
Finally, the dragon god, he confessed that our dragons must not be enemies with the dragons forever, or the dragons will perish. However, the black dragon's stubborn understanding of the decline of the dragon is the reason of the human race, so he is thinking about how to destroy the human race. ”

"And then?" Uchiha asked.

"But the Terran at that time has grown stronger and stronger than the Dragon."

"The last black dragon couldn't help but embarked on the extreme road. He didn't know where to learn that our dragon's temple was sealed with something here. It is said that if you can get this thing, you can get endless power, so the black dragon wants to open the seal. ”

"But because of the dragon's ancestral training and the fate of the dragon god, the people in the dragons did not support him at the time, but the black dragon at that time had lost his senses, and the elder who finally wounded the guards sealed the seal. ”

"What exactly is that seal?" Uchiha asked.

"It's a gun." Qinglong old man looked at Yu Zhibo.

"The gun?" Uchiha was surprised.

"Yes, it's just a gun." Qinglong old man recalled: "I still remember the gun that was full of ruin."

"At that time, after the black dragon came out of the seal, it began to change like a person, and began to kill people. Not only the people but also the compatriots of the dragons, even the elders of the dragons were killed because they couldn’t see the past and wanted to get the black dragon back." Old man.

"and then?"

"In the end, the elders of the Dragons began to look up information about the guns there. Finally, they knew in the ancient handwriting of the Dragon God. It turned out that this is the demon gun that the dragon **** personally sealed. This gun will cause people to kill. In the end, this gun became a **** and killing in the world. In the end, the dragon **** decided to personally destroy the gun. The dragon **** finally hit the gunman three times. It was only after three days of night that the gunman was barely killed. Unfortunately, even the dragon **** could only seal the gun and could not destroy it. Finally, the dragon gods marked the place where the gun was sealed as a forbidden place. The children of the dragon family should guard this place for generations. I just didn't expect it to be taken out by the Black Dragon."

"The dragon is gone, isn't there anyone who can stop this gun?" Uchiha shouted.

Qinglong old man nodded and said: "In the end, we really decided that we could cooperate with the Terran and seal the gun together."

"How is the result?" Uchiha asked, not waiting.

"The last Terran elected the most powerful six of the Terran people at that time to complete this task." Qinglong old man.

"Don't the people sent by the dragons here are you." Yu Zhibo guessed.

"The patriarch, as the first master of the dragons except the black dragon, of course accepted this task." The blue dragon elders next to him explained.

Qinglong old man nodded and said: "There was no way at the time. At that time, the black dragon was completely controlled by the devil gun. I didn't know anyone, so I decided to do it myself."

"In the end, did you win?" Uchiha shouted.

"Well." Qinglong old man wiped his eyes and said: "At the time, I was the sixth summoned beast and six matches to defeat the black dragon."

"Unfortunately, with our strength is not enough to destroy the gun, but also to kill the black dragon, so I decided to separate the black dragon's soul from the body after six consultations, and seal his body on the moon, and their The power is also divided into two parts by the iyou dragon and the human race. In order to completely solve the influence of the demon gun, the six roads seal the smaller forces belonging to human beings in their own bodies, thinking that this will follow his After dying and annihilating, this formed the tail beast that you later said, and the other part of the force was too big, we had to seal him here, and we were guarded by our dragons for generations." The old dragon head pointed at the pool channel on the ground.

"The truth of the original six-way defeat of the ten-tailed thing is this." Uchiha sighed and sighed, it turns out that the truth of the previous life is like this.

"But what does this have to do with me?" Uchiha asked.

Qinglong old man sorted out his emotions and smiled: "The power of your Uchibo people is actually the power from the black dragon and the demon gun."

Qinglong’s words could not help Yu Zhibo’s surprise. He saw Uchiha’s expression, and the old dragon said: “In fact, you don’t have to worry. This is the effect of the diluted power that has not been affected by the demon gun.”

The words of Qinglong’s old man let Uchiha sighed and said: “You don’t say it early.”

"I didn't say it?" Qinglong old man shrugged and said: "Well, don't entangle this problem first, or our topic." Seeing the feelings of Yu Zhibo's eagerness to worry, Qinglong old man quickly recovered.

Sure enough, Uchiha did not pursue this matter, and began to listen carefully.

"In fact, the writing circle of your Uchibo people is a combination of six reincarnation eyes and the black dragon's strength. Therefore, it is easier for you to use the black dragon's xing grid for the people of Uchibo." Old man.

"Well." Uchiha nodded and agreed with him. The silence would open: "This time you will come to me not to tell me the secret of the dragon."

"Speaking with smart people is refreshing." Qinglong old man stood up and then walked to the front of Uchiha, saying: "In fact, this time I was looking for you mainly because we found that someone started to think about the power of the magic gun." ”

"In fact, this time I was looking for you mainly because we found that some people started to think about the power of the magic gun." Qinglong old man looked at Yu Zhibo.

"What do you mean?" Uchiha waved a faint idea in his heart but asked indefinitely.

"Recently we found that some people are collecting tail beasts~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Qinglong old man.

Sure enough, Uchiha whispered in the heart.

"You should know that the tail beast is actually the power of ten tails. If they let the power of ten tails summon ten tails, they will summon the demon gun. No one can resist it at that time." Qinglong old man.

"Since you know that someone is collecting the tail beast, why don't you stop it by yourself?" Uchiha asked.

"It is not enough to rely solely on the strength of our dragons. Let us also intervene in the Terran. And the power of this magic pool has begun to change recently. We can't leave here, or there will be big accidents, so I Need your help." Qinglong old man explained.

“What can I do?” Uchiha asked.

"We will sign a psychic contract with you, so that you can borrow the power of the dragon." . () "One Piece's Bounty System" only represents the author's views of the three countries Han Shao, if it finds that its content is inconsistent with the national laws, please delete the treatment, the position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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