One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 225: Sad reminder

The group was sitting in the house for a while and went out. I watched my blast hit the time, and hurried back home. I sat on the floor and gasped, and said: "The group is really not easy to provoke. I feel that he has the strength of the shadow level. By the way, I am still a little bit tolerant, that momentum. It’s too strong, scared me! nnd, today I’m going to get back soon! The next place should be a book stall. Well, I’m coming to the “Ten Paradise”! I must take a look at this sales first. The wonderful book."

A famous book stand somewhere in the wood.

"The latest "Intimate Heaven" has just arrived, to buy, come on! Do not come under the age of 18!" The hawker who sold the book snorted. Suddenly, countless individuals came from all directions of the wooden leaves.

I have been guarding for two days, and I finally waited until today, seeing a scene of chaos. I smiled and used the blast to hide my body. I picked up a few books that I had already chosen, and I showed up, and then I was invisible. The interval was very short. I almost always kept invisible and ran back home with a picture book. I really want to scream two times, but I am afraid to disturb everyone. I am excited to open "Love Heaven", one page, one page, looking for the material in my mind. Just listen to my mouth and say: "Well, this is good, this is good. This is not bad. It is very good with the group."

I took out a camera, and I started to take each picture selected, and then started to rinse, cut, reassemble and put a few backgrounds already taken, and then assemble the assembled group. The Tibetan pictures and the beautiful pictures are put together, posing in various poses, and finally photographed. A series of lively photo albums with vivid stories is born! Falsification, yes, it is fake! Whose technology in the fire shadow can surpass me, the answer is no! I used to be a fake amateur master!

I copied another photo album, and then placed five of the photos quietly outside the village of Muye, waiting for the discovery of the villagers of Muye, and then things were simple, waiting for a good show!

The appearance of five photos immediately deceived everyone in Konoha, and of course did not include the group and me.

After discovering this incident, the three generations of Naruto quickly settled the matter for the peaceful development of Konoha. However, all people have a variety of ideas in their hearts.

The first is the group. When the group looked at the pictures of themselves and the beautiful women, they were very angry: "Who? Who did this? I want to kill him!"

The root member standing next to him said: "I didn't see it. The adults in the group are so old, so strong! Adults are not adults! Well, you should let the brothers learn more."

"You are still standing here, not going to find me the **** bastard!" The snarl roared angrily.

"Yes, the group of adults. If we found the sneak shot, what should we do?" asked the root members.


Three generations, screaming, smoking, remembering the five photos, shaking their hands, said: "The guy who hides, what secret medicine does he have? Nnd is too unfair!"

Uchiha Fuqiu and Sun Yat-Sen talked about the five photos together. The two men also exaggerated and laughed from time to time. They all felt that they laughed more than one year today.

Uchiha Fuqiu pointed at the picture: "How about, I am very good. When I saw the photos, I let the painters all draw. These poses are classic! I didn’t expect the old guy to hide. Talented, really can't do it, only unexpected!"

The Japanese side is attached to the Japanese: "Yes! You are awesome! I will paint a few more for me. However, you have not seen the reaction of the three generations when you saw the photo. His nosebleed has a pot! In time for the collection, I estimate that the three generations of adults will be the first shadow ninja to die of nosebleeds!"

Uchiha Fuqiu licked his chest and said: "It's a pity, but unfortunately! I didn't see this wonderful scene! I think the three generations of Huo Ying adults are now shaking because of excessive blood loss! Oh, poorly his cigarette rod! What does it look like?"

"Ah, hahaha, laugh at me!" The patriarchs of the two big families are unscrupulously laughing.

The villagers of Muye expressed their thoughts more directly, and they uttered an unpleasant sentence after the meal. Five of the villagers said something different, but the things they said were probably the same.

A female villager asked her man: "How do I see the photo so familiar?"

The woman's man thought for a moment: "Yes! I also have this feeling! md, I know, one of them is our posture that night, but the face is not ours! tmd! Which..." When she finished speaking, she was caught by a woman.

The woman said: "You are stupid! Let others know that it is ours, how can we live! If you hear him yelling at the sneak shot, don't post our other photos! If you have a long brain, give it to you. I am going home! We must be careful when we do things!"

Other places in Konoha are talking about this.

I saw such a result, depressed and bad, and said: "I have worked so hard for so many things, the villagers of Muye did not want to impeach the group! Well, you wait!"

In order to make everyone think that the photos are absolutely sneak shots, then I took a photo of n male and female sneak shots elsewhere in the leaves, secretly thrown on the road. The next night, I left a detachment, a person with a cover of the night, cast a blast to hide the body shape, out of the wood leaves to go to the countries, all the way to distribute photos! All the photos produced have been copied hundreds of times. On the road, I also sneaked some other 'small stories of Ninja Village. Of course, the protagonists of these little stories are not serious people. Then I extort money from each other. If I don’t give money, I will post the photos to the Make the photos of the group more authentic, let people think of the mysterious sneak shots of the blackmail group can not be published, it will be announced to the public. Later, people learned that Muye Village had indeed released pictures of the group, but it was suppressed by three generations of Huo Ying. At this time, people in the Naruto world have identified the things of the group, even if some people say that these are fake, no one believes!

The overwhelming gossip was quickly spread in the world of Naruto.

The villagers in Muye Village are always ridiculed. It is nothing to be laughed at by two people. However, when the number of people who were ridiculed increased to 60%, the villagers in Muye Village broke out! Under the leadership of a certain villager, a large-scale parade was held, shouting out all the duties of the regiment elders! The parade team first went to the front of the group collectors, and then to the Huo Ying office, a huge slogan shook the three generations of Huoying ears inside the house!

Three generations of Huo Ying bar slammed the smoke, looked at the dense documents in front of them, listened to the slogan outside, wrinkled the eyebrows and could not wrinkle again, sighed: "Hey, what to do! Group, what do you say? Let's go!"

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