Then Uchiha began to seal the message: "You don't want to go, raft. Woodized thousands. W (eight) WW.81ZW.COM" in front of Uchiha 瞳 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇

"The second generation of adults is going quickly." Three generations shouted to the second generation, and then looked at Yu Zhibo and shouted: "Don't look down on me, three on the tail."

At this time, the three tails under the double shadows have been taken out of sleep with the help of three generations of water shadows. When three generations are heard, the three tails directly rush to Uchiha, while the second generation is ready to leave in the opposite direction.

Seeing the three tails rushing, the original dragon that was covered with scars wanted to help Uchiha, and only heard Uchiha shouted: "Dragon fighters don't have to come up, hey, let you know that I am amazing, give me a burst."

When Uchiha said that he had finished, he saw all the wooden needles shè to three tails, and then exploded next to the three tails. The shells on the backs of the three tails were burnt black. At that time, they were bombarded and could not move, but the double shadow Then they used water to protect themselves before they escaped.

"It's not over yet, Muxi. Senro." Uchiha continued to seal the road and saw that the original trees around the three tails suddenly lived up. All the trees grew up and continually rubbed against the three tails.

"The second generation is going fast, look at me, the water scorpion. Liulong smashing." Three generations of water around the formation of a water curtain, and then condensed into six water dragons constantly smashing the trees around the body.

Finally, a gap was formed. "Hey, do you think that the raft is the only way to blast me?" Uchiha slammed his hands forward and the trees in the forest exploded.

Of course, the explosion of such a big explosion is insignificant. Almost everyone has seen it. Of course, everyone’s reaction is different.

"What is going on, there seems to be the position of the two water shadow adults, how to make such a big explosion."

Not only the heart of the ninja who has no luck with the leaves, but also raises a question. "Isn't that the position of Uchiha's adult?"

"It must have been an accident for Uchiha."

"No, I have to solve the immediate troubles immediately." The hand was anxiously anxious, and there was not much left in the chakra of the hand. The opponent must be resolved as soon as possible, and the hand rushed to the opponent.

At this time, the meridians of the opponent's hands have been cut off by the hands of the hands. The two hands can't be controlled, and they can no longer control the bones in their hands.

"What happened on the other side, it wouldn't be Yu Zhibo's guy who had an accident." He also heard the movement of Uchihabo's side and said to himself: "Damn, how is the guy in front of me so hard, my Chakra is also not enough, there is no way to solve it."

Then shouted to the text at the foot: "Wen too, you spit oil."

"Good." Wen Tai also said with a tired face, and then the mouth began to swell.

"Fire 遁. 蛤蟆油炎弹." The road is also printed, and then the flame is sprayed toward the oil that Wentai spits out, and the fire burns toward the enemy along the oil.

"Hey, you are not going to check the carats, wait until I will kill him, the water. The water is in the wall." The man with the diaphragm said.

"Tudor. The technique of sorrow in the heart." I saw a hand on the ground pulling him into the earth.

"It's over." He also put the bitterness into the enemy's chest. When he finished, he lay down on Wentai's head and pointed to the direction of Uchiha: "Go there." , I will close my eyes and resume Chakra.

On the other side, on the side of the big snake pill, the big snake pill tongue became a big snake and attacked the enemy. Yīn smiled and said: "Hey, the latent shadow snake hand."

"Haha, the snake is useless to me." No pears and even eight waved the knife in the hand to cut off the big snake pill.

The explosion of "嘭", the snake of the big snake pill becomes a few.

"Not finished yet, the latent shadows are more snakes." I saw a few snakes rushing to the pear-free, but no pears are not bad, and the snakes were cut down a few times.

"Wind. Unlimited breakthrough." The big snake pill printed.

I saw a tornado blowing to no pears and even eight, the big snake pill in the heart of the dark road, it seems that only use ninja, but Chakra is not enough, it seems that only the trick can be used.

Making up his mind, the big snake pill once again said: "Look at my forbidden technique, Wanshe cone." I saw a lot of snakes spit out from the mouth of the big snake, and each sword spit out a sword.

"What?" The face of the pear-free eight has finally changed. It can only swing the big knife and only hear countless explosions.

"Hey, give me a burst." I saw that the snakes were all blown up.

"It's a good opponent, but unfortunately I don't have time." The snake-like sword of the big snake pill was inserted in the chest of the pear-free, the big snake pill faintly, and then turned decisively away, leaving only the body without pears and eight.

The army of Muye has already rushed into the village of Wujiu. In the village of Wujiu, there is a murder and arson everywhere. At night, the village of Wujiu is also full of fire everywhere, and the body of the fog can be seen everywhere.

Although the fog-bearing double-shadow decided to let the seven people bring back the troops, but after all, the gap in the strength, the fog is in a disadvantage, and can only continue to rely on the terrain advantage to block the wooden army.

At this time, in the largest building water shadow office building in Wuyong Village, Yan Mao and Zhen Yu are playing against the two knives of the fog.

"Fog hidden surgery."

"No sound killing?" Yan Mao looked at the fog of the whole body with no expression, thinking of this trick in the information given by Uchiha.

"True feathers." Yan Mao shouted to the real feathers.

"Well." Zhen Yu nodded, then blinked and shouted: "White eyes." I saw the feathers around the eyes of the real feathers, and the eyes appeared to be white eyes, then the real feathers constantly observed the surrounding situation.

"Thunder. Lightning strike." The two knives in the hands of the fog-bearing thunder, a flying snake shot to the real feathers, but was avoided by the real feathers.

"Five o'clock direction ~ Zhen Yu shouted to Yan Mao around.

"Very good, let you see the secrets of the wood leaves, the flag wood knife method. Breaking the sky." Yan Mao in the same place, then the white light flashed, Yan Mao directly appeared behind Lei double.

"Hurry." Lei Shuangdao, eyes stunned, the knife on his hands has not been set in place, after finishing, Lei Shuanghua into a pool of water.

“Water body?” Yan Mao looked at the water in front of her eyes and frowned. Then she moved her eyes and immediately jumped to the side. “砰” saw the place just now, and a big knife looked at the ground.

"I didn't expect that your reaction was very fast." Ghost Lanmu said in his own place with a big knife.

"Yes, what about this time?" When the ghost lampman did not respond, he saw a white short knife stabbing into the wooden man's chest. Yan Mao suddenly appeared in front of the ghost lamp.

"Is it a water body?" Yan Mao looked at the wooden humanity that once again turned into water: "It seems that this is troublesome."

In the dark, Ghost Lanmu and Leishuang are discussing, "What to do, it seems that these two people are not good to deal with." Lei asked.

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