"With an inexplicable letter, you have to make such a move to the public?" The road is also depressed, and I thought I could finally take the B-level task. I didn't expect such a big change.

"Of course, not just a letter is so simple. What is important is that when we receive this letter, our spies in the Kingdom of Heaven can no longer be contacted, just like disappearing out of thin air." Taro explained.

"You know, the importance of the Kingdom of Heaven as the country of fire closest to the border of the water country is self-evident." Taro Taro.

"But, since things are so important, why do you want to conceal the level of the task, causing Muye to send us only those teams that have the strength to protect you?" The big snake pill directly pointed out this matter.

"Actually, we are also very helpless. After all, we still don't understand the true intelligence of the Kingdom of Heaven. If we send the ninjas without permission, it may cause resentment in the Kingdom of Heaven. I just started to think that from you, the goal will be small. Who knows that people who have really met the fog," said Taro.

"Well, now you have already understood the specific things. As for whether you want to continue this task, you will see you." Taro told me.

"Sorry, Mr. Taro, this is not something that our team can do, so for the safety of my disciples, I will give up this task, but you don't have to worry that I will take it. Report to the village and let the village send the right people to complete the task."

"Wait a minute, the teacher I don't agree." At this time, he also intervened.

"Oh, what do you think?" Teacher Fei Fei frowned.

"I think we should continue this task." I explained for myself.

"Oh, why? You can know the danger of this matter." Teacher Fei Fei reprimanded.

"No matter what the danger, we must also complete, because this is our task." The self is also a firm return.

"Do you think so too?" asked Fei Fei, who looked at me, and both the hand and the big snake pill agreed to the way they were.

"Yes, we think so too." The big snake pill nodded.

"We can't do it because one thing is dangerous." I said faintly: "What is the meaning of life like that?"

"I also agree with the idea of ​​coming." The master replied firmly.

"........." Fei Fei silently looked at the firm expression of these proud disciples, and my heart was gratified and angry. But for your safety, how do you do it? I want you to be the same.

"Thank you, thank you very much for your continued help." Taro, who had been sitting next to him, was grateful.

"Don't thank us, this is not just for you and us." I looked at Taro.

"No matter what, I can really get your help." Thanks to Taro, and they screamed at me deeply.

"However, we should protect how the Taitaro adults are safe to the kingdom of the heavens. Looking at the situation, the fog has begun to act against us." The expert asked cautiously.

"What else can you do, just rushing over, you can rest assured that the uncle will be able to complete the task." He also shouted at the side.

"You know that rushing, if you don't have me, you haven't known how many times you died."

"I know that." I didn't dare to talk back, I could only swear on one side.

"What do you say?" Who knows that the ear of the hand is not covered, so you can hear it.

"Nothing, I mean, I am so good, I am awesome." I also hugged my shoulders and hugged my eyes.

The big snake pill and the teacher Fei Fei also voted for it, and the only one who did not understand the situation was to look back and forth between the master and me. The master and me were a big red face.

"Cough, well, don't be kidding, or discuss what to do next?" I shifted the topic.

"We....." I was just about to speak, and I was interrupted.

"Wait a minute." I said with a serious face: "We were discovered."

"I didn't expect this opponent to be very embarrassing." Kondo watched the disappeared shadow and said to himself.

"Kondo, we found the hiding place of the enemy." A ninja came to Kondo.

"Hurry and lead the way, don't let them run." Kondo ordered and then took the lead.


"I finally found you a group of mice." Kondo surrounded me with a group of four.

Kondo stood on the tree and looked at me below.

"I finally found you." Kondo surrounded me with a group of four men, standing on a tree and looking at me below.

"You are the people who are fog-bearing? Why do you appear in the territory of the country of fire? Do you want to cause contradictions between the villages?" Teacher Fei Fei stood in front of the vines and looked at them, asking.

"As long as you kill you, who knows that we are doing it in the fog?" Kondo looked at the flying road ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It turned out that you are prepared, and I have already had an accident in the country of heaven. Alright. "Yu Fei looked at Kondo.

"You have too many words." Kondo changed his face slightly and then calmed down. His opponents said: "Get them all."

"Yes." Kondo’s men began to slowly fly towards them.

"Just rely on your men, I want to beat me?" Fei Fei looked at Kondo.

"Of course, I know that because of the strength of those who are forbearing, it is impossible for you, so your opponent is me." Kondo stared at the flying road.

"This way, it is just what I want." Fei Fei suddenly twitched his mouth.

Looking at the smile of the mouth of the flying mouth, Kondo suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Be careful." Kondo screamed at those.

"It's too late." Fei Fei looked at Kondo gently.

Sure enough, I was still quietly standing where I suddenly rushed to those who endured, only to see one by one explode, and with those who endure the same.

"Shadows? Explosives?" Kondo looked at the people who should have been lying on the ground and turned into a burst of smoke disappeared, surprised.

"Actually, when you first appeared, we found you." At this time, I really came out of the woods, and sure enough everyone arrived.

"Yes? It's really a small look at you." Kondo looked around and saw that the big snake pill that had just appeared, one left and one right, formed a triangular encirclement, trapping Kondo, and Kondo wanted to drag the time. Thinking about the way to leave safely, Kondo now dare not look down on me any more. In this case, I dare not say that I can complete the task. It is good to be able to keep myself. I can only think of other methods after I get out of it.

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