"Let's find a safe place first, let me take a break first. Otherwise, if the enemy is now catching up, we will die." Fei Fei said to the heavens with a half-open eyes, and then fainted.

"There is no way." Tianfang helplessly picked up the flying and then began to leave.

The situation on my side is also not optimistic. When the fog is looking for a flying cockroach, his illusion and Jiuguang have found me according to the clue.

"How did you find us?" I looked at the opposite man and a woman.

At this time, the illusionist was wearing a cheongsam-like dress, swaying her body and walking to her body. They threw a wink at me: "I didn't expect that you guys would hide."

I didn't feel good after seeing the singer's appearance, and I heard the sound of the next and the second Taro's breathing.

"No, this is illusion, you should be careful." I shouted.

I was awakened by my big drink and I was back to God and looked at the opposite side.

"What happened just now?" asked himself.

"You have the illusion of the woman, the other party should be an illusion-type ninja." The big snake pill returned.

"Good risk." I also touched the face that was still red.

"It's not your own heart surgery." The master dismissed the truth.

I still want to talk back, but he interrupted me directly: "Well, don't quarrel, let's think about how to get rid of it. It seems that the opposite two are not simple characters."

Big Snake Pill also nodded and agreed.

"Oh, that's not bad." The illusionary stunned, but immediately restored his smile.

"Still up your set, only the power is right." The long light next to him suddenly opened. Then I didn’t want to get a haircut, and I walked out to them.

"I will stop a person with the big snake pill, and the hand and the self will also take the second Taro first." I started to write the road without turning back.

"Well." The big snake pill sang in unison.

"Open.." I was about to shout and suddenly a figure came to the front of the big snake pill standing on the front, this figure is Jiuguang.

"Hurry." This is the last thought of the big snake pill, and then the whole person flies straight out.

Just as Jiuguang still wants to pursue, I finally came to him and used the bones of the long-lasting light with bitterness. It was a bone, a bone that appeared from the hands of Jiuguang.

"Bone? Are you a person of the night family?" I looked at Jiuguangdao with surprise.

"Your kid is quite acquainted with the goods. I actually recognize that I am a person of the night family." Jiuguang opened my bitter and jumped back to the side of the illusion, and I was a little surprised that I still know the Hui night family.

"How about the hand, how is the big snake pill?" I guarded the two enemies in front of me and asked the director who was looking at the big snake pill.

"Fortunately, the big snake pill has escaped the key with his unique body skills, but it is slightly hurt, and rest will be fine." The hand is relieved.

"Fortunately." I heard the big snake pill and I was relieved. Then I solemnly said to the master: "The hand brought the big snake pill, and when I dragged the two, you immediately took the big snake pill and Next Taro goes."

"But, what do you do yourself?" The master immediately knew the risks of my stay and was worried.

"If you don't want to come, you will take the big snake pill and the second Taro first, and I will stay with me." The hand turned his head and looked at the road.

"I think I will stay, I will take them with you," and he will return.

"You are all not allowed to fight, my words are orders." I suddenly sullenly shouted: "You listen to me, I promised to fly the teacher, will not let you have something, and I can still beat You are here, it will only be a stumbling block to me."

"But...." The eyes of the hand are tearful and want to say something.

"I’m going to take the hand away immediately.” I yelled and shouted.

"You don't want to leave one." Jiuguang's cruel smile rushed to the outline, and I immediately greeted him. "Come on." I rushed and they shouted.

"I, you must come back safely." The master hand left under the pull of the house.

"Get out of the way. You don't want to live and escape." Jiuguang said to me.

"A long time, we still have to fix the kid in front of us." The illusionist came over at this time, for a long time.

A long time silent, watching me staring at myself with a look of defense.

"Very good, let's start with your kid." Jiuguang looked at me cruelly.

"You are just relying on a woman to support the back. If you are one, I promise you can't leave here." I looked at Jiuguangdao faintly, and then looked at the next illusion.

"Haha, boy, you don't have to use the divergence here. How can I have such a shallow plan?" Jiuguang laughed and looked at me, then turned to the illusion: "The next thing is my battle, no need. You intervene."

"I am very happy." Mirage looked at me and then started to talk to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then began to think about his own affairs, you will not do it for me.

I looked at Jiuguang’s post, "Come on, let me see what the bones of the Hui night family have." I have no difficulty in my hand.

"You won't be disappointed." Jiuguang looked at me, then slowly pulled out a white bone from the abdomen.

"Don't die, boy." Jiuguang held his bones and rushed at me.

"Hurry, this person's strength is really not covered." While avoiding the bones of Jiuguang, I thought that my writing wheel eyes had been used to the extreme, and I barely escaped the bones of Jiuguang, so I will not It is covered with scars.

"The kid still has some strength." Jiuguang is also very surprised, so a child can actually escape so many moves.

"But." Jiuguang stopped the attack in his hand and looked at the scarred me in front. "The next is over, the dance of the pile." The speed of Jiuguang suddenly increased, and I came directly to me when I haven’t reacted yet. Around me, I raised my bones and stabbed me, but my physical skills I used to practice were not covered. I finally avoided the key points at the last moment. The bones of Jiuguang stabbed my waist, and the huge impact directly hit me. Fall to the ground.

"We will continue to chase it." Jiuguang did not look at me, turned to the side of the magical road.

"Wait a minute, I haven't lost yet." I was lying on the ground and I struggled to get up from the ground, preparing for the pursuit of the masters.

"The real battle begins." I think it is the end of the road.

"Kid, you have successfully evoked my anger, and died." Jiuguang saw that I stood up again and I angered.

"I won't let you go, not die." I looked at the long-awaited darkness in the heart.

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