Then the darkness slowly dissipated, and I saw that Uchiha had a dragon-scale sword in his hand, half-squatting on the ground in front, and licking the wound on his arm in one hand. Uchiha said incredulously: "How is this possible?"

"On a rainy day, anyone hiding in the dark can't hide my investigation.???? Bayi Chinese W=W≈W≈.=8≈1≠Z≠W=.≥C≥O≠M” Explain.

"My body has been implanted in the village from the poisonous black mountain pepper fish. My body is already very poisonous. Even a little blood can paralyze a wild boar, let alone a person." A faint explanation.

Uchiha wants to move his hand. Now, as the half-hidden said, the whole left hand is paralyzed, and there is no way to feel the existence of the hand.

"A flash." Half-Tibetan picked up the sickle in his hand and condensed Chakra on the sickle. Then the whole person rushed and rushed to Uchiha.

Uchiha looked at the semi-hidden that was getting closer and closer to himself, and the pupil in his eyes shrank.


A black rushed to the semi-hidden, half-hidden looking at this strange black inflammation, my heart was shocked, when the black inflammation was about to hit the semi-hidden, the semi-hidden can not see the broken eyes with a writing wave of Uchiha Inscribed: "Treasure of the law. The technique of the blink of an eye."

In the half-empty half-hidden suddenly disappeared in the eyes of Uchiha, and escaped from black inflammation, black inflammation directly burned to the trees behind the semi-hidden.

When Uchiha searched for a half-hidden figure, Suichiro suddenly appeared in front of Uchiha, and looked at Uchiha with a cold look: "It's over." After that, the semi-Tibetan slashed to Uchiha with a sickle.

"Weird force punch." At this time, the master hand descended from the sky, and a punch hit the half-hidden that was rushing to Uchiha.

At the same time, the semi-Tibetan and Uchiha leaped forward quickly. At the same time, the key hand punched the ground in front of the semi-hidden, and suddenly the ground began to split, and an impact spread out.

Both the semi-Tibetan and the Uchiha wave were blown to the back by the impact of the master, and the big snake pill supported the inverted Uchiha, and asked, "How? Is it okay?"

"Fortunately." Uchiha waved and smiled.

Half-hidden here, then suddenly jumped to the front of the semi-hidden, and the hand held the bitter and rushed to the half.

"Fire. How to fire the ball." The road is also printed, and then a big fireball rushes to the half.

"Water marshes. Water wall." Half-empty half-empty knows that he can't avoid it, directly seals the road, and a water shield blocks the fireball that is also in itself.

After the water and fire have disappeared, when the semi-hidden has not yet reacted, the self has also rushed directly to the semi-hidden, picking up the bitter and thornless to the semi-hidden, and the semi-Tibet has barely escaped the hardships of the self. To the half-hidden, kicked and kicked.

"Fire. Detonation." Half-hidden when flying out, also cast a few detonators to the self.

I also watched the different general detonators, and I was wary of it. Then I printed the message: "Treasure of the law. Need to hide." The head of the self has also grown rapidly and firmly wrapped around the body. At this time The semi-hidden detonator is attached to the head of the self.

The semi-hidden detonator has been injected into the fire chakra. After the detonation explosion, the fire continues to burn. The "噗" is also directly blown out by the bomb. When it is flying out, it is squirted by the snake.

"What happened?" asked the big snake pill.

"Cough." He also shook his head.

At this time, the hand helped Uchibo to come over and look at the self: "He has been seriously injured since he came."

"What should I do next?" Dashenwan looked at Yu Zhibo and asked.

When he heard the big snake pill, Uchiha shook his head and looked at the half-hidden that had stood up opposite.

Half hidden in the mountain pepper fish slowly stood up, wiped off the blood of the corner of the mouth, looked at Uchiha and yelled at them, and said: "How do you do this?"

Then fly to seal the road: "Water Margin. The technique of the Great Falls." A huge wave rushed to Uchiha to marry them.

"I am coming." Uchiha shouted, and then began to seal the road: "Turk. The soil wall." Uchihao rubbed his hands on the ground, and a soil wall raised in front of him to block the semi-hidden water, Uchiha And the hand jumped on the top of the wall, and the big snake pill pulled and hopped.

On the top of the wall, "it seems to be able to let go." Uchiha looked at the semi-hidden road.

When I heard the words of Uchiha, the director and the big snake pill looked at each other and nodded and agreed.

The three began to spread, and Uchiha looked at the half-hidden seal.

"Is this?" Half-hidden looked at the trees sticking out from the wall at the foot of Uchiha, and was surprised.

Uchiha screamed with both hands and shouted: "The hibiscus. The tree world is born." From Uchiha, they began to extend the trees on the ground, and held up Uchiha to smash them, and then the remaining trees rushed to the half.

"It's really a raft." Half-hidden opened the way, then jumped back to escape the trees that came out, and the half-hidden mountain pepper fish were directly tied by trees.

Half hidden in the trees, constantly beating, hiding from Uchiha waves and trees.

"Weird force boxing." The hand stood on a branch, let the branch with the hand to reach the half-hidden, the hand jumped to the half-hidden, half-hidden side hide, the hand broke a tree next to the semi-hidden, and then borrowed The force rushed to the semi-hidden again.

Half-hidden once again escaped the fist of the hand, standing on the branch is trying to seal, suddenly two wooden strips stick out from the side to tie the half-hidden hands.

At this time, the big snake pill suddenly jumped out from the branch next to it and rushed to the semi-hidden. "The latent shadow snake hand." The big snake pill mouth turned into a big snake and rushed to the semi-hidden, and the big snake bite in the half-snooked neck.

Although the degree of the snake is not fast, but the half-hidden is tied and can not move can not hide by the snake biting, but half hidden is not anxious, but the corner of the mouth is awkward.

When the snake of the big snake pill bites into the semi-hidden, "ah." The snake formed on the tongue of the big snake pill instantly turned black, and the big snake pill retreated to the side of Uchiha, and licked his mouth.

"How could this be?" Uchiha was surprised to see the big snake pill that turned black.

"Poisonous." The big snake pill squatted on the branch and squatted on his neck.

"Oh." This side of the Tibetan Mastiff smiled, then shouted at the mountain pepper fish underneath: "Poisonous spray."

When I heard the half-hidden words, the mountain pepper fish had a big mouth and spewed a lot of poisonous mist around it. The poisonous mist slowly filled and slowly penetrated into the trees.

Uchiha wrinkled his eyebrows and looked at the poisonous mist that slowly spread. "Be careful, don't suck, these are poisonous fogs." Uchiha and his hands suddenly felt that their limbs began to be weak. Uchiha 瞳 瞳 对They shouted, and then they said with difficulty: "Win. Infinite breakthrough."

Uchiha spurted a gust of wind against the poisonous mist and blew away those poisonous fog.

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