Just when the shadows were pleasing, suddenly Uchiha’s voice came, “Ninjutsu. The technique of flying thunder. In August 1st? Wen? Net W (1) W (1) W?.? 8 (eight) 1 (eight) ZW.COM”

Tu Ying looked surprised and looked at Yu Zhibo’s sudden appearance in the bitterness, and then flew to the shadows. Uchiha looked at the shadow and shouted: “You are dead today.”

The shadows hurriedly printed: "The bandits. Rock statues." A humanoid rock man appeared between the shadows and Uchiha, and then the shadows felt unsafe and continued to print: "Turk. Hardening."

After the shadows were finished, Uchiha had already reached the front of the rock man and shattered the rock man with the thousand birds on his right hand. He rushed to the front of the shadow and pierced the chest of the shadow.

"Oh." Everyone outside saw this situation awkward. I didn't expect Uchiha to defeat the Tuying adults.

The people on the side of the wood leaf are very excited, and the people on the side of the rock are a dead face.

"Amount." Tu Ying looked incredulously at the chest and looked at the right hand of Uchiha, and said slowly: "Good - powerful." After that, the shadow of the earth fell.

"Oh." Uchiha also spit out a blood, and fell backwards weakly. At this time, the four dark troops who formed the enchantment appeared in the back of Uchiha, and supported Uchiha.

"Uchiha wave, you are fine." The sunset and the new help appeared in front of Uchiha.

"Nothing." Uchiha waved weakly and waved: "The next thing will be handed over to you."

"Yes." The sunset and the new help.

Three days later, Uchiha sat in the command line of the front line of Konoha, and Uchiha sat in the main position listening to the report of the dark part below.

"Uchiha 瞳 瞳 , , 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇The dark part squatted on the ground.

"Go on." Uchiha waved his hand.

"Yes." The dark part retreated.

Uchiha looked at the empty room and whispered to himself: "The war is over."

Because this rock was defeated too fast, Yan Yancun had not responded and was surrounded by the army led by Dashen Pill, and this time, Yan Ren was captured by nearly 60,000 people and still died more than 40,000. People, after a few years of recuperation, can't make up, so Iwamura and the country of the land have to ask for negotiations, and this time the diplomat is still Taro, so under their cooperation, Wei Lili induces the fire. The country has made a big profit.

“Uchibo’s cooperation with you is really great.” Taro asked Uchiha to drink together before leaving.

Of course, I heard that this guy has been promoted again. Originally, Taro also wanted to invite Uchiha to go to the place where only men can go, but it was rejected by Uchiha.

Of course, Taro is indispensable to say that Uchiha is boring, and that he is also good at home, because only a few of them will accompany Taro to the place, so Taro is very memorable. Always said that it is a real man.

However, Uchiha had not gone to the end, because Uchiha had been thinking about going home to see the master, and bid farewell to Taro, and Uchiha ran back to the station to pack up and prepare to go home. After all, eight months later, the hand was also fast. .

Early the next morning, Uchiha took the road with the waking sunset and the big snake pill on the wooden leaf. When I arrived in the village, there was a burst of praise and encouragement, and Uchiha said that he would politely say it. At the end of the day, even Fei Fei couldn’t stand it, and kicked Uchiha directly back home.

When Uchiha saw no one at home, he knew that the outline hand was definitely in the hospital. When Uchiha went to the ward of the hand, he saw that the hand was holding a baby while sleeping, and his face showed the radiance of motherhood.

"Wow wow." At this time, the baby woke up, as if there was a father and son induction. He saw Uchiha, and he immediately laughed. At this time, he was woken up by the baby. He saw Uchihachi’s surprise: "Uchihachi Are you coming back? Come and see that I have a son for you," said the hand, shaking the child.

"I'm sorry, I haven't been able to get back in time, you have suffered." Uchiha sat down to the bed of the hand and looked at the hand gently and then picked up the child.

"Nothing, you are a celebrity now, I believe that the child will not blame you, because he has the greatest father in the world." The master looked at Uchiha and looked happy.

"Right, haven't named the child yet, just give the child a name." The hand urged.

"Well, in fact, I have long thought about it, just called Yu Zhibo." Uchiha 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳

"Far?" The planner thought about himself.

"Well, far, I hope that he will be farther away from me on the road of life, because he is our child." Uchiha is proud of his way, and he is obsessed with Uchiha.

A year later, Uchiha sat in the room and looked at the increasingly mature side of the opposite side. There was also a yellow-headed child sitting next to him. Today, after returning to the village to report to Yu Fei, I came to find Uchiha, because I heard that Uchiha and I have a son when I left, and I would like to congratulate Uchiha.

"This is the disciple I just received, the Feng Shui Gate, a very qualified young man." The little boy who is pointing at the other side introduced to Uchiha.

"Yu Zhibo is an adult, hello." Bo Feng Shuimen looked at Yu Zhibo with a look of worship.

Uchiha nodded to the water gate and then looked at the four generations of Naruto, who was named after the earthquake.

"Oh, the first time I met, this is a gift for you~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Uchiha took out a reel and handed it to the watergate and smiled.

"This" Watergate hesitated to look at the city.

"Since Uchihao gave it to you, you will accept it. Anyway, this kid is rich and rich."

"Yes, thank you Uchiha for being an adult." Watergate happily took the reel and then hesitated to play.

Uchiha looked at the water door with a funny smile. I didn't expect the four generations to be very shy when I was young. Then I said, "You can open it and see."

"Well." Watergate nodded, then opened the reel, carefully looking at the contents of the reel, and the other side was also looking at the reel with curiosity. Then he looked at Yu Zhibo and said: "This is not the second generation. Naruto scroll of Naruto? I didn’t expect your kid to be so generous."

"The teacher is also a teacher. What is this?" Now the water gate still doesn't understand what is written on the reel.

"This is the second generation of Naruto's creation of Ninjutsu, very powerful ninjutsu, and the whole wooden leaf is only the reel of Uchiha." The city also exclaimed, explained to Shuimen.

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