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"Wind and shadow adults...." The sand behind the wind and shadow is open.

"Ha ha." Uchiha said that after seeing the wind and shadow, he was unwilling to bear the sand and listened to the wind and said: "Don't be so nervous. This is a misunderstanding. I will come to fight with you. You said, Feng Ying, I am very respectful to the adults."

"Misunderstanding?" Uchiha's words made the sand and the Uchiha behind the wind and shadows play a bit of fun, and then collectively looked at the wind.

Feeling the eyes of everyone, the wind and shadow saw Uchiha for a while, trying to suppress his anger, and then said: "Yes, these are misunderstandings."

"Wind and Shadow Adult..."

" Needless to say, let's go." Feng Ying shouted to the sand behind him, then squinted at the eyes of Uchiha, and took the lead.

Looking at the shadows and leaving with sand, a dark part looked at Yu Zhibo and said: "Adults....."

Uchiha raised his hand and interrupted the dark part, saying: "Do you want to ask why we want to let them go."

Uchiha looked up at the sky and said: "That's because I didn't know how to leave him. Do you understand?"

"Well." The darkroom nodded.

"I...." Uchiha was preparing to open the door and fell down. A dark part just saw that he was busy holding Uchiha, saying: "Adult, are you okay?"

"I will return to the village immediately." Uchiha stunned and said that he fainted.

"The right hand injury of the grown-up is too heavy. We must go back to the village quickly. We will leave immediately after the words of Uchiha, and I will leave the dark part of Uchiha.

"Yes." Everyone should answer.

"Amount." Uchiha 瞳 slowly opened his eyes, only feeling dry, looking at his position, his hand moved slightly and felt something pressed against his left hand, could not help but look at his left hand side .

A yellow sès head is on the edge of the bed, and Uchiha can't help but lick his mouth, and then he wants to give birth to his right hand and touch her hair.

"Ah." Uchiha screamed and couldn't help but scream.

"Amount." Hearing the voice of Uchiha, the hand slowly raised his tired head, rubbing his own eyes covered with red silk, and then looking at Uchiha.

"Uchiha wave." The master surprised: "You wake up."

"Outline, how long have I been lying?" Uchiha asked, screaming around.

"Five days, your subordinates brought you back. I just happened to be in the village, so I applied to take care of you." The hand raised Yu Zhibo and said: "You know that I just heard the news of your accident. Worried?"

Yu Zhibo leaned back against the bed and looked at the eyebrows and frowned. "How is my right hand?"

"I have already dealt with your hand. It should be fine, but it will take a few days to fully recover." The master handed out the bed of Uchiha.

"Oh, I am bothering you again." Uchiha said with a smile.

"This is any trouble, anyway, I am studying medical ninjutsu is also to take care of you, who told you to always be injured." The hand was sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Oh." Uchiha 瞳 gently touched Uchiha's hair and quietly listened to the "啰嗦" of the master.

"You are taking care of me for these five days." Uchiha shouted.

"Of course." The director said that he should return, and then bowed his head: "I will not rest assured that others will take care of you."

"Know." Uchiha said: "I know that you care about me the most."

"Hate." The master took a picture of Uchiha: "Yes, are you thirsty, hungry, or I will give you something to eat."

Uchiha smiled and looked at the concern of the master, and then put the hand in his arms. "No, you are enough." Uchiha tweeted gently to feel the gentle hair.

"When I am hurt, I will go to your home to raise my family." Uchiha whispered softly.

"Ah." The unfinished hand was struggling for a while when he was pulled into Uchiha, and then he reached out and hugged Uchiha, and nodded lightly: "Well."

After a while, Uchiha's face slowly slid down, and the eyes looked out of the window, and the heart was secret, but some things still have to be dealt with.


In a dark room in the dark.

"What? You said that Uchiha Uchiha is coming back safely and innocently." The man sitting in the main position was surprised to see the dark side below.

"Yes, it has been back for five days, but the news has been blocked by his men." The dark side replied: "And Huo Ying adults already know about it, or the news that Huo Ying adults sent people to help him block."

"Five days!" The person sitting in the main position stretched out five fingers and said to the dark part of the darkness: "Five days, five days are enough for me to be killed, what do you guys do?"

"Yes, yes." The dark part nodded carefully.

"Yes, yes, what is it." The person in the main position shouted violently. After a while, he calmed down: "I didn't know when you came into contact with the people in Sharon Village."

"No." The dark side is sure.

"That's good, go on." The person in the main seat waved.

"Yes." The dark part replied, then stood up, and when he was about to leave, he suddenly shouted in the direction of the Lord: "Who?" and then fell to the ground.

When the dark part shouted out, the person in the Lord stood up from the Lord's position. When he was too late to move, he found a bitterness in his neck.

After the initial panic, calm down and look at the front: "It’s Uchiha Uchiha."

Uchiha 瞳 slowly came out from behind his face, with a kaleidoscope in his eyes to write a round eye, and looked at the human body in front of him: "I didn't expect it, the group."

Uchiha took out a light under the light of the light, revealing the face of the group.

The group's hiding face sè indifferently: "I just didn't expect to meet in this way."

"Okay, put away your bitterness." Uchiha faintly looked at the hidden weapons in the hands of the group: "You are not my opponent now, I can come here, it means that your life is always at my disposal. You can take it, and there are people who have changed to me outside. You don't have to think about calling people."

Uchiha waved up and suffered, walked to the side of the seat and sat down with a bandage on his neck. His right hand was not hung on his chest, and his left hand was playing with bitterness.

"So what is your purpose today?" The group thought about it, and sat back to the main seat and looked at Uchiha, and asked: "Let's talk."

"Do you know?" Uchiha said: "In this mission, some people began to see that I was not pleasing to the eye and prepared to take me. In order to get rid of me, I actually colluded with other villages."

When I heard the words of Uchiha, the group hid and said: "Is it? Who is so damn, this kind of person is really damn." Mobile users please browse and read, a better reading experience.

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