"I said that Mr. Fei Fei will be fooled?" At this time, I was walking slowly in the woods with the big snake pill, as if I was very leisurely.

"Yes." I faintly replied.

"How do you know." The big snake pill is not convinced.

"This is my instinct. I believe that Teacher Fei Fei will choose this way, because if it is me, I will choose it as well." I confidently said, "Well, don't be so awkward like a woman."

I saw the big snake pill in the back and talked, frowning and breaking. "I was originally..." The big snake pill wanted to explain, but was immediately interrupted.

"Oh, there is movement." In front of me, I was facing the big snake, and then I yelled at the front and shouted: "Come out, I know you, you know."

"Oh, your kid is still so alert." Fei Fei walked out from behind the tree and smiled at me and the big snake.

"Be careful behind." I suddenly turned my head and shouted at the big snake.

"Just take you first, Big Snake Pill." The voice of Fei Fei suddenly came from behind, and the big snake pill that stood behind me was heard. Immediately after hearing my voice, I turned my head subconsciously.

Seeing that Fei Fei skipped from behind and immediately understood that this was his avatar, used to confuse himself, but he was not so good at catching it.

The big snake pill raised his fist immediately and was punched in front of him. He saw that the original intact land was immediately split, leaving the flying body to lose its place. He couldn’t help but twist his body to the side of the tree. Jumped, but suddenly shouted before leaving: "Da snake pill, or a hand?" Yan Fei shouted and stared at the big snake pill.

"Yu Fei teacher, even I don't know." The big snake pill smirked, as if the question was ridiculous, but my heart was still tight.

"Is it all right?" At this time, I just solved the problem of flying away from the body and asked me to go back to the big snake pill.

"Nothing." The big snake pill nodded.

"That's good." I nodded, then looked at the flying duck standing on the tree, my eyes full of caution, if the big snake pill had reacted fast enough, it was really seen, but the performance of the big snake pill should be He is more confused. When I think of it, I look at Fei Fei, and it’s a doubt that I’m flying.

"Oh, well, the game time is over, and the next is a serious time." Fei Fei began to close his smile and said to me.

“The bandits, the big rivers and the rivers” quickly flashed, and I saw that the soil around me and the big snake pill began to turn into mudslides, and they were tightly locked and they could not move.

Then continue to seal the "bandits, soil dragon bombs" this time from the side of the flying dragon, the dragon formed a mouth open, from which a number of soil bombs were ejected, followed by "fire, fire dragon bullets."

At this time, a flame was ejected from the mouth of the cockroach, and the soil bomb was wrapped up and then squirted together to spray me and the big snake pill trapped by the mudslide.

Looking at the flint bomb that flew toward me, I bite the difficult knot of the tooth. Although the mudslide has a strong blocking effect, my body is tempered after all.

"Hibiscus, wood ingot wall" stretched out dozens of planks from my circumference and then bent into a semi-circular wooden cover to block the attack of the flint bomb. After a long time, the flint bomb finally disappeared, and my wood The cover also slowly receded.

"Well, it actually blocked this trick, then how many tricks can you take me next?" Fei Fei looked at the way I came out.

Then I started to print again, but this time I didn't stand watching, but opened the writing round eyes, staring at the flying, and began to print and the knot was the same as the flying.

Fei Fei saw that I used the same ninjutsu as myself. I was shocked but I immediately reacted. After all, the ability of the ninja Uchiha family of Muye is only some understanding, so Feifei is not as surprised as the past life. It is to write the ability of the eye to copy, so I think.

"Water scorpion, the technique of the water dragon bomb." 猿飞 finally finished the road. I saw a huge water dragon rising from the lake next to it and then rushing to me.

However, at this time, my seal was also fixed. "Water Margin, Water Dragon Bomb" only saw the same size as the dragonfly. The water dragon from the other side of the lake rises and rushes to the last two dragons and then disappears. .

"It seems that it is time to end." Fei Fei looked at me standing up breathless.

Then suddenly jumped away from the punch of the big snake pill, and then printed the words: "Fire, the art of fireball" This time is the fire of the Ninjutsu, but the person who beats is a big snake pill harassed ~ www. Mtlnovel.com~ I can't hide it. Suddenly I jumped directly to the front of the big snake pill and said: "Water raft, water wall" a water wall blocked the flying fireball and disappeared directly.

"It seems that this can reach this level." I thought about it on the ground.

"It's already very good." Fei Fei came over and saw his thoughts.

"Is it?" I said with a smile, I don't want to lose it, even if the opponent is a teacher, hey, he can only be considered a genius or a master.

Genius only shows that you are qualified to be a master. You know that there is no shortage of genius in this world. Only the genius who grows up can become a master.

Thinking of this, I want to become stronger and more heated.

But at the moment, this situation really makes you unwilling. If you have a lot of plans, you will die like this, and you will not be reconciled.

Although there are countless unwillingness in my heart, the fact is that I slowly walked over and prepared to grab me and then grab the big snake pill next to me and announce the result.

And now the big snake pill is still a long way from me.

At this time, the two sorrows were shot from a distance and inserted in front of Fei Fei.

"It’s finally here." I looked at the bitter and unhappy thoughts.

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