One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 636: Festival

"Flag wood knife method. Flying flash.? Bayi Chinese? Wen W? W? W.81ZW.COM" only saw Kakashi suddenly flashed a figure, forming a knife circle around, constantly blocking the far of suffering.

At this time, the cockroaches that had not been moving at the moment had also rushed over, only to see that he scatters a lot of bitterness, and those seemingly messy sufferings have blocked the retreat of Kakashi from an incredible angle.

"Oh." I saw that all the smog disappeared after being bitterly shot, and Kakashi jumped to the trunk to escape all the suffering.

"Turkish. The technique of sorrow in the heart." I saw a hand stretched out from the ground where the cockroach stood, grabbed the shackles, and trapped the cockroaches in the soil, rising far from the ground. "嘭" saw only a smog of smoke, and it became a wooden stake.

"Replacement?" Looking at the stakes, and then jumping backwards, "咻咻" saw only two bitterness in the ground. The thing just happened was nothing, but now the eyes of Yan and Yuan have become The two hooks wrote the round eyes, and Yan and Yuan stared at each other with vigilance. Of course, they would not forget Kakashi in the tree. The atmosphere on the field was once again deserted.

"I didn't expect that these two children like themselves actually have such strength." Kakashi looked at the distance and the distance, and secretly said.

"This guy is stinky, but the strength is really not covered, and there is a big brother, the strongest of us should be him." Staring at the darkness.

"The strength of Yuan and Kakashi is good. If it is not bigger than them, it may not be able to beat them."

"It's all good young people." Not far away, Uchiha and Yu Fei stood in the tree and were watching the situation on the field.

"Yes, they can say that everyone is a genius, and the future achievements will certainly not be low." Uchiha whispered openly.

"Well, it seems that giving them to you is the right decision."

"Oh." Uchiha licked his mouth and smirked.

In the backyard training ground of Uchiha's family, Kashi, and Kakashi fell to the ground almost at the same time. The only red standing on the field began to take care of them.

At this moment, Uchiha suddenly appeared on the field, watching the three of them open: "Yes, you are very good."

"Father, how are you here?" Seeing Uchiha, he stood up.

"Of course I have always been here, I just want to see your strength and combat mode, and then you can teach you according to your characteristics." Uchiha sighed the far end.

"Teacher." The beggars and Kakashi on the side struggled to stand up.

"You are also very good, especially hey, can calmly analyze the rhythm of opponents and battles in battle." Uchiha waved a smile to them.

"Thank you teacher." Hey, hurry, after all, it is a pleasure to be praised by people who admire themselves.

"And Kakashi." Uchiha turned to Kakashi Road.

"Sorry, teacher, I shouldn't ridicule them." Kakashi apologized.

When I heard Kakashi, Uchiha said with a slight smile: "It is also a means to anger the opponent. Since it is far from being irritated by you, it also shows that the far heart is not enough." Then turned to the far.

Far away from Uchiha, he spit out his tongue, and he knows that Uchiha is good for himself, and Kakashi’s strength is indeed above himself, so there is nothing to say.

"Thank you teacher." Kakashi said sincerely.

"Okay, come here today, you have to take a rest tonight, and we will start formal training tomorrow." Uchiha said to them.

"Yes." They answered in unison.

Early the next morning, Uchiha 瞳 鼬 鼬 鼬 鼬 鼬 瞳 瞳 瞳 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇

On the way, these children who have not left the leaves of the woods are inevitably incessant. After yesterday’s battle, they have a certain understanding between them. Kakashi also began to accept them, and their relationship is not As nervous as I was at the beginning.

"The master of the hand is not a medical ninja who is well-respected. It just helped us to deal with it a bit. I didn't expect yesterday's exhaustion and injury to disappear completely." Kakashi looked at his own hand.

"That is of course, my mother's medical level is quite high." Far from holding Kakashi's shoulder and looking proud.

"Before, whether it was my father or my father's injury was treated by my mother."

"Really?" Kakashi wondered.

"Of course." The red side of the side said slyly: "It is very romantic to know the love story of the teacher and the teacher."

Later, they began to talk about Uchiha’s childhood, and Uchiha, who was listening to their gossip with a smile, was happy for the harmony they could get along with.

For a long time, Uchiha took them to a place and introduced them to them: "This is the mysterious forest of Konoha, I was here to cultivate."

"Really?" Far looked at the surrounding curiously. Because no one had come for a long time, the weeds were so thick that you could still see the traces of previous training.

Uchiha said all the way to the scene, then came to a place, suddenly looked at the back of Kakashi and said with a sigh of relief: "I still remember that in this place, I met the first opponent of my life and Friends, he is the father of Kakashi, Qi Mumao.” Uchiha said while stroking the trunk of the tree, the look of memories appeared on his face. At that time, the two teenagers are now famous. The character, but unfortunately Yan Mao is not there.

"What? Here is where the father and the teacher met for the first time?" Kakashi suddenly remembered his from childhood to big, he always worshipped the idol, but made a mistake for his companion And commit suicide.

Seeing that the atmosphere was somewhat suppressed, Uchiha returned to God and said to them: "Well, these are not mentioned before, we will start training now."

"Yes." They sang in unison, and Kakashi also wiped away his tears.

After Uchiha took them to an open space, they said to them: "To bring you here today is to train your ability to survive in the wild. You must know that the battle for the ninja is common in the wild, so you Must adapt to the wild environment, learn to use the environment here, do you understand?"

"Understood." They answered in unison.

"That's good, since I started to assign tasks." Uchiha looked at them.

Yu Zhibo first looked at the analysis and said: "According to yesterday's observation, what you lack now is a more agile skill, so you bring this one hundred laps around here." Uchiha 瞳 瞳 瞳sandbag.

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