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"The latent shadow snake hand." Just when Yan Mao jumped into the air, the big snake pill appeared in front of Yan Mao, and the two snakes rushed to Yan Mao.

"Flag wood knife method - spin." Yan Mao used the flag knife in the air to attach his chakra to his own short knife, the whole person began to rotate, the ball formed by the knife shadow surrounded himself, the big snake pill The two big snakes on the two were rolled into a mass and smashed into pieces.

Yan Mao fell to the ground safely, and the knife stayed on the ground, looking at the big snake pill that landed at the same time, and said: "It is a small look at you."

"Hey, it’s not over yet." The big snake pill didn’t want to give Xiaomao a direct break to Yanmao.

"Hey." The big snake pill lifted the bitter and thornless to Yan Mao, and Yan Mao took the knife up, and the big snake pill was thrown directly to the side.

However, it is still not finished. The big snake pill is turned back in a strange posture. It falls in front of the Mianmao who is trying to stand up. When the hand reaches the ground, it rushes to the Mianmao again, and it is time to bite into the time. Yan Mao directly inserted the knife behind his hands and held the knife. The whole leg and the big snake pill flew in parallel.

"It’s a big snake pill, so you can understand the advantages and disadvantages between yourself and the enemy so quickly, but this method is also because Meng Mao is not used to this strange body technique, but once the time is long, let Yan Mao adapt to this kind of Body surgery is very unfavorable for the big snake pill." Uchiha looked at the field.

The moon shadow next to it nodded.

It was said that Yu Zhibo was in the air. The big snake pill flew to the back of Yan Mao, and the hand held the ground and turned it over. When it landed on the ground, it was not for the time of the rest of the time, and it rushed to Yan Mao again. Turned into the air and then fell down to the big snake pill, the big snake pill with both hands in front of the block, blocking the legs of Yan Mao, but people were kicked out, and Yan Mao jumped backwards by direction, Stand away from the big snake pill.

"I didn't expect this to work." The big snake pill stared at the opposite side of the road.

"Your body skills are a strange word. As long as you resist the previous attacks, it will have no effect." Yan Mao slowly stood up and looked at the big snake.

"I have already figured out your fighting ideas. If you don't have any new moves, then the battle is over." Yan Mao picked up the short knife.

"It seems that there is no way, only this trick can be used." Big Snake Maru said: "I originally wanted to keep this move to deal with Uchiha."

When Yu Zhibo, who was on the field, heard the big snake pill, he was interested in saying: "Oh, what are the tricks of the big snake pill?"

"Oh, I am very interested in your tricks." Yan Mao is interested in authenticity.

"I won't let you down." The big snake pill looked at the Uchiha wave in the field, and then took out the reel and opened the knot: "Nagafa. Wan snake cone."

Countless snakes slowly climbed out of the reel of the big snake pill and rushed to the enamel. When they approached Miaomao, they suddenly spit out from the mouths of the snakes.

"It's so disgusting." Moonshake looked at the countless snakes on the field and was afraid of authenticity.

"Oh." Uchiha said, I haven't seen the big snakes after Rì, those tricks are called nausea.

Yan Mao frowned and looked at so many snakes in front of him. "It's really disgusting tricks, but even this number of snakes, what can you do?" Yan Mao slowly gathered Chakra Road.

"Let you see the power of the flag-knife method." Yan Mao took the knife back to the scabbard: "Putting the knife. Breaking the sky."

"It seems that Yan Mao is going to play really." Uchiha said in the opening. Can not help but recall the horrible power of fighting against myself.

Yan Mao looked at the rushing snake, pulled out and cut it in the void, and could see the broken and empty movement around the knife. A knife passed through the snakes, and soon countless snakes fell under the knife.

"If this is so easy to get it, how can it be a big move?" The mouth of the big snake pill reveals a sly smile.

Soon from the cuts of the Shekou, the second snake spit out and spit out the knife again. Although Yan Mao tried to escape, she was swept by many snakes and showed numerous wounds.

After a long time, Yan Mao slowly came out from the snake pile, watching the big snake pill standing in front, and Yan Mao was half-squatting on the ground with a knife to support the ground.

"I didn't expect this to defeat you, but it shouldn't work if you look at it." The big snake pill licked his lips and took the pain and walked slowly to the front.

"Is it?" Yan Mao looked up at the big snake ball road.

Although I feel that something is not quite right, the big snake pill is still bitter and thornless to Yan Mao, bitterly into the body of Yan Mao, suddenly turned into a snake.

"Replacement." The big snake pill reacted, but it was too late, a knife holder was on the neck of the big snake pill.

"You lost." Yan Mao's voice came from behind.

"It's a pity." The big snake pill said helplessly: "I admit defeat."

"Acknowledge." Yan Mao left this sentence, and then walked down the stage.

The referee looked at the situation and said: "The third game, the flag is 朔 朔 朔."

"In the last game, the imperial hand washes the purple 霄vsrì to the real feather. Now the player is invited to play," the referee shouted.

"Big brother is finally your turn." Sanada looked at the real feathers in front of him.

Zhen Yu looked at it and then came to the field to stand.

"It's a game that looks good." Uchiha took a look and returned to his side, and Mao Ma and the big snake pill faintly.

"Well, these two people are not simple, especially the imperial hand wash Ziyan even I can't see what he is."

Just nodded in the big snake pill and Uchiha, and agreed.

A voice came from behind the two people. "I won't talk about me, come, let me listen." Purple eyes appeared in the back.

"Amount, you haven't gone up yet?" Uchiha said a little bit of awkward shift.

"What are you worried about? The opponent is not yet up yet~ Zi Yan does not matter: "Moreover, I also want to play against you and Yan Mao. "Zi Zi looked at the true feather that was slowly thinking about walking on the stage."

"" Hearing the words of Zi Yan, Yu Zhibo and Yan Mao looked at each other. Yan Mao said: "There will be opportunities."

At this time, in the VIP table, the old ghost asked to stand beside him and be a little different from others: "This purple is your brother."

Sure enough, this dark part of the purple singer heard the old ghost, and faintly replied: "Yes, this is my younger brother."

"I think he is not bad. You are too strict. Otherwise, depending on your position in the dark, how can he come here to try?" The old ghost teased.

"The minister laughed." The dark part was still faint, and then silenced.

The old ghost did not return but turned his attention to the venue.

"Well, I will go up first." Zi Yan saw the VIP seat and then went to the field with Uchiha and Yu Maodao. Mobile users please browse and read, a better reading experience.

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