"This is my own ninjutsu and knife. You take it." Just when I was thinking about it, what excites me even more is that the second generation is actually preparing to teach his ninjutsu. It is an unexpected harvest.

After the excitement, I turned the reel and then solemnly performed a ceremony to the second generation: "I will remember your kindness."

"Well, the elders give things to the younger generations, and they don't have to be so grateful, but you have to remember that you still owe me a condition." The second generation did not care.

"There is nothing wrong with me." I said, after seeing the second generation agree, I quickly left to prepare to find a place to study the ninjutsu on the scroll.

"Is it right or wrong to do this?" I didn't see the complicated eyes of the second generation in the excitement. The second generation looked at my back and said to himself: "Big brother, I believe you, because you never let me down. Over."

"And I also believe in my own heart."

There is only one sigh left in the Naruto Office.

After I got the scrolls from the second generation, I went directly to find a forest to look through.

When I opened the reel, I was deeply attracted by the content inside. It can be said that it covers all the ninjutsu of the second generation. Of course, what surprised me the most is that there are not only the swordsmanship that I want, but also the second generation of ninjutsu. Of course there is a so-called ban.

In general, in the scrolls given by the second generation, it can be divided into two aspects: swordsmanship and ninjutsu. Among them, Ninja also includes elemental ninjutsu (of course, the most prominent one is the otter on which the second generation is famous. There are also some of the second generation of experience using ninju, it can be said that these experiences are definitely more important than ninjutsu.

"Is this?" I suddenly stared at the reel on my hand with a big eye. On the reel, in addition to the elemental ninjutsu, there was also the space jealousy that I created the second generation. I like to use it with respect to the big snake pill. Different, I value more of my own strength, so I attach great importance to the so-called sharpest ninja-space ninjutsu.

It can be said that space ninjutsu has been able to make a ninja reach an incredible degree. In the days of the heavens, there is a saying that the world is not broken. It is also very simple to understand. Even if you can't beat someone in a strong way, it is also white.

Therefore, as the space that is above the speed, it is the ninjutsu of countless people, just like the four generations of previous generations is one of the representatives of the speed limit.

It can be said that a ninja who learns space ninja can have a stronger ninja than a peer.

I carefully watched the space ninjutsu recorded in the second generation, and I saw the space ninjutsu - the thunder **** of the world.

This trick can be said to be a rebellious ninjutsu. It is not an exaggeration. As long as the user has a spatial coordinate of a place, the user can shuttle the space to a place thousands of miles away. It is definitely the best support tactic. Tool of.

Of course, the second generation of this move is also in the research stage. It has not been as perverted as the technology of the thunder gods improved by the four generations of the later generations. It can be said that it is in the stage of grass-roots creation and cannot be used casually.

"It's a pity." I shook my head and sighed: "But you can understand this trick first, and then try to improve it later." I can't be worse than the four generations, I think.

After thinking about this, I decided to abandon the idea of ​​learning to fly Raytheon immediately. I don't want to make a joke about my own life.

I jumped over the space of Ninjutsu and saw some bans such as the reincarnation of the earth. Of course, it is not a forbidden now. The power cannot be compared with the same day that the later generations of the snakes have been improved. Otherwise, the second generation is even more generous. It is impossible to give me the forbidden technique.

I just swept it over and I can understand it. After all, I don't have a cold with these things, but if I let the big snake pill know, I will definitely hit me first, he won't know the goods, and then grab it.

I continue to look at the scroll below, this time is the second generation of swordsmanship, including the creative process, the use of experience and some second-generation annotations.

I looked at it for a while, immediately took up the reel, closed my eyes, and took a deep breath. In fact, now I am quite confused. Why is the second generation so generous and even handing over something that might become a ban, to the second? The status of the generation should not be to get something from yourself.

I am also a little scared. There are some conspiracy in the second generation. It may also be that my heart is dark. I always feel that there is no white lunch in the world. It is impossible to drop the pie in the sky, so I have been very entangled.

However, after thinking for a long time, I decided to let go of these things first. Anyway, the big things now are not the ones that I can participate in. The most important thing at the moment is to constantly strengthen my strength, no matter what I have to do. Keep your own life and say.

After all, the ninja world is not as calm as the surface. If you accidentally your life may not be there, it is useless to talk about what purpose, but I firmly believe that one day, I can stand at the top of the world until there is One day ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I can participate in these things myself.

After I finished this, I started my own swordsmanship. According to the second-generation sword method, I want to know what a sword is. I took out the dragon scale sword and stroked and said to myself: "What is a sword?" Others are asking themselves.

After a long time.

"My sword is for me to break through all the strong enemies, not afraid of any hardships and hardships, and have the momentum of going forward. This is my sword." My eyes are blurred and I want to change someone.

Then I saw my right hand holding a gradually-changing dragon scale sword facing the front, I saw a sword gas from the sword body, all the obstacles in the sword gas passed were shattered, and a deep deep on the ground Gully, "This is my sword." I stared at the gully and whispered.

Then I looked at the dragon sword that returned to normal. "The next step is to practice swordsmanship." I said to myself, then turned and left.

"Is it still not okay?" I sat on a stone, and in front of him was a waterfall. I was holding a dragon scale sword.

"The scroll says that only the waterfall can be considered a sword. But I have learned all the swords on the scroll, but why not?" I irritated my hair.

It’s been a month since I learned the sword last time. I didn’t go anywhere in this month. I just found this place and started practicing the swords on the scrolls given by the second generation. Because of the writing of the eyes and the shadows, Two cheats, I finally learned all the moves on the reel yesterday.

But it is the last request that I have been unable to do. This requirement is to open a waterfall with the sword in my hand, but it is half of my ability, but the other half can’t be beaten no matter how hard I try. This is me. Worried place.

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