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Uchiha, the leader of the "Dragon" team, explored the darkness in the dark.

"Captain, where are we going?" asked the night.

After a few days of getting along, everyone is getting along well.

"I will know later." Uchiha faintly responded.

On the other side, the setting sun ambushes in the vicinity of the fog, "Time is up, let's start." The sunset said to a captain's ninja.

"Yes, adults." That person should answer.

After a while, I saw a loud noise around the fog-bearing camp.

"Kill it."

"The enemy attack, get up quickly."

"Stupid, I am your boss."

"I am wrong, boss."

I saw that the entire fog-bearing camp was boiling.

"What happened?" The head of the fog-bearing man glared at his groggy head and shouted to the outside.

A guard went into the account and bowed his head and said: "The enemy attack seems to be..."

"Waste." The leader squatted and picked up the shoe next to the guard.

The guards did not dare to move, letting the shoes lie on their faces.

"Well, don't take your shoes back." The leader shouted.

"Yes, yes." The guards quickly picked up the shoes of the head and helped them wear them.

"Follow me." The leader walked straight to the high ground in the camp. He looked around and saw the darkness around him. He did not see any enemies. He asked the generals around him with confusion: "Where is there an enemy?"

The generals around you will look at me, I will look at you, and my face will say: "I don't know."

"It’s really waste." The leader shouted, then turned and walked to his camp, and shouted as he walked: "All go to sleep, really."

At that time, the fog-bearing camp resumed calm.

But not long after, the same screams began to sound. "I will call all the captains to come to me and have a meeting." The fogman screamed and slammed his quilt and shouted at the guards outside the account.

"Yes." The guards rushed carefully and then ran out to find someone.

Just as the fog was forcing into a mess, Uchiha and his team came to a gathering place, and Uchiha looked at the teammates in a circle.

Uchiha said: "This is the replenishment warehouse of the fog, and tens of thousands of fogs are here, so I decided to bring everything back here or destroy it, you know?"

"Yes." All the people answered in unison.

"That's good, now I am releasing the tasks of everyone." Uchiha said: "Yu Yu and Tsuna are left behind, and Yu Yu is responsible for protecting the hands of the team and is ready to support other places. After Mao and the night as the striker, the defender will be killed. Waiting for the opportunity to kill other fogs, and also the big snake pill and I am responsible for destroying the things inside, understand?"

"Yes." The crowd responded and then dispersed to perform their tasks.

On the side of the fog-bearing camp, "How?" The leader walked around and walked anxiously to ask the humanity next to him.

"Big head collar, no, it's too evil. I just sent dozens of investigative camps to investigate. The result..." The man lowered his head and whispered, everyone in the camp was low. The head did not dare to look at it.

"What do you say?" The big head asked, very angrily.

"Not good, big head, not good." Just then, I saw a small captain rushing into the camp and shouting.

"What?" The big head frowned and asked, and there was a bad feeling in my heart.

"The granary in the south, the supply station was destroyed." The captain gasped hard and said it.

"What?" The big head and everyone present was shocked.

The big tie tied the crowd out of the camp, and ran out to look in the direction to the south. I saw a fire shining into the sky. The big head couldn’t help but the mind was dizzy and turned backwards. Fortunately, the people around him supported the leader in time.

"I will immediately send me a team of 10 teams to support." The big head screamed at the people around him.

"Yes." The crowd responded. At this time, those captains who couldn't dare to be uncomfortable, and soon the ten captains left the camp with ten teams and rushed to the south.

"Hey, let's drink your mouth first." In the fog, the head of the head was sitting on the main seat, and the captains were sitting frowning underneath. A captain stood in front of the head with a cup of water.

"Not quite right, I always have an unpredictable foreboding." The leader suddenly opened his mouth and then quickly ran to the map. The crowd quickly ran around the map and stared at the map seriously.

"There was an accident." The big head patted his own head.

On the side of Uchiha, Uchiha looked at the crowds around him: "How about, everything is retracted with a scroll."

"Well." everyone nodded.

"Okay, get ready to set fire." Uchiha shouted.

"Yes." All the people answered in unison.

On the side of Zi Yan, Zi Yan looked at the person in front of him and asked, "How is it?"

At this time, a small team leader ran over and walked to the front of Zi Yan and said: "Sure enough, as expected by the adults, there are ten teams of fog and rushing to come here."

"Okay, start preparing right away." Zixiao laughed.


The original Uchiha 瞳 plan is a serial meter, using the sunset to sāo disturb the fog of the base camp, so that they dare not have big moves, and Uchiha 瞳 瞳 led the "Dragon" team to attack the fog-tolerant supply station, Zi Yan is in advance On the way to the supply station of the fog-bearing base camp, the ambush reinforcements.

The commanding career of Uchiha has also officially begun.

The sky is a hint of white. "Give me the collection right away. I want to personally lead the people to see the situation." The fog is so overwhelmed that the more he wants, the more he is wrong. He shouts to the people around him.

"Yes." All the people answered in unison.

The closed door of the fog-bearing base camp slowly opened, and the head tie led the army to the south.

Tian Uchiha and Yumao appeared in the camp of Muye with the victory. In the staff, Yu Zhibo sat on the main seat and took a sip, then looked at the front. I am counting the sunset of the triumphant product. "How is it, sunset."

"This time the "Dragon" team led by the adults successfully sneaked into the fog-bearing supply warehouse, and these things were enough for us to use for a few months." The sunset calmly stood in front of Uchiha, and the scroll was respectful. After all, strength determines everything, but it can be seen from his gleaming eyes that his heart is not as calm as his face.

"Adult." At this time, Zi Yan ran in from the outside with excitement.

"Purple sable." Uchiha yawned and looked at the sable that suddenly ran in. His face was tired and faint: "How are you?"

"Adult, we have all the 10 teams that have been stunned by the fog." Zi Yan was excited.

"Cough." The sunset on the side looked at the cicada.

Hearing the reminder of the sunset, Zi Yan returned to God and quickly and respectfully said to Uchiha: "I am sorry for the adults, the offense is off." Mobile users please read and read, a better reading experience.

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