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The outline hand held Uchiha, and Yu Zhibo said: "You have reason."

"Oh," Uchiha smirked and said: "It’s still time to go." After that, I pulled the hand and jumped directly from Huoyingyan.

We walked slowly to the school. At the age of 18, I was about one meter tall. The hairstyle was based on the hairstyle of the past, and the face of Junxiu was definitely the type of "road killer".

The hand is also mature, and there is a development like the shape of the future generations. When we stand together, others will say that it is a pair of heavenly creations, and the passers-by often turn back.

After entering the school, "The rope tree is too hot and too impulsive, you should educate and educate." Uchihao squatted at the side of the road, and now I don't know how the rope tree actually died, so Or remind me in advance of the good hand, you can prevent it, otherwise I can't save the rope tree.

"Is it useful? The child you don't know, always think of yourself as a big man, xìng grid is still not like you." In fact, the hands are also very worried about this younger brother.

"Well, let me talk to him." Uchiha shook his head with a smile.

"Hey, let me explain in advance, I don't want to use force." The hand held Uchiha's handcuffs.

"I know, I have never used force against him." Uchiha shouted.

Unknowingly, Uchiha and Hiroshi came to the school's cāo field, where many parents have already waited.

If Huo Ying is available, he will come to the school to give a speech every year, bringing vitality to the wood leaves covered by the war, although some children may not live for a year.

The two walked to the place where the parents stood, not far from a pile of children, this is also the fire of the wood leaves.

"Uchiha wave, outline hand." Just as Uchiha and his hand went to the place where the parents stood, they heard the flying on the podium not far away and shouted to Uchiha and the master. All the eyes on the field were cast on Uchiha and Yu.

"In the past, we are not suitable to stand here." The hands of the hands felt the eyes of everyone helplessly yelled at Uchiha.

"Let's go." Uchiha 瞳 瞳 瞳 纲 。 。 。.

In the hot eyes of everyone, Uchiha and his hand slowly walked to the podium.

"Older sister and brother-in-law." Sure enough, the rope tree, after seeing Uchiha and his hand, excitedly screamed. The students around him immediately inquired about the rope tree, and the rope tree proudly introduced the classmates. stand up.

On the other side, Uchiha, when he heard the sound of the rope tree, could only smile in his heart. He remembered that he was very dissatisfied with himself when he first saw this kid, but after the events of the Chiba, he began to The brother-in-law of Bo Xi’s brother-in-law is not stopping.

At this time on the podium, "I haven't seen you for a long time, and I am flying to the teacher." Uchiha said in front of him.

"The chances of seeing you now are a lot less. I didn't expect you to come today, it is for the rope tree." Fei Fei smiled and looked at Yu Zhibo.

"Yeah, there are so many tasks in the recent past, there is no way." Uchiha and Yosuke are sitting at the podium on the podium.

The teachers sitting next to Fei Fei consciously gave up their position because they knew the relationship between the two and Huo Ying.

"Is it also with the big snake pill? I haven't seen them for a long time." Uchiha asked at random.

"The big snake pill has recently been separated from the dark part. He has been doing research and has been working on what he has done." He said that he has also escaped from the hand, and he has shown a wretched expression. Channel.

"Oh, yes." Uchiha replied, and he couldn't help but smile at the thought of himself.

"Right, you, when are you going to get married?"

Speaking of these, even the masters who have always been arrogant can not help but shyly bow their heads, and Uchiha is more open, and said: "Next month, it will still bother you to be the host of the wedding."

Marriage after a month is the result of a discussion between Uchiha and the elders of the thousand hands, so it will be announced.

At this moment, the ceremony was over. Uchiha and Yosuke just walked off the podium and saw the rope tree running towards it. When they ran, they shouted: "Older sister, brother-in-law."

Seeing the rope tree, Uchiha 瞳 smiled and touched the hair of the rope tree and said: "Congratulations, you finally become tolerant." In fact, Uchiha is very optimistic about the rope tree, and he has been entangled with Uchiha every time. I want to learn ninjutsu, and the talent is pretty good, and learning everything is fast.

"Don't talk nonsense." Gang hand blushes to stop the rope tree from calling my brother-in-law.

"What are you getting married soon? I have a bad time for my brother-in-law." The rope tree was not satisfied.

"If you talk again, I will sew your mouth." The hand raised his fist and threatened.

"Sister husband, you must take care of my old sister in the future. The only thing she doesn't dare to be fierce is only you." The rope tree got together to the side of Uchiha, but it was still heard by the master.

When I heard the rope tree, Uchiha said with a slight smile: "Is it, I think your old sister is very good."

The rope tree waved and said: "Forget it, anyway, if you have a baby in the future, I will be free." After talking about the rope tree, he quickly ran away because he saw the hand on the edge of the explosion.

Looking at the rope tree running away Uchiha 瞳 瞳 对 对 对 : : "走吧."

After a month, the leaves of the wood are filled with a festive taste. In this tense moment of war, the genius of Uchiha, the genius of Uchiha and the princess of the thousand hands, came out to make a kiss, which made everyone in the wood leaves feel happy.

After all, the relationship between the two communities is not very good so far. The combination of Uchiha and Yushou can ease the relationship between the two communities, and the two communities can work together to defend the wood leaves, at least in the hearts of the people, as long as the power of the two communities can Cooperation will also be of great help to Konoha in future wars.

Therefore, when Uchiha and Tsuna were married, they received gifts from many people. Even the name of the country of fire also sent his blessings, and the compound of the Uchiha family has already been crowded.

Big Snake Pills, Dark Nights, and many of Yu Zhibo’s friends have come to join in, but I don’t know why they haven’t come to the moon and the moon shadow. The moon shadow can understand, and I don’t know what to do. Of course, it’s so lively. Of course, the leader of the wood leaf, Huo Ying, is indispensable, but this time Fei Fei is not present as the host, but the old friend Taro, who has not seen for a long time, as the minister of the country of fire came here as the messenger. For this reason, Fei Fei also had a few days of awkwardness with Taro. Mobile users please browse and read, a better reading experience.

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