In this way, Uchiha and his hand came to a cave and saw an unexpected person.

"Yu Fei teacher?" Uchiha saw the cockroach flying against the wall, standing next to the big snake pill and the second Taro and a stranger who was chatting with the second Taro.

"Uchiha wave, you are back, what is the outline of this?" Fei Fei saw the hand of the road supported by Uchiha.

"I was injured." Uchiha shouted: "Hey, Fei, you are this?"

"Forgot to introduce to you, this is the Tianfang general I went to see." Fei Fei introduced to Uchiha.

"Hello, Uchiha Uchiha is it? I heard you mentioned by Mr. Fei Fei." The heavenly side smiled at Uchiha.

"Amount, hello, I am Uchiha." Uchiha stunned.

"General Tianfang, how are you here too?" Uchiha asked strangely.

"It’s hard to say a word." Tianfang sighed and said to Uchiha that they started talking about what happened to them.

"Fortunately, I saw the signs of your wood leaves, only to find their own." Tianfangdao.

"It turns out that it seems that my mark is still very useful." The self is also self-satisfied.

"That is, who knows what your mark is written?" Uchiha and the big snake pill are all thought of a cold sweat.

"So we must complete the task within seven days." Uchiha groaned at his chin.

"Yes, it’s just seven days." Taro Taro said.

"Mr. Fei Fei, I remember you said that our reinforcements arrived in three days." Uchiha tweeted and asked to fly to the road.

"The reinforcements are not expected." Fei Fei smiled bitterly.

"Why?" Uchiha and the big snake pill asked together.

"The enemy has sent people to stop the attack. I estimate that the reinforcements will arrive in seven days at the earliest." Yu Fei explained.

"This is troublesome." Uchiha shouted.

"Yeah, according to your information, we can know that there are two opponents on the opponent, one of them is still illusion type, we have no ninja who is good at illusion here."

"Well, we don't have much use now, but let's raise the injury on the body first." Uchiha said to him, and then rushed to make an eye.

"It is also said."

Everyone is also tired after the pursuit of fog and forbearance, each looking for a place to rest.

Uchiha rushed to make an eye, and then to everyone: "I am going to take it easy." Walk out of the cave alone.

After Yu Zhibo walked away, Fei Fei also followed, and everyone in the cave was different. He had already guessed what was inside, but he did not ask.

Outside the cave, "Uchiha wave, do you ask me to come out?" I saw Yu Zhibo’s back and asked himself.

"Actually, Teacher Fei Fei, the pirates of the illusion class you said, I already have a method, but I need your help." Uchiha is still facing the flying road.

"Oh, what method?"

"Because, I have this." Uchiha tweeted his head and flew over the road.

"Actually, Teacher Fei Fei, the pirates of the illusion class you said, I already have a method, but I need your help." Uchiha is still facing the flying road.

"Oh, what method?"

"Because, I have this." Uchiha tweeted his head and flew over the road.

"This is" Fei Fei looked shocked and looked at Yu Zhibo.

"Is this the legendary Uchiha family's highest martial arts kaleidoscope to write the eye?" 猿 瞪 瞪 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇

"Yes, this is the supreme kaleidoscope of our Uchiha family." Uchiha said affirmatively.

"What is going on? I remember you didn't have these eyes before." Yu Fei wondered.

"In fact, there is nothing. No matter how I get it, you only need to know that the kaleidoscope can write a round eye to rebound the illusion." Uchiha shrugged.

"Also, this belongs to your family secret, well, then you told me not to let me see that you have a kaleidoscope to write the eyes." Yu Fei asked to calm down.

"Actually, I told you to come out for this." Uchiha took a reel from behind and threw it to Fei Fei.

"What is this again?" Fei Fei looked at the eyes of Yu Zhibo, doubtfully, no matter what Uchiha did not explain, the helpless flying can only open itself.

"Uchiha, you said to me, how did you get this scroll?" Fei Fei opened his eyes and asked the helpless God to become serious and look at Yu Zhibo.

"Teacher, you don't think I can steal it from the second generation of Huo Ying?" Uchiha explained helplessly.

"It’s also true." Fei Fei suddenly woke up and said: "What is this?"

"This is the second generation of Huo Ying personally handed it to me." Yu Zhibo explained to Fei Fei.

"It turned out to be like this." Fei Fei sighed. Is the teacher Uchiha is the hope you said?猿飞心心想道 teacher, teacher. "Uchiha, who was staring at the uncomfortable shouting a few words, was in a daze.

"Amount, what?" asked Fei Fei.

"Teacher's scroll" Uchiha waved to remind him.

"Oh, yes, what are you taking out of this scroll?" asked Fei Fei.

"I just want to let the teacher Fei Fei teach me the illusion in the scroll. You should know that the writing wheel of our Uchiha family has immunity to the illusion and has an enhanced effect." Uchiha said.

"And as a second-generation disciple, the teacher should have learned the ninja inside."

"Yes, I have seen the ninjutsu inside, so you want to learn the illusion of the second generation of Naruto to deal with the illusionary ninja of the fog-bearing?"

"Yes, so I am in trouble with the teacher." Uchiha 瞳 瞳 瞳 。 。 。 。.

"There is nothing trouble, no matter what, since the teacher gave you this scroll, it means you can learn, but I am not very good at talking about illusion."

"It doesn't matter, you just have to teach me the basics of illusion." Uchiha replied, actually speaking from Yu Zhibo, knowing that he had the most wanted after writing the wheel, he was smashed in the past. The monthly reading, so Uchiha said that he only needs to understand the principle of illusion, and now he has a kaleidoscope to write the eye of the illusion is not a hand.

"Well, come with me." Fei Fei threw the reel to Uchiha, and then left.

"Okay." Uchiha followed him and flew in the direction of Fei Fei. Before leaving, he looked at the grass behind him. Big Snake Pill, you now know to write your eyes, are you tempted?

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