeared in the air. After that, the light energy was quickly gathered on the hands, and a cloud of clouds appeared in his hands. Finally, Tian Lei shouted: A knife flow · Feilong flame." Although the strength of Tianlei itself is constantly increasing, the swordsmanship of Tianlei is also a great progress, so the power of the sword is also a lot.

On the other hand, the body of Edward Weibull appeared for the first time.

Looking at the sky and thunder, at this time, Edward Weibull, his eyes were dignified for the first time, apparently a demeanor to the gods and thunders. For the first time, he met people who are so fast!

He didn't know that Tian Lei's move was a space ability, but it was a move that couldn't feel the domineering. Looking at the attack of Tianlei, he has already attacked himself, and he knows that this attack, he can't hide!

Then it can only be hard, Edward Weibull immediately sighed: "斩~~~!" This is the strength of the full body of Edward Weibull, which is also the full blow of Edward Weibull.

Tianlei looked at Edward Weibull, who had a hard time, and a faint smile. Tianlei was not afraid at all. The strength on Tian Congyun’s sword added a few points and quickly passed to Edward Weibul.

"Booming!" The two men made a full blow and once again slammed into it. From the last hard hit, I know that my strength is not as good as Edward Weibull, but the ability to move is equal, Edward Weibull is not afraid. So now the attack is not over yet, and Tianlei already knows the The two are once again evenly matched, and Tianlei can't help but laugh out loudly: "Hurry! Come on! Let's fight again! Look at You are strong, or I am strong!" said that completely Ray once again attacked Edward Weibuli all the time, this time the thunder jumped up, the body rotated 180 degrees in the air, a move iron - domineering two thousand wagons kick! Once again, I played to Edward Weibul.

Just then, the opposite of Edward Weibull, the body suddenly raised two blue currents. In the eyes of Tian Lei’s astonished eyes, he waved his big knife, and two blue currents attacked him with his sniper.

Thunder looked at the two blue currents, a current shot quickly toward his chest, and one shot his legs. Mom, this guy has this ability? I really can't see it!


The electric light flashed, and Edward Weibull’s sniper also instantly reached the front of Tian Lei and smashed into the belly of Tian Lei.

Upper, middle and lower, three-way attack? Is it really hard to avoid? !

It’s felt instantly, and the speed of these two blue currents by Edward Weibul is very fast. It’s a tough trick!

However, it is difficult for Tian Lei to be able to deal with it. Tianlei immediately screamed, and the Tiancun Yunjian in his hand once again made a sword move "a knife flow ~ double dragon attack."

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