"That's not all the village needs, I was assigned to be the assistant of the new help.? August 1 Chinese?? Network? W ≤ WW.81ZW.COM" explained the night.

Uchiha 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇”

When I heard the words of Uchiha, the new help said: "Okay, now the war is generally, we have put most of our troops into the battle of Yan Ren because the village started from the beginning. I have also made every effort, so we are now The strength of the army is a little more than that of the rock. But not too much."

The night after the new help added: "But because Yan Ren can change the terrain at will, this battle is not good, and now Yan Renjun is personally directed by the second generation of Tu Ying, the second generation of Tu Ying is a jealous guy. , will not be easily dispatched."

Listening to the introduction of the new help and the night, Uchiha nodded and then asked: "How is their logistics?"

Xin Zhizhu, you really want to ask this way, explained: "I know your thoughts, you want to deal with Yan Ren with the fog, but this time, I have long been guarded, their logistics have Heavy guards, so it is impossible to rely on the road of hijacking their logistics."

Listening to the new help, the big snake pill also looked at Uchiha, and they all know that Uchiha is only relying on the logistics of the other party to defeat the fog and tolerate it. This time, without this opportunity, they want to see Uchi What else does Boao have to solve the problem of rock tolerance?

"Well." Uchiha nodded his head, but felt that everyone's eyes looked at him and said helplessly: "Hey, what are you looking at me?"

"We are all waiting for your orders. I heard about your battle case. We all want to see how you decide?" New help said.

"Okay, my order is." Uchiha squatted down and said nothing to everyone: "Go back to sleep." Originally, they still want to listen to Uchiha, who has any high opinions. When they hear Uchiha, they can’t help but feel discouraged. Unbelievably shouted: "Ah?"

"I have to rest." Uchiha said that he left the headquarters first.

I only heard people behind me shouting: "Oh, no, sleep?"

Uchiha did not pay attention to their return to their room, and fell asleep.

At this time, at the end of the Yan Ren base camp, the second generation of Tu Ying looked at the man in front of him and was surprised: "What, the wooden leaf of the Uchiha Uchiha, who is known as the wisdom of the wisdom, is also on the front line?"

"There will be no mistakes. I saw him appear at the entrance of Muye Military Camp." The dark part replied.

"You go on." The second generation of Tu Ying waved his hand and let him back.

"Yes." The dark part retired.

At this point, there were only two generations of Tuying and the people standing next to the Tuying. The second generation of Tuying walked up and walked around the camp, frowning and whispering: "It’s not good, no. I think that the guy who flew is really sending that person."

"Teacher, who is it, so that you are so jealous?" Ohnomu looked at his teacher's anxious look and couldn't help but ask.

"That man." Tu Ying looked to Ohnomu faintly: "It is a genius."

Then shouted out of the account: "Come."

The two captain-level ninjas came in. The second generation of Tu Ying looked at the two people and said: "Commanded, from now on, stick to the camp, no one is allowed to play."

"Ah." The two men stunned, and then saw the harsh eyes of the shadows, and quickly replied: "Yes." Then ran down and ordered.

Seeing people retreat, Tu Ying hands patted Ohno Muji: "Ohino, you don't have to go out this time, you go back to the village first. If I am unfortunately defeated this time, you are the third generation of the shadow of the village." ""

"Not so serious?" Ohnomu wondered: "With the teacher's ability, even if you are victorious, you will not lose."

When I heard the big wild wood, the second generation of the land shadow said faintly: "Oh, in fact, this battle should have ended long ago. After the fog has been defeated and surrendered, we should realize it."

The second generation of Tuying turned and continued: "The reason why the stalemate is now, just because the elders in the village who feel the fighting feel that they can't get through the face, they have been reluctant to stop fighting."

"But isn't the teacher a shadow?" Ohnogi said angrily: "Do you dare not listen to your words?"

Hearing his most important disciple, watching him look like a temperament, Tu Ying sighed: "Oh, you are still young, you don't know what is normal here, but you have to know about it in the future." ”

Looking at Ohno, who is listening carefully to his own words, the shadows nodded in satisfaction and continued to say: "In fact, even if the shadows are not what you want to do, there are still the elders."

"What about this?" asked Ohno.

"This war can no longer be ended, unless one party first admits defeat, otherwise the war will continue, and the people of its solid wood leaves are tired of this war. This time, the wooden leaf sent by Uchiha Uchiha It is also because I want to solve the war soon." The second generation of the earth shadow analysis.

"Even if this is the case, the teacher may not have something to do." Ohno asked.

Then the second generation of Tu Ying sighed: "My old rivals have fought for themselves for a lifetime of enemies, friends, the second generation of water shadow is dead, I have been feeling that my limit has come soon, so this time to prevent the village like fog Similarly, without a leader, you will leave here tomorrow~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Go back to the village."

"But, teacher." Ohnogi is not willing.

"Nothing, that's it." The second generation of Tu Ying looked at Ohno Saki.

"Yes." Ohno is helpless.

At night, on the side of the wooden leaves, Uchiha has been awake, and just after waking up, she was helped by the new help to pull the command to discuss the war.

"Ha." Uchiha yawned while yawning, while helplessly watching the new help to them, listening to the detective ninja under his hand telling about the situation of Yan Ren.

"What, keep up with the camp?" The new helper was surprised to hear the words of the ninja. Then he looked at Uchiha and smiled. "I didn't expect Uchiha to be a big brother. Your fame is so big. You can hear the big picture." I haven't played it yet, so I don't have the courage of a war." But Uchiha knows that the new help is that this character does not care about him.

Uchiha took the information on his hand and said lazily: "It’s hard to do this. I didn’t expect that the shadows couldn’t be beaten even if I didn’t even play it. I thought about the battle, so I went back to see the master. After all, This is our first child."

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