Uchiha faintly said: "I refuse."

"What? What do you say?" asked the elder who was interrupted.

"I said I refused." Uchiha looked at the elders and said a little.

"Uchiha Uchiha, you..." The middle-aged man shouted at Uchiha.

"I hate people pointing at me most, this time, if there is a hand to be careful next time." Uchiha looked coldly at the middle-aged road.

"I....." The middle-aged man looked at Uchiha, and was suppressed by Uchiha, and he stuttered.

The elders reached out and interrupted the words of the middle-aged, and then revealed the three hooks and wrote the round eyes and looked at Uchiha: "Are you sure?"

"Do you threaten me?" Uchiha turned his head and looked at the elders.

"This is a kaleidoscope to write a round eye?" The elders looked at Yu Zhibo's eyes and wrote the round eyes.

The words of the elders made the people here all surprised. They whispered, "Impossible." The middle-aged man stood up again and pointed to Uchiha. "How could this be, even the kaleidoscope that my father didn't have, write his eyes, he How is it possible? Is there?"

Before the middle-aged people finished speaking, Uchiha slammed into the middle-aged man and punched the middle-aged man, then looked at the elders: "What I hate most is the threat of others."

"Do you want to be against the whole family? Even if you have a kaleidoscope to write the wheel, it is useless." The elders stared at Uchiha and began to release their own pressure.

"You can try, and according to the rules of the family, whoever has a kaleidoscope to write the eye can issue orders, so now I am the master of this family." Uchiha also released his own pressure, and then I glanced around and looked down on Uchiha, and I didn’t dare to look at Uchiha.

"Uchiha wave." Uchiha Kim went to Uchiha, who was next to Uchiha, and shouted at the corner of Uchiha.

Looking at his uncle, Uchiha said: "My surname is given by my grandfather Yu Zhibo. My body is given by my parents. Since they are not there, I have nothing to do with this family. So don't bother me anymore, otherwise....." Uchihao stared at the eyes of the elders: "The consequences are conceited."

After that, Yu Zhibo turned and left. At this time, the middle-aged man who was stunned by Uchiha, I saw Uchiha, who left after the elders said: "Father, this Uchiha Uchiha is too much, we want to. ...."

On the side of Uchiha Kim, looking at the shameless face of the middle-aged man, he snorted and left, and the others followed closely, not looking at the elders.

"Father." The middle-aged man looked at the two people in the room and couldn't help but look at the big elders.

When the elders reached out and stopped the middle-aged people, they vomited and blew their blood forward.

"Father." The middle-aged man rushed to the elders to support the elders.

"The kaleidoscope is not easy to write the eye of the wheel." The elders opened the door.

On the rock of Yingying, I closed my eyes and opened my hands to let myself blow the wind. The hand stood on one side and looked at Yu Zhibo gently.

"You seem to have changed." The master looked at Yu Zhibo and said.

When he heard the outline, Uchiha slowly opened his eyes and turned to the hand: "Oh, is it? Where has changed."

"More stable, more mature, and more." Gang hand blushes and bows: "It's more attractive."

Uchiha looked at the outline hand with a smile, then stretched out his hand and gently stroked the face of the hand, then turned to look at the wooden leaves under his feet, faintly said: "People will always change, especially do After some things."

"I have heard about things between you and your family, is it because of me?" asked the expert.

Uchiha waved a smile and said: "You don't have to think too much. Actually, it's not because of you. You are just a head. The relationship between me and the family has actually been cracked. Anyway, it's a matter of time. It's late and late. I don't make any difference."

"Is it?" Although I heard the explanation of Uchiha, I am still a bit embarrassed.

"Thank you Uchiha."

"Thank you for what?" Uchiha asked in a puzzled question.

"Thank you for comforting me like this, I understand."

Seeing that the master did not believe in himself, Uchiha shrugged and did not bother to explain.

"Right, that." The hand hesitated.

When I saw the outline of a hand, I did not know how to open it. Uchiha said: "If you have anything, let's talk about it. What can't be said between us?"

When I heard Uchiha, I was able to take a deep breath and ask: "How about the moon shadow and the illusionist sister?"

Uchiha’s smile instantly solidified, then turned and looked faintly to the front: “I have told them about our two things, and I have explained their relationship with them.”

"Sorry, I shouldn't ask this way." The apology was apologetic.

Looking at the nervous expression of the hand, Uchiha slammed his fingers and gently scraped it down on the nose of the hand. www.wuxiaspot.com~Opened: "A fool, what are you doing so nervously, you are too kind If it is another woman, I have already eaten vinegar and then started to make trouble."

"People just want to be a good girlfriend."

"Oh, it’s good to have you." Uchiha squatted and hugged the hand.

"Hate." The hand shyly shouted in Uchiha.

"Some things, some people are not their own, they are not their own. This kind of dragging is not good for us, and I don't want you to be hurt and I am not good at feelings. It’s better to be a knives, so it’s good for you or for her.” Uchihao gently stroked the back of the hand and felt the temperature of each other, whispering.

"Uchiha wave, you are so good." Gang hand holding Uchiha 瞳 gently gently.

In the Huoying office, Uchiha is sitting on the side with his legs up and looking at the flying parade sitting on the main seat: "Mr. Fei Fei, are you looking for me? Is there any task? ""

Fei Fei joked: "Look at what you said, can I only ask you to come to the task?"

"Yeah." Uchiha is simply and authentic.

"Amount." I remembered that it was only when I was out of the task that I would find Uchiha, and I couldn’t help but touch my nose. I said, "Cough, well, don't be kidding, or say something right."

Uchiha’s mouth is so easy to hold his heart’s smile: “It’s like a teacher, you’ve been talking about it.”

"Oh, is it?" Fei Fei wondered, and then asked: "These things don't matter. I am looking for you today. I heard that you want to kiss the boss?"

"Yeah, I didn't expect your news to be so well-informed." Uchiha shouted.

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