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"It is the most difficult to accept the beauty of the grace." Uchiha sighed with a bitter smile.

"How do I listen to the taste of being cheap and selling it." At this moment a voice came from behind Uchiha.

Hearing the voice, Uchiha replied to the gods and said: "You are being sarcastically, you know the relationship between me and the master."

"The husband has a few confidantes, no big deal." Yan Mao slowly came out.

"How come you, do you come to me to discuss it?" Uchiha doesn't want to entangle this topic again.

"I saw your battle with Zhen Yu. I already understand our gap. How can I ask myself again?" Yan Mao said, then seriously looked at Yu Zhibo and said: "Tell me, you have already arrived." To what extent?"

"It should be a quasi-shadow level." Uchiha is not sure.

"Well, I think so too." Yan Mao said lightly.

"You should also have a level of tolerance in the English." Uchiha sighed.

"I will not give up chasing your footsteps. One day I will defeat you personally." Yan Mao turned and carried Uchiha's martyrdom, and then left.

"It's not cute at all." Yu Zhibo looked at the Yan Mao who left and shook his head.

Early the next morning, Uchiha took three people and started looking for the enemy. After four people passed through yesterday, the relationship was better.

With the appearance of the team, the real feathers began to be able to speak with Uchiha, so the team began to move in an orderly queue.

Zhen Yu is at the forefront, Uchiha and Yu Mao are in the middle, and the moon shadow is at the end. It is worth mentioning that the relationship between Uchiha and Moon Shadow is not what the two sides do when they both deliberately forget. It happened, but it was inevitable that it was awkward when I met.

Suddenly in front of the real feathers stopped in the tree, Uchiha and Yu Mao, the moon shadow stopped at the side of the real feather, looking at the real feathers puzzled.

"I found someone in front of a hundred meters." Zhen Yu said with a white eye: "But.."

"But what?" Uchiha asked.

"Nothing, just a little weird."

When I heard the true feathers, Uchiha whispered for a moment and said: "Since even the real feathers say that the situation is a bit strange, then in order to prevent any accidents, the moon shadow keeps a little distance with us, don't come out behind, if there is What happened unexpectedly, you come out again."

"Well." The moon shadow nodded.

"Continue to keep the formation moving forward." Uchiha shouted.

"You are not afraid that I will fool you." Zhen Yu asked.

When I heard the true feathers, Uchiha and Yan Mao looked at each other, then went to the side of Zhen Yu and patted his shoulder and looked at the real feathers seriously: "We are companions, aren't you? I believe in you."

"..." Looking at Yu Zhibo's sincere eyes, the real feathers could not help but feel moved, Zhang Zhangzui found that he couldn't speak, then led the way and said: "The enemy is in front."

Looking at the real feathers that have already moved forward, Yan Mao walked to the side of Uchiha, and then turned to the direction of the real feathers. Uchiha shrugged and shrugged: "Go."

"Well." The moon shadow returned.

The horn is a master of the older generation. One of the things he is most proud of is that he has assassinated the first generation of Naruto, who is known as the first master of the world, and survived safely. This is also the cost he boasted to others. And the most important thing is his strange ability.

He believes that after the death of the older generation in the first generation, he is one of the best masters.

It’s just that I’ve been so depressed recently that I’ve finally got a heart that I’m happy with, and I’ve been beaten up in a fight.

Then the corners decided to go around the world to find the heart that satisfied them. Just in the previous rìzi corners, I found the heart that I can satisfy myself and succeeded in getting it, but the ninja of Konoha makes myself very upset. In the case that the corners think that they have few rivals in the leaves, the corners stayed on the border of the leaves for a few days, and they also killed a lot of wood leaf ninjas.

Just here, the ninja who killed a wooden leaf in the corner, when the corners were checking the heart of the ninja killed by himself, suddenly heard the grass next to it moving, and the corner shouted into the grass and shouted: "Who? ?"

Uchiha and Yu Yu have been hiding in the grass to observe the enemy's situation. I did not expect to see this scene.

Uchiha 瞳 sees this familiar figure through the grass, and the heart is dark, is this not the corner of the past life? Is this mission him? It turned out that he was amazed that the real feathers would be a bit weird. There should be five kinds of chakras.

"Let's do it." Yan Mao saw the corners and dug out the heart of the wooden leaf ninja, showing an angry expression.

"I think we should shoot at speed." Zhen Yu turned to look at Uchihabo's suggestion.

"No." Uchiha whispered and held down the shoulders of Yan Mao: "Do you want us to die?"

"Not at all, with the strength of the three of us, even if we can beat it, we can escape. Besides, there is still a shadow in the dark." Yan Mao was surprised. In his own impression, Uchiha has always been very calm, himself. I haven't seen Uchiha's expression of timidity.

"You don't know." Uchiha said: "This person is not something we can deal with. This is the person who once assassinated the first generation and escaped safely. This person is at least a shadow."

“How is it possible?” Zhen Yu and Yan Mao asked, how have they not heard of it.

"In short, we will retreat first, return to Muye to rescue the soldiers. Now it is possible that Huo Ying or the old ghost can confront him. Besides, our task is to find out the enemy's situation instead of killing it in vain."

"You are right." Yan Mao thought about it.

"Then you go first, I will break." Uchiha said.

When I heard Uchiha’s words, Yan Mao and Zhen Yu nodded ~ know that now is not a hero.

Just as Yan Mao and Zhen Yu went to the meeting, Zhen Yu accidentally stepped on a broken piece of wood and made a "squeaky" sound.

"Who?" shouted the corner.

Uchiha 瞳 and 朔茂, Zhen Yu looked at each other, Uchiha 瞳 quickly jumped away from the grass, just at this time a fire spurted.

"The reaction is quite fast." The angles were surprised to see the dark leaves of the wood leaf appearing in front of them.

"You should be the dark part of the wood leaf, and other people will come out." The corners are faint.

Yan Mao and Zhen Yu had no choice but to jump out and stand on the side of Uchiha. "It's the ninja who has been killing our leaves at the border." Uchiha faintly said that since it was all like this, I could only work hard.

"This time, the wood leaves actually sent three dark parts, but it is very important to pay attention to this matter, but don't say that three are thirty, but I can't help me." The corners are faint. Mobile users please browse and read, a better reading experience.

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