"I will introduce it.." "The life of a sly does not need to be introduced to his identity. My name is Ajia. It is the opponent of Qi Mu's life." A erected the thumb of his right hand and revealed that he was shining. Glowing big teeth.

"..." I looked at the people in front of me with a cold sweat.

"Cough, I will help you introduce this, this is Ajia, another black dress is the moonlight family's genius moonlight night." Yan Maozhen interrupted Ajia quickly.

It was only after a sigh of relief. Then turned to the night: "This is our genius Uchiha, who is famous for Uchiha."

"Hello, I am moonlight night." The night politely reached out.

"Uchiha, I am honored to see you." I also used my rituals I practiced to go back and forth.

"Oh, I have heard of your name, I don't know if we have a chance to discuss it." The night is a little dissatisfied, this is a bit of a bad mood for the other party's fame than it is, after all, no one is worse than anyone else.

"Oh, there will be opportunities." I am also a person, naturally heard the deep meaning of the other party's words, just faintly back.

"Right, I think of it. You are the genius ninja, Uchiha I, I finally saw you, and I will fight with me." The Ajia next to him suddenly yelled and stared at me with eager eyes.

"Forehead, I am only looking for some things in Mengmao." I shed cold sweat and explained quickly. After all, I am still impressed with this kind of fighting madman. Ajia and his son are the same as Akai. It’s good to say that it’s a good fight and a lot of courage; but to say that it’s hard to listen to is a dog skin plaster, as long as you want to remove it, it’s hard.

If there is always a person to follow, I will fight with myself all day, I believe I will not forgive my decision today.

"There is nothing to say after the duel." Ajia did not give me the opportunity to interrupt immediately.

"Yu Mao, what do you say in the dark night?" Ajia turned to a meditation of Mao Maodao.

"I think this is a good thing, just as I want to teach my ninja." The night replied.

"Yes, I haven't seen it for a long time. I also want to know if your strength is stronger. I have to know that I have been working hard since I was defeated in your hand, just to be able to defeat you one day." Open the road.

"Oh, there is this, that is not to say, if I defeat me, it will be defeated by Yan Mao, this idea is really good." Ajia excitedly said.

"In this case, okay, I accept your challenge." I changed my usual lazy look and looked serious.

"Okay, since this is the case, I will make this referee."

"I really decided?" Yan Mao asked me to stand on the left hand side.

"It’s a waste of time to come one by one, or let them go together." I was faint. As if I didn't see two murderous eyes on the other side.

"Well, since you decided, then the duel is starting now." The night is not angry and laughs, but anyone can see the raging anger in his eyes.

"Although, there is still a tacit understanding with the night, but I decided to come one by one, let me go first, do you have no opinion in the dark night?" After everyone stood still, Ajia was facing the night.

"It doesn't matter." The night did not care.

"So it started." Ajia excitedly looked at me opposite, then suddenly rushed to me.

I am a little dignified and look at my Ajia quickly. It seems that the person who specializes in physical skills is still good, but it is not enough.

I took ten shurikens from the back ninja bag and quickly slammed into the sprinting Ajia. When I saw that the shuriken was about to hit, I saw a mocking face on the face of Ajia, and then I disappeared after a flash. I was trying to stop and say a word to me, but when he saw that I was still calm, I suddenly felt a little bad. Then I heard the sound of the night, "Be careful." Ajia’s reaction was not slow, and he turned over and escaped behind. Shuriken.

"It's really amazing." Ajia stood on the ground and found that he had returned to the place, as if he had never sprinted. This situation made Ajia feel a glimpse.

"It seems that he said that it is not arrogant to deal with us two at a time, but that it really has this strength." The dark night on one side went to the side of Ajia who was dignified.

"I really want to be called the biggest genius of Konoha." Ajia lamented, suddenly a face of the right way: "However, I will not give up, I believe that with the strength of our two is impossible to lose, despite The two people together have already lost us, but I still want to know how big we are from him."

Ajia they are discussing here, and Yan Mao on the other side is also a shock in my heart. I did not expect that your strength has reached this point. Although you have been making progress, I will not lose to you. Yan Mao’s face was smiling.

"Uchibo I, I admit your strength now, but we will not shrink back like this, so let us fight all the way ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ night to me.

"Come on." I simply replied.

"We are on." The night rushed to Ajia and nodded.

"Eight armor, open the door to open" Ajia opened his biggest trick.

"Eight armor? Interesting." I looked at the faint road of the change of the genius. After the battle with the thief's leader, my heart has matured and will not be shocked by some things. , causing errors.

Ajia once again rushed to me, but this time the speed was completely incomparable last time. I came to my body very quickly. I didn’t respond to it and I kicked my squat directly. I kicked me directly and then The bandages in the air both tied me and rushed straight to the ground.

"Table Lotus." Ajia stood on the ground and gasped for a place surrounded by smoke. After all, it is still a child. It is still very laborious to exert this technique.

"Tiger fist. Black tiger heart." Suddenly a figure appeared in front of the Ajia quickly, directly punching the gasping Ajia, the shadow is of course ours, I saw him writing with three hooks The wheel eye looked at the Ajia who was flying by himself.

"What kind of body surgery is this? How is it so powerful." Ajia sat up from the ground and asked for his chest. He only felt that his strength was slowly draining and he couldn’t lift his strength.

"This is my own body." I am not blushing at all.

"Yes? I lost." Ajia convinced the oral channel: "But I will work hard, I have already regarded you as the two major opponents of my life, and one day I will surpass you." Ajia excited, I have restored my nature, and I thought of it without words. But soon, I concentrated again, after all, there is now a more difficult opponent to hide in the dark.

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