One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 640: Festival

Since the squadron took the soldiers to stop the thunder, as a former old opponent, Fei Fei directly competed with Ray Ying after a battle, the results were not announced, but then Lei Ren's army stopped at the wood leaves. Eight?? One Chinese network W=W≠W≈. ≈8=1≠Z=W≥. ≥COM

On the other hand, the partial division led by Orange Water took advantage of the geographical advantage. The guerrilla warfare method has been used to drag the arm of the sand-bearing army in the wood leaf. The army of the sand-bearing for this purpose is exhausted, and the other two allies have not yet seen the wind. Stepping into the territory of the wood leaves, I am afraid of the tricks of the wood leaves, so I also adopt a wait-and-see attitude. I want to determine the specific situation of the wood leaves first, so that the enemy of the wood leaves will only have the most fierce rock to bear.

It can be said that the battle between Muye and Yan Ren is the most intense on the entire battlefield. Both sides come and go, and the wood leaves are led by the big snake pill and the wood leaves that are led by the three generations of the rock. Elite and frequent battles, the casualties of both sides continue to increase, but on the battlefield of the rock, there is a newcomer here, active on the battlefield, and even let the people of Yan Ren think that the second Uchiha Uchiha of the wood leaves And Qi Mumu Mao appeared, he is the golden flash of wood leaves, but also one of the four tolerant of the apprentice wave.

In Yan Yan, there is still a saying that as long as you encounter a golden flash, it is not a shame to give up the task.

It can be seen from this that the feng shui gate is a horror to the people who endure it.

In a large courtyard of Konoha, three teenage teenagers are lying on the grass, and all three are considered handsome guys.

It’s the far, the hustle and the red, the white windbreaker that is wearing the dead, and at this time, the open mouth complained: “I heard that Kakashi’s flying has been promoted to the end, and the older brother is also at the age of twelve. It’s already tolerated, and now I’m still bearing the title of Zhong Ren.”

In fact, now four of the four are far and red are still tolerant.

"Why do fathers want to let Kakashi brother go to the battlefield alone?" continued.

"The teacher does his own thing." The faint sighs next to him, in fact, his heart is also very doubtful.

On the other hand, the red blow said: "Don't blame the teacher again. It should be that he thinks that our strength is not strong enough. You are not as good at it now."

"You, you must know that the weakest of us is you." When I heard the red, I suddenly sat up from the ground and retaliated.

"You, I don't tell you." Red angrily.

In fact, it is also true that far from the four people, the strongest comprehensive strength is 鼬, then Kakashi and Yuan's strength is almost the same, red is the weakest, after all, Red is best at illusion, and the red itself Still a woman.

In the past few years, it has been quite good to see the relationship between the two in the eyes of others. Although the two often bicker, it is also because they are afraid of jokes.

In fact, when the two of them knew that two people had a marriage, the two did not dare to show too close, but despite this, the two were often jokes by Uchiha.

"You are all here, then start training. After all, time is not waiting for idle people." Just as they were squashing, Uchiha suddenly appeared on the field and looked at them.

Seeing that Uchiha appeared, he complained: "Father, Kakashi is not there, and now it has become very boring, and when Kakashi was in the past, every time there was barbecue, I can only eat it now. Now, when will Kakashi brother come back?"

In the past, in order to train Kakashi's knife, Uchiha used to call Kakashi with a wooden knife to cut the large bears, and he could provide barbecue for himself.

At the beginning, Kakashi was injured almost every time. Every time he needed a hand to heal. The victim himself was complained by the master. On several occasions, he said that he should not let Kakashi do such a dangerous thing. Finally, Kakashi still insisted on training and finally killed the animals with wooden knives, so at that time, we almost had a bear paw eating every day, and now I think it tastes delicious.

Uchiha replied, and then looked at the sky and said to himself: "Kakashi? He should be back soon, and there should be a big change."

In the home of Uchiha, there is a room.

"Master." Kakashi said in front of Uchiha, "Thank you, teacher, if you are not, Uchiha's people will not let me bring the eyes with soil."

Uchiha stared at Kakashi’s left eye, which was covered with a protective amount, and sighed: "Are you still feeling guilty for the death of the soil?"

"Yes." Kakashi said with a wry smile: "If it weren't for the death of the soil, I wouldn't realize how ridiculous my thoughts were, because my childishness was dead."

"Kakashi, Yan Mao, he is the strongest opponent I have ever encountered in my life and my best friend, so I know that he is a hero, what is the spirit of our wood leaves, you know?" Uchiha watched Kakashi asked.

When I heard Uchiha’s words, Kakashi immediately asked: “Please enlighten me.”

"Actually, you already have an answer in your heart, aren't you?" Uchiha asked, and then looked at the thoughtful Kakashi and continued: "I just want to tell you, your knife is my and I teach you." And writing the wheel eye is also left with you. I don't want you to abandon any kind. I hope that you can be strong. You and the three people are all rare geniuses. I don't want you because of these things. If you want to make up for your mistakes, even if your father and the soil share your efforts."

"Yes, teacher." Kakashi slammed his head in a respectful manner on the ground.

"Go They are still waiting for you." Uchiha said with a smile: "And see the old place tomorrow, don't be late."

"Yes." Kakashi slammed back.

Kakashi walked out of the room and looked at the blue sky with a soft sigh of relief. "My father still has soil, rest assured, I will continue to work hard with your hopes."

"Kakashi brother?" Just then a voice came from the front, far away from the distance, far from surprise: "It’s really you, great, my father said that you are coming back, I still Do not believe."

"Long time no see." He and Red looked at Kakashi and smiled and looked at Kakashi Road.

"Everyone hasn't seen you for a long time." Kakashi saw far away from their look of concern, and there was a warm flow in their hearts. After all, their first friends, still care about themselves.

"Ah, Brother Kakashi, what's going on with your eyes?" Looking at Kakashi's eyes, he wondered.

"This is the eye with soil." I asked faintly.

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