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"Report" a waiter yelled into the hall and shouted.

"What is the panic, how is the situation?" Bit asked from the throne to stand up.

"Oh, uncle, the man who is fog-bearing is defeated." The aunt said hesitantly.

"Ha ha ha." Bit suddenly laughed. "Ha ha ha."

"Wang Ye? You have to keep your body, the future of the Kingdom of Heaven depends on you." The waiter looked at the bit of a bit of madness and asked.

"The future of the Kingdom of Heaven? Haha, is there a future in the Kingdom of Heaven? You will retire." Bitlessly sitting on the throne and waved his hand.

"Yes." The attendant held his fist and stepped back.

"Hope?" Bit looked at the roof of the hall.

"Dream is to wake up." Bit sighed: "Big brother, the kingdom of heaven will be handed over to you, and your words will definitely be better than me."


There are only a few sighs left in the hall.

"General Tian Fang." A sergeant came to the front of Tianfang.

"Say, how is the situation?" Tianfang is impatient.

"Yes, the palace has been surrounded by us. You generals ask if you are now attacking the palace directly?" Sergeant.

"First pass on, let the generals do not act rashly." Tian Fang faintly told.

"But" the sergeant looked at the next Taro.

"Well, why is my order not good?" Tianfang extended the voice.

Then Tianfang saw the look of the sergeant sitting and meditating for a while, looking at the side of Taro, and said: "I don't know what Mr. Taro Taro thought?"

Shintaro said with a shallow smile: "Now it is the general who is the leader, I have no opinion."

"Not too fast." Tianfang said to the sergeant.

"Yes." Sergeant should answer.

"Oh, why should the generals rebel with a sergeant?" Taro smiled.

"It’s just a bad mood." Tianfang said indignantly.

"Then what are we going to do now, will we not do anything?" Taro transferred the topic.

"It's good to be indifferent, rest assured, the king will come out later." Tianfang from the channel: "After all, this is the kingdom of heaven, not the country of fire." Look at the second Taro.

"Is this what I said? How do I feel that there is something in the general's words?" Taro tried to look at Tianfangdao with a smile.

"You know it in your heart. Today, the country of fire has won, and you will get the attachment of the kingdom of heaven." Tianfang sighed.

Behind the second Taro, he is also talking to the big snake pill. "The big snake pill, you said that they can't understand what they said today?"

"This is a political matter, we should not take care of it. We should be able to go back after tonight." The big snake pill is also self-sufficient.

"Oh." Nodded and nodded.

After the killing, the big snake pill also fell into meditation.

While the heavens are talking, a voice came to the "General, and the King’s Majesty invited you to go." A servant came out of the palace and went to the military.

"His Majesty the King? Was the King not under house arrest by the Emperor Bit?" The heavenly doubts.

"The general did not know, Bit Uncle has committed suicide by sin." The servant looked around in the ear of the heavens.

"Well, Mr. Kotaro’s army will be handed over to you first. I will enter the palace to meet the King’s Majesty.” Tian Fang said to the next Taro.

"Do not worry, please see the army after your Majesty the King of your country, and say that the special envoy of the country of fire is ordered to visit him." Taro Taro.

"Know it, wait." The heavenly waved.

In the palace of the palace zhōngyāng, the king saw the king who had the grace of knowing himself. He immediately squatted on the ground and said: "Heavenly sees His Majesty the King."

"Get up." The king said faintly: "The general is really good, and he can still adjust the army of my country." When I saw the king of heaven, I remembered my most loved brother, and could not help but ridicule.

"The king's atonement, this is not my credit. If it is not the power of the country of fire, it is impossible for the minister to move so many soldiers." Heaven is careful.

"What do you want to say?" The king thought about it and frowned.

"Your Majesty, it is not a wise idea to turn a face with the country of fire." Tianfang looked at the king.

"What do you mean?" The king looked at the way the heavens thought thoughtfully.

"Your Majesty, the special envoy of the country of fire, Mr. Taro is still outside the palace." Tianfangdao.

"I know, go on." The Kings waved their hands.

"Yes." Tianfang retired according to the words.

"Hey, bit." The king looked at the back of the heavens and thought about it.

"Come on."

At this time, the station of the dark part of the leaves that came from the country of heaven.

"Adult, there is already news, our people have contacted them with the singer." A masked dark part walked into the command post.

"Oh, what is the situation now." asked the leader of the dark department.

"According to the news from the flying giants, they did not encounter the dark part of the fog, the original fog of the fog has let the squad fly to kill, and now the kingdom of heaven has returned to the control of the country of fire. "The dark side.

"Well, yes, I’m doing a good job. Since the dark part of the fog has not appeared, then we don’t have to show up. Let’s leave the two teams in the dark. Just in case, the other tomorrow will go back to the village with me. "The leader said.

"Yes." The dark side said, and then took out a letter: "This is a personal letter from Fei Fei adults, please read it."

The leader took the letter and waved to the dark side: "You go ahead and arrange."

"Yes." The dark part retired.

After seeing the subordinates retreat, the head collar opened the letter and looked up: "Uchiha Uchibo? Uchiha's little devil, can actually get so respected by It seems that it is time to see this genius "The leader said to himself.

"Is there any mistake? I didn't expect the king to be so slammed, not even entertaining." On the way back to Muye, he complained.

"Well, the king and his younger brother have let us die. He doesn't order to hack. We are already good. You still want to entertain?" The big snake pill was on the sidelines.

"But we are not decent people, we help him to regain the throne." Asked by doubt.

"You think it's too simple. He doesn't want us to save him. I don't know." Uchiha looked at the way.

"Why is this? You are so esoteric." The face is ignorant.

Seeing the same way, Uchiha and the big snake pill looked at each other and smiled.

"Well, don't talk about this topic. You just need to know that our mission is over, and the next thing will be handed over to the next Taro." At this time, there was no opening and it was flying back. Mobile users please browse and read, a better reading experience.

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