One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 614: Festival

"Adults, don't feel guilty. Anyway, even if it is even more powerful, it will not be able to withstand the dark arrows behind. Who is the high-ranking boss who can be called such a wooden leaf? August 1st? Chinese network W (1) W? W (eight).? 8? 1 (one) ZW.COM" a humane.

"Yes, since it can't be used for me, I will get rid of it."

"But will this irritate Muye Village? It is necessary to know that the person in the wooden leaf is not a good character. We have to deal with his subordinates." Another senior person is worried about the authenticity.

"Who can know that we are doing it, and that is not the high-rises of the wooden leaves?"

"Also." The person beside him nodded and agreed.

"Well, I'm going to prepare for it. It seems that I can't use odd things. We can only use strong ones."

"Yes." Everyone should answer.

At this time, in the village of Muye, Uchiha is playing with his baby son, and only hears the child shouting at Uchiha: "Dad."

"Zhen." Uchiha stunned and smiled and kissed him.

"Hey, you are like this, don't let the faraway spoiled." The hand was smiling at his husband and son, and could not help but yell at Uchiha.

"How come? I have never experienced fatherly love since I was a child. I don't want to be like me." Uchiha sighed with a long sigh.

Just as Uchiha and Ogawa were talking about the sky, a dark part suddenly appeared in front of Uchiha.

"What?" Uchiha wrinkled and looked at the dark part of his eyes.

"Adult, this is the information that the illusionist gave to the adults." The dark part took out a stack of information and handed it to Uchiha.

"Go on." Uchiha took over the information.

"Yes." The dark part retreated.

Uchiha opened the information, and the smile on the face was gone. He looked angry and then threw the information on the ground and shouted: "There is no reason."

"Wow wow." Just at this moment, I was scared by Uchiha, and I cried.

While holding his son, he pointed carefully to Uchiha, and asked: "What's wrong? It's so atmospheric." After all, the master was the first time to see Uchiha's fire, so it was a little strange.

After hearing the cry of his son, Uchiha said that he would react, and then barely smiled at the outline: "I have to go out and take care of you at home."


When he heard the outline, Uchiha nodded and disappeared in the same place.

The outline hand looked worriedly at the departure of Uchiha.

"The adults are not good, the enemy is too much, we are almost unable to stand up." One man ran to the front of the sunset.

The setting sun calmed down and looked at the countless enemy troops that rushed toward themselves.

Then calmly and unyieldingly the opponent said: "Can not stop but also block, we will soon have reinforcements, so that the brothers must stand up."

"Reinforcement?" The man looked at the setting sun in confusion, and when he saw the sunset, the sharp eyes of the eyes could not help but shrink: "Yes."

"Who is it?" When no one was there, the sunset showed a worried look and confusedly said to himself.

Just then, the explosion suddenly exploded on the battlefield. "What happened?" The sunset asked the humanity who had retreated to the front.

"Adult, it's not good, is it." The man caught by the sunset pointed at the weak under the ground, and had not waited for him to finish a bitter shot.

The sunset throws away the body in his hand, and slowly raises his head and looks forward to the surprised person: "Is it you?"

"Oh, red sunset, now you have been surrounded by our people, if you surrender, I can consider giving you a life." People look at the sunset.

The sunset looked at the people around me and the number of people falling down one by one was getting less and less. It seems that today I am escaping, and the sunset is dark.

"I didn't expect that you will actually appear in the grass-forbearing village. The people who bear the grass should be indispensable, but don't be too proud of it. This will be known soon, and Uchiha will surely avenge me." "The sunset is slowly."

"Even if this is the case, you can't see it." When the people heard Uchiha, they were still hesitant, but they finally made up their minds to kill the sunset. Anyway, they have already offended, so it is more thorough.

The sunset did not answer, and began to print directly: "It is not so easy to want my life, let you see my own strongest illusion, red sunset."

When people come to hear the sunset, they will not be surprised but show a hint of conspiracy.

Just when the sunset was not feeling right, a group of white objects slowly grew up from the sunset.

The sunset felt that his chakra was slowly losing, when a strange face slowly emerged, staring at the sunset: "Sunset adults, you counted."

The sunset does not look at the strange face, but looks at the humanity: "I didn't expect a big man like you to use this trick."

"You don't have to worry about this. If you don't want to be convinced of me, then go to hell." The man looked at the sunset with a look: "Want to blame you for the wrong village."

A bitterness is not inserted into the chest of the setting sun.

After a while, one of the men ran to the person and respectfully said: "Adult, not good, the army of a wooden leaf is coming to this side."

"We withdraw." The man glanced at the sunset on the ground and then left calmly.

"Fast, speed up." Uchiha stunned with an army to the sunset, but unfortunately, when Uchiha arrived, there was only one body of the Muye army.

"Adult." One of the captains around Uchiha said that the scene was sorrowful.

Uchiha slammed his hand and interrupted his faintly said: "Go and look for it, where is the sunset?"

"Yes." Everyone should answer.

For a long time, one man ran over and found it.

Uchiha rushed to the past, and saw the setting sun and eyes, and fell on his face with a look of indifference. A bitterness was still stuck in his chest.

Uchiha slowly walked to the side of the setting sun, calmed his face, slowly closed the eyes for the sunset, and whispered to himself: "Do not worry, I will avenge you for the sunset." Uchiha 瞳 瞳 right hand presses the sunset The head slowly condenses Chakra on the hand.

In the dark part, there is a trick to search for the scene of the dead. Uchiha slowly slowly let go of the head of the sunset, then take a reel from his chest and watch the reel Uchihao hold back the tears in his eyes, saying to himself: "I know, I will take care of the red and treat her as my daughter."

I don't know if it is an illusion. Uchiha said that after only saying this, there was a smile on the face of the setting sun.

"No matter who you are, I have to pay for you." Uchiha suddenly stood up and roared into the sky.

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