"Outline, I need time." I was facing the hand of the opponent, and then began to print.

"Come on, this sword is weird, I can't be long."

"Just because you still want to stop me." The thief's leader heard the dialogue between me and the master hand, but the sword in his hand waved more sharply.

"Well, the hand is flashing." I shouted at the outline.

"Mu 遁. The practice of the four-column prison." I took a shot at the land in front of me. At this time, the entanglement of the thief and the thief’s leader had already jumped away. Only the thief’s leader was standing guarded. A number of * wooden strips suddenly appeared on the ground and rushed to the thief's head. The thief's leader did not react and was directly tied.

"This is Muxi Ninjutsu, who are you, how can the narrative of the first generation of Naruto." The thief's leader looked incredulous, but no one answered him, and I would not take the initiative to explain to him. .

"Is this a raft?" The hand of this side looked at the complicated look of the wooden strips.

"Well." After I answered the outline, I didn't stop, but continued to print: "Fire, the fireball." A big fireball rushed to the thief leader who was struggling.

"Is it solved?" asked the master.

"It should be." I looked at the sea of ​​fire in front of me.

"Let's go." After a while, the master handed to me. Then turned and wanted to leave.

"Do you want to go this way?" This is a gloomy voice that suddenly appears behind the hands of the hand. At this time, the hand quickly turns around and sees a black-eyed figure, holding a gorgeous sword as always, ready to cut. At this time, the outline hand wanted to hide and it was too late, and only closed his eyes to meet the coming of death.

"I am going to die, is my life over?" Just as the master was closing his eyes and waiting for the fall of the sword, he was slow to see the feeling of the sword. At this time, the hand slowly opened and saw only a tender back appeared in front of the eyes.

"I?" The master couldn't believe the authenticity. She couldn't think that I would appear in front of her.

"Cough, the hand you close your eyes is trying to find death?" I replied.

At this time, I heard some of my tone is wrong, right, what about the dragon scale sword? I thought that the outline hand immediately ran behind me, I saw that I was holding the sharp blade in one hand, the tip of the sword has been inserted into my body, but it is fortunate that the insertion is not very deep, at this time I am facing the opposite thief. The leader is more competitive.

"Are you okay?" I asked anxiously after supporting the thief's leader and supporting the crumbling.

"A fool, what are you crying? I am not dead yet." I smiled and wiped the corner of my hand. The hand only found that my eyes were wet, but I did not stop my hand. Just a little reddish face, some embarrassed to look at me.

"I didn't say that I won't let anyone of you have an accident." I comforted.

"Haha, it’s really a moving scene. People are dying, still Qingqing, me, and it’s really disgusting." At this time, the thief’s leader next to him saw this scene ridiculously.

"Let's go, I will drag him." I told the hand, then struggled to stand up.

"No, I don't go, don't you say that you won't leave a partner? I tell you now, I am the same." The hand was barely facing me.

After a moment of silence, I looked at the face with a stubborn face, and the tears on my face did not disappear. Suddenly smiled: "In this case, let us fight side by side."

"Well." The outline nodded.

"You one can't go, you have to die." The thief head rushed over.

"Water Margin. Water Dragon Bomb." I printed the road, and then a water dragon appeared from the place where there was no water to the thief leader.

"Ninjutsu is not effective for me." The thief looked at the water dragon, and then directly looked at the water dragon on a sword. I saw the water dragon mourning and shattered directly. The thief’s head was not lost, and came directly to me and The sword in front of the hand looked at me, and I was trapped by my bitterness. Then the thief’s leader escaped the punch of the hand, and the backhand saw the sword and the hand, and the hand was flashed, then my bitterness In front of the head of the thief, the thief leader can only help but escape again.

I and the master are struggling to resist the attack of the thief's head with the tacit cooperation of each other. The thief leader is also a little impatient with them.

Suddenly, the thief leader launched the battle circle, the right hand put the sword in a vertical position, and the left hand smeared at the sword body: "Thunder, go."

I saw a lot of lightning from the side of the thief's head. The gang of the thief's leader was directly charged, and flew out. Lying on the ground, people were not awake. Although I used the wind to block the lightning, it was too expensive. Chakra hands on the ground and gasped.

"Ha ha ha, don't think that I will only practice, don't think that you will have some tricks. Occasionally it is quite effective to use one." The thief leader is arrogant at this time.

"Kid, don't you care about this girl? I will let you see the person you care most about dying in front of you~www.wuxiaspot.com~The thief's head slowly walks to the side of the hand, a little cat catching the mouse The banter is facing me.

But he didn't notice that my eye's original three-hook jade writing wheel turned at this moment, and it seemed to start to change a bit, but immediately stopped and turned, then looked in one direction, his face was relieved.

Because at this time the head of the mountain thief was inserted in front of two sufferings, the thief leader also looked at the two people standing not far away.

"I didn't expect that I lost so badly." Of course, the two people were just the rush to come and the big snakes, and now they are talking.

"You are here." I slowly stood up and asked faintly: "It seems to be a bit late."

"I met two mice and it was a little trouble to kill. It was a bit late." The big snake pill replied.

"You are all wood leaves?" The thief looked at the big snake pill that had just appeared and asked himself: "The second and third should be killed by you?"

"You are the leader of the thief? Then we will be your opponent by two of us." The big snake pill looked at the thief head: "The big snake pill is on."

"I don't think your status is very good." I came to my side and helped me, and looked at me.

I saw my chest, and my left hand was full of blood, and it was still flowing.

"I'm fine, how are you doing, it seems that you are also hurt when you look at you." I don't care if I hold my left hand.

"Nothing, the person who can kill me has not yet been born." He was jokingly joking.

"It's okay, the next battle will be handed over to you. I don't seem to be able to do anything like this." I said.

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