"Good. Bayi Chinese? Network W (eight) W (eight) W.81ZW.COM" second generation promised.

When the second generation of the water shadow was about to act, he heard the words of Uchiha.

"Hey, since the big man of the water film has come, don't rush to leave, let me stay." Uchiha shouted, his finger biting in his mouth, and then his hands printed: "Hai Yushen, The practice of psychic."

"Hey." After a smog of smoke, a huge body appeared on the field. Longba emerged from the smoke. Uchiha stood on the head of Longba and looked at the two generations of water shadow below.

“Uchiha wave?” Longba wondered: “What do you call me out?”

"Help me drag the two in front of me." Uchiha pointed to two generations of water shadows.

"Look at you, Tyrannosaurus Rex." Longba spurted a flame in the fog, the flames rushed against the fog, I do not know how many fogs suddenly disappeared.

"The knife of the four people, the fairy, listened to the order, and immediately took the soldiers back to support the village. I and the three generations of water and shadow first solved him." Three generations of water shadow jumped to the side and told the four people behind him that the situation in the village is very urgent. The people in the house are here, and the village must not be able to withstand the attack of the Muye army. If the village is broken, it will be bad, so the three generations of water shadows are very helpless.

I thought about solving the Uchiha wave as soon as possible with the second generation of water and shadow, and then went back to the rescue.

"Yes." The four people answered in unison. "All come with me." The ghost lamp with a big knife slammed into the Uchiha, and shouted at the fog, then left with fog. Wu Niu village flew back.

Yu Zhibo looked at the fog and the army’s departure. He just stared at the two generations of water shadows. Anyway, his task was to drag the water shadow. The rest had been arranged. Uchiha looked at the water shadow. "My task is to drag you down. Ok, now we have only three of us left, and we will win the game." The writing circle slowly appeared in the eyes.

"The last thing you should do is let our people leave, so that we can let go of our hands and feet." Three generations of water and shadows looked at Uchiha.

At this time in a place in Wuyu Village, he also told the men behind him: "We act according to plan."

"Yes, adults." Everyone should say, "Separate." After talking about the leaves of the wood, the army was divided into several parts to attack from several directions of the fog.

When I saw the action of my men, I began to press the hand on the ground after I started to print. "Hai Yu Shen did not, the practice of psychic." I saw three Tongling beasts appearing in the three directions of Wuyong Village.

The cockroach of the cockroach, the snake of the big snake pill, the cockroach of the hand.

"Hey." A huge figure appeared, and Qi Wen appeared in the village of Wuyu, and he also stood on the head of Wentai.

"Wen Tai, we have to cooperate and fight." Come and watch the Wentai Road at the foot.

"Call." Wen took a deep breath, spit out a cigarette, and said: "There is nothing wrong with your kid, I am busy, if there is nothing big, be careful, I will kill you."

"Your goal is the village in front." The self is also pointing to the front of the village.

"Amount, isn't this a fog-bearing village? How did you get to Wuyong Village? There seems to be no one in the village." Wen Tai looked at Wuren Village and was surprised.

"Now I am fighting, I am rushing in." He also said, and then took a man into the village.

On the other side, Wan Snake said to the Great Snake Maru: "The Big Snake Pill, what are you looking for?"

"Hey, Wan snake now you can enjoy the ninja of the fog." The big snake pill smirked.

On the side of the hand and the shackles, he said: "There are things that can help you."

"Hey, we don't have to go to battle, and the big troops are ready to save people." The commander yelled, then looked at the direction of Uchiha.

"Yes, adults." After that, San Ren took the troops and rushed to Wuyong Village.

At this time in a place in Wuyong Village, the three of them were hiding in the dark, and Yan Mao said: "Well, the three forbearance are all acting. We have to act according to the plan. We have not been jealous for a long time. ""

"Well." The night and the true feathers should be said. After that, the three of them disappeared in the same place.

I also looked at the fog in front of the village, and the flashes of people flashed. The text is on the road: "It’s all civilians, I can’t bear to take it, let’s destroy the building.”

At this time, for Wentai, it is like a game. Without enemies, as long as you jump, you will destroy countless buildings.

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I haven't messed up in the five major villages." Wen Tai also sneaked back and said to himself.

"It’s so cool, so many people are mine." Wan snake laughed loudly, then a big mouth, and a group of civilians were swallowed in the mouth and swallowed into the stomach.

The other side of the battle is much quieter, just moving forward slowly, spitting a few mouthfuls of "saliva" from time to time, but these saliva are corroded when they are sprayed.

On the side of Yan Mao, the real feather slowly closed his eyes and said: "Found, the position of the elders."

"Then let's act." Yan Mao told the true feathers and the night, then the three disappeared in the same place and killed in that direction.

On the side of Uchiha, Uchiha looked at the direction of fog and forbearance, and the two generations of water shadows "Oh, my men started to act, let's start."

After that, Uchiha took out the dragon scale sword against the dragon overbearing at the foot: "Dragon Pa."

"Hey." Longba rushed to the water and shadow, and it was like an earthquake.

"Water scorpion. Water dragon bombs." Three generations of water shadows printed road, a water dragon flew to Uchiha.

"It's useless." After that, Uchiha smashed the dragon scale sword and chopped the water dragon, and cut the water dragon into two halves.

Longba then counterattacked, a huge fireball spurted to the three generations of water shadows, and the water shadows printed: "Water rafts. Water squads."

A huge water curtain blocked the waterball in front of the water shadow ~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

"Oh, don't be proud." The second generation of the water shadow cold road, then rushed to Yu Zhibo.

"Oh, I have to compare with my body skills." Uchiha sneered, then rushed to the second generation of water shadow.

The second generation of water and shadow punched Yu Zhibo, and Yu Zhibo extended his left hand to grab the second generation of water and shadows. After a sword stabbed the second generation of water shadows, the water shadows hid behind and escaped Yu Zhibo. The dragon scale sword, Uchiha 瞳 lifted his right leg and kicked it in the chest of the second generation water shadow, kicking the second generation water shadow out.

Then the second generation of water and shadow glided over the head of Longba for a distance, and his eyes fixed on Uchiha.

"It seems that the second generation of water and shadow, the old man is really old." Uchiha 瞳 stared at Uchiha 瞳 faint.

"Young people, don't underestimate the elderly." The second generation stood up and stared at Uchiha.

On the water shadow office corridor in Wujiu Village, five people are squatting. "Alejae didn't expect two knives here." The night looked at the two in front of him.

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