"噗嗤~~~~!" Edward Weibul was hit by the lightning line of the thunder, and the blood in his mouth continued to spit out. But Edward Weibull is also a peerless powerhouse. How could it be so defeated? Immediately, the anger of the anger screamed, the muscles of the body bulged, and then the big knife in his hand was lifted up, 狠Awkwardly slammed a sniper.

"Touch! Rub!" Thunder's trick of the spider web, shattered. In the moment when the spider web in front of the thunder broke, Edward Weibuler slammed his feet on the ground and burst into the sky.

"Oh? Sure enough, it’s the guy who took Zefa off an arm, then you also pick me up!" Tian Lei said that he directly shaved, escaped the attack of Edward Weibul, and then appeared in Behind Edward Weibull, a sniper-stricken Edward Weibuli smashed the past.

Edward Weibuler saw the sniper of the thunder and rushed to himself. He jumped straight back and shouted: "The knife thunder!" Edward Wieber’s hands quickly swung the big knife in his hand again, after a lot of The current is generated, attached to the big knife, and quickly rushed to the thunder.

Tianlei knows that Edward Weibull’s moves are not to be seen. Every move is extraordinary. Although this is not the first time to face the attack of Edward Weibull, Tian Lei is not at all daring. Thunder can even feel above his big knife, the hot temperature generated by the current, Thunder can think of the power of this move, it is enough to open the large iceberg instantly!

Immediately raised a leg, quickly gathered the ability of light, and then, to the big knife that quickly rushed to himself, smashed the past. The two men's attacks quickly met in the air, one punch and one kick, a lava and a light, and the smash hit.

"Booming!" A loud explosion rang. After that, a strong shock wave was generated, and the justice cloak behind the two men was blown up.

After that, the two men compared the body skills, punching and punching, and you came to me for dozens of rounds. The more the Tianlei thundered, the anime in the past life, just said that Edward Weibull pursued the white beard's remnant party and smashed an arm of Zefa, but how strong his strength is.

At this time, looking at Edward Weibul and the Ace of the Tianlei war in the distance, I was also very emotional: "Is this the strength of the world's top powerhouse? It seems that he is still a little worse!" The captains of the Pirates group thought about it, and they did not subconsciously clench their fists.

Tianlei stepped on his left foot, a hand knife, and turned to Edward Weibull. Edward Weibuler saw the domineering in the hands of the thunder, and it was already purple, and his eyes could not help but shrink.

Edward Weibull couldn't help but think that this armed color is domineering. He knows that only the hero of the navy, Karp, is the purple domineering! Now Edward Weibull can't help but think that the current lack of the thunder is only the strength and power of the body. To know that he is known as a man with a white beard and a young man, the power is about 100,000, and the strength of the thunder is much worse than him. As long as the power of the Thunder itself goes up, it is estimated that he is not an opponent!

"It seems that I am a bit old!" Edward Weibuler had a feeling of time. But I want to think about it, and I feel it. Edward Weibull's hand was not slow at all. Looking at Tian Lei's hand knife, he leaned his body to the right and escaped the knife.

The Thunder's attack did not end, and the two feet leaped upwards, and they jumped up at once. After a flip in the air and a circle in the air, I looked at the underside of Edward Weibull and looked up and said: "Iron - Domineering two thousand watts to kick back!" The voice did not fall, and Tian Lei's right foot squatted to Edward Weibull.

Edward Weibull naturally won't be hit like this. He saw a series of attacks by Tianlei. When he saw a glimpse of his eyes, he saw the thunder of the thunder, then raised his arms directly into a cross and hardened the thunder. This powerful round kick kicks.

At this time, the captains of Ace’s team were very excited to see such a battle. The foil heard the dialogue between Tianlei and Edward Weibull and immediately said to the partners on the side: “Is this only a temptation? Isn't our gap so big?"

The dead bird Zou said: "Although I don't want to say it, but I have to, these two people can only resist me and Ace. Others are okay for a short time. A little longer will damage the death."

On the other side, Ace also nodded cautiously. "It’s a good thing. You will meet these two people alone and walk on."

"Well, Edward Weibull! So come down, I will be serious." Tian Lei’s smile has disappeared, and now it’s a serious look to this Edward Weibul.

"Well, since the battle with Zefa, I haven’t played well yet! Let’s have a good fight!” Edward Weibuler also looked at Tian Lei seriously, obviously Through the previous test ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Edward Weibull has also placed the thunder in an equal position.

"Tianlei, today I will kill you, revenge for my mother, pick me up with a knife." Edward Weibull raised the big knife in his hand and rushed to Tianlei.

Tianlei saw Edward Weibuler rushing over to the big knife and rushing over to himself. It is very strange why the name of this move is called a knife, which is quite a domineering name. Tianlei can't believe Edward Howell's move. Just nice, so I stared at Edward Weibull's big knife. After careful observation, I found out that Edward Weibull's big knife was covered with a dazzling current.

Thunder can't help but think, is the big knife in the hands of Edward Weibull, it is difficult to make a nose song: the sword in Brooke's hand is attributed? To know the nose song: Brooke's sword can pull out the ice, but obviously not his ability, and the sword in his hand is attached! The same is true of the big knife in the hands of Edward Weibull.

Tianlei can not use his own fist to harden, but immediately made a cloud of swords and ushered in the big knife of Edward Weibul. The "Boom" of Tian Lei's Tian Cong Yun Jian collided with Edward Weibull's big knife. Surrounded by the collision of two people, the turbulent air waves rushed the surrounding debris to the distance.

"Edward Weibull, you are really strong!" Tian Lei said, jumping away from Edward Weibull.

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