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After a while, I took a group of dark parts to Uchiha, where they had just been, and looked at the dark part of the ground. "From the wound, it can't be Uchiha Uchiha, it must be a knife master. In addition to Qimu Yumao, there is only Moonlight Moon Shadow."

"Adults, found their direction of escape." A dark part came to the side of the road.

"We don't have to go apart again, go together, come with me." He said to the dark side, then chased in the direction of Uchiha.

"Thank you for just now." The moon shadow hesitated for a moment and shyly said.

"Don't thank me, I am also for myself." Uchiha opened his eyes and opened his mouth.

"You, what happened just now." Yue Ying asked the front of Uchiha.

Uchiha paused and replied: "Don't you see it? Someone doesn't want me to get out of this forest."

When Moon Shadow thought about what was preparing to open, Uchiha said: "You still stay away from me, otherwise I am afraid that I will be tired of you." Uchiha stopped in the tree and carried the moon shadow.

"Now I have been tired of me." Moonshadow said faintly: "I am afraid I am too late to leave now."

"I don't think you are very uncomfortable. Why do you have to find the trouble of the night?" Uchiha suddenly turned and looked at the moon shadow.

I don’t want the moon shadow that was still indifferent to suddenly change my face, and said: "This is my business with him, it is not your business."

"Well, I won't ask." Uchiha said: "Someone caught up." Uchiha looked at the direction.

"Finally catch up with you, Uchiha Uchiha." He took his men and stood on the trunk and looked at Uchiha. "Oh, I didn't expect moonlight."

"Give you another chance, Moonlight Moon Shadow If you leave here now, we will not ask you for trouble, or you will wait to be chased together with Uchiha Uchiha, you choose it yourself."

Moon Shadow glanced at Uchiha, and said: "I think I will use it even if I quit now." Moon Shadow slowly pulled out the knife.

"Moon Shadow, you still go, here I will come by myself." Uchiha went to the front of the moon shadow to block her: "I don't want to have a person who has nothing to do with this."

"But" the moon shadow looked at Yu Zhibo's back and suddenly felt a sense of security. Then he turned back and said: "Why should I listen to you, this is my business, you don't have to."

Uchiha 瞳 came to the moon shadow and looked at her softly and said: "Hey, if I am still alive, I will go to you."

"But" Moon Shadow still wants to talk.

"You don't have to fight. If you don't want to go, you can't go." The opponent waved.

The dark part slowly put Uchiha around them in the middle, and he said, "You have to drag the woman, and this man is personally solved by me."

"It seems that we can't walk anyone, you are careful." Uchiha looked at the moon shadow.

"You still care about yourself, I will not help you if I lose." Moon Shadow is proud of it.

The moon shadow slowly walked to the side and squatted against the dark part.

"Uchiha Uchiha, I have long wanted to fight with you." I looked at Uchiha.

"Yes, but this time there will be no such thing in the world." Uchiha tied the wound to the road.

"Come on, come on." Yan Chong shouted to Uchiha.

At this time, in a woods at the entrance of Mystery Forest No. 4, the moon shadow was surrounded by the dark part, and the moon-shadowed face looked at the dark parts around.

"I didn't expect to have so many dark parts?" Moonshake picked up his own knife.

"The orders of the adults are all destroyed." A dark part opened the way and then pulled the knife from behind.

Moon shadow with a knife against a knife, then quickly stepped back and stepped on the branch, a back flip to escape the other, kneeling on a tree, watching the dark part rushed over.

The moon shadow escaped from a fire and then rushed to another dark part, so that the shadow of the moon hit a few hundred rounds with the dark parts. The pain of the scene was everywhere, and the blood ran down from the knife of the moon shadow.

The moon shadow wiped the blood on his face and gasped in the same place. "You can only use this trick." The moon shadow looked at the dark part that rushed in all directions, slowly stood up from the tree, slowly closed his eyes, and raised his hands with his hands. "Moonlight technology. Frenzy group kills." Moon shadow turns the knife in his hand.

The shadow of the moon shadow knife is like a circle, then rushes to the dark part, flashing in the gap between each dark part, waving a knife every time a dark part passes, leaving a knife mark on all the dark parts.

The moon shadow stands on the periphery of the dark part and faces the dark part. "Hey." The moon shadow spit out a blood and smashed it on the ground with a knife. "I didn't expect this trick to be so difficult."

Then two people fell in the seven dark parts. "I didn't expect that this newcomer is so powerful." A dark part licked the wound on the chest and walked toward the moon.

"It's here." The dark part raised his knife and cut it to the moon shadow.

"Huh." The shadow of the moon stood on the ground and looked weakly at the knife that was getting closer and closer to him. Suddenly remembered the figure of a person, this man carrying his own "I don't want to hurt you, you are leaving." "The moon shadow slowly closed his eyes.

"Hey." The collision of a weapon passed into the ears of the moon shadow, and then the moon shadow felt a hand grabbing his waist. The moon shadow quickly opened his eyes and looked at the handsome face in his heart, the moon shadow suddenly I feel that there is an indescribable feeling. "You" looks at him with a shadow.

"How, I haven't allowed it yet, you want to die?" Uchiha looked at the moon shadow with a smile.

"How come you are here? Is the battle over there over?" Moon Shadow asked in the arms of Uchiha.

"Well, let's not say so much, let's just leave here and talk about it." Uchiha took a quick exit with the moon shadow.

"How could it be him, chase." The dark part looked at the left Uchiha, and shouted to other dark天照. Uchiha opened the kaleidoscope in the left eye and wrote the eye, facing the two dark parts in front.

"Ah." A black fire burned on the dark body.

"What is going on?" In the dark part of the back, I looked at the two dark parts in front of me and stopped to face each other. I dare not chase.

"This is? Are you okay?" Moonshake looked at Uchiha, who was squinting.

"Nothing." Uchiha replied faintly.

At this time, in the place where the battle was carried out, the dark part found the cockroaches that had already passed out, and then learned the situation from the hands. "This mission failed. We will leave this quickly, and the people in the dark part will come." Road.

"Yes, adults." The dark part raised his cockroach and quickly left here.

After a long time, I took my hand down to the location of the incident. "Adult, we found some clues." A dark part came to the front of the flat. Mobile users please browse and read, a better reading experience.

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