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"You said the moon shadow, I said that we are just a simple teammate relationship, you don't think too much." Uchiha shouted.

When I heard Uchiha’s words, the hand whispered: “How do I know if there is any relationship?”

"Cough." Uchiha said: "Well, don't entangle this thing, or talk about something else."

"What is it?" The class leader wondered.

Uchiha 瞳 s s sè serious down: "Recently endure the world is not flat, there may be war at any time." Uchiha 瞳 looked at the hand gently said: "I always feel that this mission has a change, so you have to Be careful, learn to protect yourself."

"Well." Gang hand nodded shyly.

"Outline hand." Uchiha said hesitated for a moment.

"What?" asked the questioner in confusion.

"If I can successfully complete the task this time, I will propose to you after I come back." Finally, Uchiha slammed down, and then secretly said: "And I am also a time to go to a thousand people."

"What?" The master looked surprised and then became shy.

Uchiha looked at the hand and shyly lowered his head, and his mouth was not tilted, then he took the head of the hand and kissed the forehead of the hand.

"I am leaving first." Uchiha said, and then quickly left.

The hand looked at the back of Uchiha, and I felt very warm.

"Uchiha wave, you must come back safely, I am waiting for you." The hands of the hands silently.

The night was outside the Uchiha room, "Adult, check it out." A dark part squatted on the ground.

"How is it?" Uchiha opened the door and looked at the dark part.

"On the day before yesterday, this intelligence was handed over to the Huo Ying adults." The dark side said.

"I know, go on." Uchiha squinted at the moon in the sky.

"Yes." The dark part bowed and disappeared in place.

"It's a group, don't force me, otherwise....." Uchiha looked at the air and sneered.

In a valley in the border of the fire, a group of troops carrying the sand-bearing flag is slowly moving forward. There is also a sedan chair in the middle of the team surrounded by sand and the whole team is filled with the chilling atmosphere.

On the side of the valley, a team of wooden dark-skinned costumes stood on the back **** and watched the sand-bearing team passing underneath.

"Adults, they are coming." A dark part squatted on the ground, pointing to the sand-bearing team below.

"Well." Uchiha faintly nodded.

"Adult, the situation seems a bit wrong, the strength of this team seems to be a bit strong, strong and unusual." Uchiha said a dark side of the road.

"Well, I think so too. There must be an important person in the sand." Uchiha groaned and thought about it, and probably the most powerful one, Uchiha said in his heart.

"So, are we going to continue the original plan?" asked the dark side on the other side.

"Continue the original plan unchanged." Uchiha shouted.

"Yes, I will go down and tell." The dark side said.

The group is hiding, you really find a good opponent for me. If you are not careful, you will be completely annihilated. Uchiha sighed and sighed.

"Prepare." Uchiha waved his hand to the dark side behind him.

"Yes." The dark part behind him disappeared in place.

"It's time to do it." Uchiha 瞳 wears a mask and disappears in place.

At this time, in the team of Sha Ren, the sand next to the sedan chair was put to the sedan chair: "Adult, the valley in front is very dangerous. Do you want to send someone to explore it."

From the sedan chair, the voice of a middle-aged man came from the majesty: "No need, just as usual, not too nervous."

"Yes." The sand bears back, then leaves the sedan chair and looks at the scenes around him.

"Hey, Uchiha Uchiha, you must let yourself be buried here today." A sound came from the polo.

Looking at the sand and forbearing slowly into his trap, Uchiha gaze gamble for a while, "hands." Uchiha screamed to the dark part of the neighborhood.

Upon hearing the command of Uchiha, the people in the dark department took a huge reel from behind and squatted out against the valley. Then they sealed together and then pressed their hands to the ground: "Nagafa. Landslide."

The land on the valley began to crack, and the top of the mountain on the whole side was cut off to a layer and then the stone fell to the bottom of the sand like a snow mountain collapse.

"Someone attacked." The sand beside the sedan chair shouted to the surrounding sand: "Protect the adults."

The sand can not be opened in the valley can only be passively defended, and there are always stones in the sand, "Ah."

The casualties of the sand are also increasing. The sand-bearing flies are like chasing flies. "Adults, this will not work." The sand beside the sedan shouted to the people inside the sedan chair.

"Call them not to run around, come to me to gather." The people inside told him.

"Yes." The sand replied, then shouted around the ninja: "Come on the adults."

Hearing that person's words, the sand forbearing is to find the main heart and continue to gather to the sedan chair.

After the people who were forbearing in the sand came to the side of the sedan chair, a sand wall was formed around the sand to resist the falling of the stone.

Uchiha, who is observing the situation, wrinkles and is silent.

"Adult..." A dark side.

When raising his hand to stop the dark part, Uchiha said: "Chong."

"Yes." The dark part shouted to the people around him: "Chong."

All the dark parts continued to rush from the hillside to the sand, and Uchiha stood up slowly, staring tightly at the sedan chair in the sand zhōngyāng.

Seeing the dark part rushing down the valley, the mantle of the sedan chair: "Welcome to Sharon began to rush to the dark part, and finally the people in the dark part and the people of the sand tolerant began to meet each other, the scene was chaotic, all kinds of harnesses Flying around, all kinds of ninjutsu are constantly being cast out by the ninja, and people are constantly falling.

"Ah." A dark part cut down a sand and had no time to be happy. From behind him, he came to a person who had no darkness in the dark.

There are many corpses lying on the ground, but obviously the body of the sand is much more than the dark part. There is no way that the combat strength of the dark part is higher than that of the sand, and it is still ambush, but the sand is overwhelmed in many people, and there is also sand in the sand. The most powerful and still firmly guarding the sedan chair did not participate in the war.

Seeing the situation on the field, Uchiha said to the two dark sides: "It is not a way to go on. It seems that there is a big man in the sedan chair. The people in the sedan chair are solved by me. You pay attention to the point here. If there are other teams on the border. Come and show jǐng immediately and retreat in time."

"Yes, adults." The two dark parts should be.

After the command, Uchiha took out the dragon scale sword behind him and rushed directly to the sedan chair. At this time, there were only four sands left next to the sedan chair to protect the sedan chair. Mobile users please browse and read, a better reading experience.

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