One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 628: Festival

Sure enough, Yu Zhibo’s phantoms slowly dissipated. Uchiha said to himself: “It seems that I can’t be so big in the future, or I don’t know how to die. I’m in the middle of the day? ?8 (eight) 1 (eight) ZW.COM"

Uchiha shook his head and then slowly walked towards the grass village.

Just after Uchihabo left, the mysterious man who had been hiding there suddenly appeared outside the blasting pit. Looking at this huge pit, the mysterious man smiled and said to himself: "I didn't expect you to grow to this point, Uchiha You really let me look forward to it."

Then the mysterious man walked over to the black side that was still motionless. He looked at the black inflammation that was still burning. The mysterious man said: "Your ability is quite strange, even if there is only one avatar left. Will not die?"

"That's good, I will help you once." The mysterious man looked up and looked at the black out of the kaleidoscope to write the eye, and then wrote a round of turn, the black inflammation on the black body instantly disappeared.

Then he picked up the black and disappeared in the same place. There was nothing in the wind.

In the middle of the wind shadow building in the village of Sha Niu, the shadows and the elders of the sand are discussing what is going on.

"What?" The wind suddenly stood up from the seat and looked at the dark part of the ground and was surprised.

The elders sitting at the round table also looked at each other with a shocked look and then began to whisper underneath.

"You mean, Uchiha Uchibo ran with eight hundred dark ministers to attack the grass-bearing village in one fell swoop, and destroyed the grass-bearing village overnight." The wind shadow still looked like he couldn't believe it, asked again.

"Yes." The dark part replied in horror.

"Without your business, go on." Feng Ying waved his hand and waved, then slowly sat back in his seat.

"Yes." The dark part escaped.

The wind and shadow looked at the elders around me: "What do you say?"

"Wind and shadow adults, or do you still have to send people to the leaves to ask for the wood leaves." A timid elder suggested.

"Oh, I am afraid that the people of Konoha will not agree. At the beginning, the wind and shadow adults personally brought people to lie in the sunset of the wood leaves." An elder who was obviously not a fan of the wind and shadow, smiled slyly.

"What do you mean by the three elders?" Another elder standing on the side of the wind and shadow took a table and stood up and asked the elder who had just spoken.

"What do you mean? Of course, who caused it, who will solve it." The elders just took a table and stood up.

"Okay, don't make a noise." Wind and shadow looked at the three elders and said: "Let me think about it."

"Absolutely can't please with Muye." At this moment, a female elder came in and shouted at the people present.

"A generation of mother-in-law." The elders present were surprised to see the humanity.

"A generation of mother-in-law, I know that your son and daughter-in-law are both in the hands of Uchiha Uchibo and Kisho, who died in Konoha, but now is not the time to use things. If you can’t wait for the wood leaves now, When the army hit the village, I saw how you explained to the villagers." The three elders spoke.

"Now, please come to Muye, what is the difference between this and surrender? If the tigers in the wood leaves have a big mouth and ask us for a huge amount of spoils, what should we do?" Qiandai mother-in-law said.

After listening to the thousand generations, the elders present were all thoughtful. Even the three elders who had been fighting against the daughters of the thousand generations could not help but admit that the mother-in-law of the thousand generations said it well. If you give the wood leaf spoils, then you can only drink the northwest wind.

Seeing that everyone has their own views by default, Qiandai mother-in-law continued: "So we can not only please, but also must make a tough stance. * Muye first please, and only in this way can get the maximum benefit."

“Not bad.” Feng Ying thought about the opening and then patted his hands on the table: “Just do what the mother-in-law of Qiandai did, and then start the army to the border of the wood leaves.”

"Yes." The emperor of the sand bears should answer.

Just when Sharon was discussing how to deal with the wood leaves, in Lei Rencun, three generations of Lei Ying looked at the information in their hands and looked excited: "This Uchiha family is really interesting, I really hope to talk to him. Fight."

Lei Ying's body is still surrounded by lightning, and the momentum is released, and everything around is blown out.

"Raytheon adults." Next to the Lei Ying assistant complained.

"Sorry, a little excited." Lei Ying was embarrassed to touch his own head.

On the side of Wuyu Village, the new four generations of water and shadow looked at the information in his hand, and his expression was somewhat abnormal. He smiled: "Yu Zhibo, I really look forward to your growth."

After that, the information on the hand suddenly raised a fire, instantly burning off the information in his hand, then stood up from the seat and turned away.

On the side of Iwamuro Village, Ohno, who had just finished the squad and packed up the village, sat in the main position in the rock shadow office and listened quietly to the return of the people.

Then let the people leave and after the people left, Ohnomu looked at the empty office and said faintly: "Uchiha Uchiha, this person must be removed."

In the fire shadow office of Konoha, Yu Fei took the battle report written by Uchiha, and his mouth smiled.

"Haha." Fei Fei took the battle report, and went to the following Xiaochun and Mitomen Yandao: "Look, this is the battle report sent by Uchiha, he has already attacked the grass village and ambushed in the end. The army of the returning troops to the army This time it is completely to get the grass and the village, it is my disciple."

Turned to Xiaochun, he took the battle report of Fei Fei, took a look and then looked at it with the door inflammation and nodded.

"Although the work of this grass has been settled, it is very happy, but there is something wrong with the sand. They have already gathered in the village to prepare for the pressure on the border. It seems that they still do not want to admit defeat." Lightly open.

"What do you think about the things that bear forbearance?" When he heard the door inflammation, Fei Fei began to calm down and asked them.

"In my opinion, the reason why Sha Nai did this is to use their actions to show that they are not willing to surrender. This is to make us want to be soft and send people to take the initiative, so that they do not have to hand over the spoils." Turn to bed Xiaochun analysis.

"Then you said what should we do?" asked Fei Fei.

"It is better to talk to the sand first. After all, for us, there is no good thing for us to use it. It is better to take the time to waste the time with the sand, so that it can be smoothed out more quickly. The wounds brought to us by the World War II." Men Yan looked serious.

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